The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Interesting. I wonder if these are what I brought into the house and put in my tent last fall. They all died in te tent eventually, so no worries, but interesting info.
The "much worse" part of the title is hype. If these are "more aggressive" than ladybugs that might be perfect for gnat control :)



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Then G13 Genius and runt Hippie Crippler are about ready to top, and the seedlings are in recovery I think. the new leaves look better.
All I can figure was bad pH water. Maybe my dumb ass looked at 5.5 and saw 6.5. And then put it in a spray bottle to use for the next few days...
I let them dry out then basically flushed them with proper pH water and a little Big Bloom and they are coming around.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think I may have actually waited a little long on the WG. Leaves that were furry with trichomes have much less, just stubs. Plenty of ambers in what's left on the leaves, but the calyxes throw off everything. It may get chopped tonight.
The HH is almost there. Maybe a few days, maybe one more watering or ice bucket challenge. IMG_7134.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am very pleased with the HC results. if all three are girls I'll have plenty since I don't have more of those seeds.
Plus I have the runt that just got topped, but if it stays true to the strain so far it's a boy. Both the super tall one and the shortest were male.
Might get creative on the shoot-pruning to keep everything fat, but make trimming a little easier. Or just to try different stuff like
- topping the lower shoots that look like they can take it instead of removing them.
- for the ones with smaller first-shoots remove every other set of shoots so they all point in the same direction.
- or removing the shoots left-right-left-right up the stalk so no stem is crowded.
Anyway - I want to make them weird within the parameters of a 4-top, and I know from previous experiments the final weight will be roughly the same unless you get drastic removing shoots.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Repotted the HC, all three girls :) Straight to 5-gallon. After they get established I'll play with training and pruning.IMG_7178.JPG
And I am done woth "Rocks" Organics soil. Shifting back to Happy Frog or trying the Pro-mix. There were large clods of peat/soil/whatever un-mixed. In breaking the clods up several contained a nice little rock collection. Not paying extra for fucking rocks. I wonder if they have the cute camouflage and recommend "plant right in the bag" - so you don't look at the soil?
And the Longbottom Fighter x 3-Headed Dragon by Bad Dawg is down. IMG_7181.JPG
It had a few less limbs than the White Grape, but was within 5g in total weight.
I felt the drying buds on the WG and it is deceptively dense, hard nugs.
This was a very easy trim, and there are almost no leaf-stems left, because it is a little fluffy and easy to dig in there without breaking buds.
I think these will shrink a lot - but end up with gnarly frost foxtails of calyxes. I left the bud petals a little long because I was worried about snipping off goodies.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't know if this is a common practice that I just figgered out on my own, or a new idea to speed up trimming.
First you need to make sure the fan leaf stem is removed as close as possible.
If it was pruned during growth, snip the stub if it hasn't already dried up to a littl brown leaf-bone. When I didn't do this it didn't work as well.
You can just yank the fan leaves off, but watch for hemp-strings that stay attached and pull up the stem. Snip them if they start that shit.
Anyway, after that is done you can see that each nug has three easy to get to leaf stems. These pull right off, no scissors needed.
I use one finger on a gloved-hand to support the nug so I don't pull the whole thing off.

The other thing is that there's a 4th leaf facing the stem. I push the nug away from the stem to snip those stems or trim the leaf.
I think that one wad of greenage jammed against the stem is the biggest culprit for 'composting' and getting mold started.

For what it's worth...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oh - stoner-moment :ROFLMAO:

The way the HH grew out with little foxtail-clumps and huge calyxes, I was able to yank more of the bud leaves off or snip them without prying into stuff.
That was what made it an 'easy trim'. Very little scissor work, except the tips of the little calyx-petals.

I also think the calyx-to-no-leaf ratio will mitigate the fact that it will only be about 2oz when I was guessing three.

Yes, I make up my own words for plant parts sometimes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The sparse big-tent
DCP is turning milky finally
G13 Genius and Hippie runt are doing well, I pruned the dead and dying stuff off the seedlings. Popped one out and they have a decent root-ball, so re-potting will be the next fix. Didn't want to waste soil on them if they weren't gonna make it. IMG_7199.JPG