The James Gang


Heathen Basterd
If this happens a couple more times maybe these nutcases will think twice about a mass murder spree.
Actually if We started to punish violent criminals properly some would be deterred . Give victims families thier choice of punishments as well as the right to carry out whatever punishment they want. Sick fucks would think twice about shooting a place up or fucking with kids if they knew they were going to get Blood Eagled , crucified or flayed .


Heathen Basterd
Saw that, nice shot, guy was on the move as well and he managed to hit his dome. Guess the shooter forgot he was in Texas...

Mental health is the issue here or the parents are the issue, or a combination of both...
I don't believe its all mental fucks , I think there is power behind the upswing of mass shootings , Think about who benefits from gun confiscations . There was just as many crazy fuckers and just as many guns 50 years ago , what has changed? The Globalist goal of disarming all citizens and real time Media.


Just some asshole
I don't believe its all mental fucks , I think there is power behind the upswing of mass shootings , Think about who benefits from gun confiscations . There was just as many crazy fuckers and just as many guns 50 years ago , what has changed? The Globalist goal of disarming all citizens and real time Media.
Prozac and other mind altering drugs for kids and lazy parents is what I see a lot of but you don’t see on the news.
Now days if a kid is a problem it’s up to the doctors to fix him or her when all they need is some discipline in their life. Used to be kids that couldn’t function normally in society without causing problems were taken care of. You didn’t see them again. Same went with molesters and other perverts...

Media has some influence if you have a weak mind I suppose.

I’m not certain that mass shootings are going to push confiscation through. They can try and push whatever bills through but until I start seeing every house in a neighborhood searched they’re pissing into the wind.

The shooter in Texas this time was a felon, felons can’t own guns, yay gun control.
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Just some asshole
I would agree if the first thing out of some politicians and the media's mouths wasn't more gun control after each shooting , The deep state is a real thing and its been proven the last 3 years.
Yeah they need to rectify that for sure, term limits, private investigators, not sure what needs to be done, just don’t let the clintons know you’re doing it 😂


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Tomorrow is the axe. Been milky for a bit with a few ambers on the leaves, but the new stuff is as well now and it has that opaque look to it in general. Silvery looking. Last time soaking the pot the day before seemed to help slow the drying, so I'm doing it again.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The 4th gear took a little longer to be jar-ready without sticking together. I'm still checking it daily just to make sure. But I yanked out all the larf to "cure" separate and try some.

There is no keif. This is some dank stuff, and I found the pinene. Can't really smell it yet but you can taste it. I just did a grinder-full and packed a cone, and what wouldn't fit I kept out to smoke in a bong. The pine/cedar on the exhale is excellent.

The cone may be a waste. Definitely some one-hit stuff. (well, one bowl)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Grow notes.
Didn't show pistils until day 40.

I think that a few weeks of 18/6 first could actually help reveal sex quicker.

My goal is small plants and the shortest time to flip that produces a decent yield. With 4 tops I'd like to average about 1/2 to 3/4 oz per limb, or a 2-3oz plant. Basically looking for efficiency, and running as many testers as I can with a good representation of the strain.

Topping for 4 instead of manifold/mainline did fine. There was one runt limb but I have seen that on mainlines.
Counting nodes as only the ones that produce sprouts (not the cotyledon) I kept nodes 3 and 4. The first two nodes above true (5-blade) leaves. The lower two were underachievers compared to the 4th node.

Limbs were 60g, 100g, 111g, & 124g.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Fat girl she was.
Thanks! :) Definitely a chubby girl!

There will be no larf. But I couldn't leave her like the others to dry with all the leaves on. Too worried about mold. The tops were a tight SOB. Anyway, I'll have my dry-sift today instead of next week. Might just get toasted on it and the scissor hash tonight. Wish there was football. Grew up in NOLA a tigers fan, and have two daughters that are Clemson graduates. Rooting for a 3+ OT game in the championship :)

The difference is between Go Tigers and Geaux Tigers. LOL