The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
She's more furry than pistil-y if you can see what I mean. All the pistils seem soft and lay against the buds instead of poking out like they received electro-shock therapy :)

She gets fed tonight, and since I have room I'm going to untie everything and spread her out then re-secure it. The tomato stake in the middle might be the ticket.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I was pretty much waiting on the big-ass plant to harvest. GAME ON!

I have begun an experiment combining seed with water - let's see what happens!

My super-sophisticated seed-starting set-up. I put 1ml of h2o2 in 30ml of water and dome them to keep the heat in and light out. If you ever see black solo-cups, snag 'em - pretty handy.
This is a tester run of @J.James cross. The BBF is supposedly a tall girl, and the shorter JB was an effort to tame the beast. Running 10 that I have dubbed "Blueberry Biscuit", because "Jelly Freeze" doesn't specify the flavors/aromas that should be in there ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Getting the starter soil ready. I have Black Gold seed-starter soil as the base. Love this stuff. It feels silky, very fine, but a good mix that drains well. I added 1/8c of neem seed meal for a gallon of soil, and tossed in 1/4 tsp of mycorrhizae. IMG_5140.JPG
I am going to add enough water so it sticks together a little, but doesn't clump like mud.

What I am going to try this time is to go ahead and get the cups of soil in the dome on the heat mat today, and see if the environment seems right with that dampness of soil. Then adjust as needed before I drop the seeds in their warm new home :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just a note - about 18hours later and the domed, heat-matted, dirt-cups have stayed at 78f and 89%rH. I think I guessed the soil moisture content close.

All the seeds were floating this morning with h2o2 bubbles floating them, but a few taps to the cup and 7 sank.

After 24hrs they'll go right into the warm soil


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thinking out loud.

I got these from @SCJedi , and my second auction seeds arrive Monday-ish.
I'll be sitting on 15 different reggie strains I haven't tried yet, along with a few fems. Still trying to decide on what to drop when but the fems will wait for now.

My veg tent is only 20 x 30 but has 2 HLG65's so it has plenty of veg light. I can toss a 135 in there if needed.

Plan "A" as it stands is a 2 week cycle until I get my flower spaces full.

2 weeks in cups seeing what pops, getting undomed, see how many get transplanted.
2 weeks in 1gal, top and flip - drop 8, 2 weeks in cups
2 weeks in 12/12 all should be sexed, males culled - 2 weeks in 1gal, top and flip - drop 8, 2 weeks in cups

Only the first 28 days are in the tent, so plenty of room.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Happy happy!
2 access doors, the main "tent-put-together" one and a smaller one on the side. I think the big one will be the primary, so I don't spill plants. Nice to be able to reach the back without crawling in though.
The 40 x 40 gave me more options with pot-size over a 36 x 36 but in reality the 4" on each side doesn't take up that much more space. Also - since my HLG 260V2 will flower a 3x3 easily, and I have to dim them or get plant burn, this has extra height so I can play with that and the intensity to flower the bigger space. I also have the option of using the 2 HLG 135V2's if I need to spread it out a little more to get better coverage. Exactly the same boards, but one driver and heatsink per board for the 135's. And they were on amazon...

This will slide into that space where the fake closet is,
when I rip it out,
after I get the weatherstripping to re-lightproof my closet door,
which should be tomorrow,
so I can move the Hulk in there and get started...

And if you think my stoned ass wont reference that to make sure I don't forget something, you're high


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Using the quart/week ratio for the length of the grow and the pot-size, a 90 day plant should be fine in a 3gal. Since I am not vegging long, I shouldn't have to jump up to a 5gal unless I have a long-flowering plant.

Using the 21-day theory for harvest from brown pistils, if you don't see pistils by day 63 of your grow it should probably go into a 5gal.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
48 hours, put the lights on for the babies at 18/6. Didn't notice any early poppers.

Then I pulled the ParaDiesel and got it bucked and jarred. I don't know if this is the effect of the XB200 "full spectrum" but lower intensity, but I have almost twice the weight in tops that I do in nugs. That's the smaller version of the rolling tray.
That's a 65
There was about a quarter bag of larf I'll play with, and it looks like a massive amount of keif. Doing the dry-trim I had to be careful. after the first limb I noticed a bunch of foxtails in the bin because I was just doing the "bowl-trim" and making it uniform. Half of that "larf" is actually broken off foxtails, the other half is actual tiny nugs.

So with the larf I got over 6 oz, just under for the good stuff :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I may have to find that hash thread and show off :)
I think I'll be Decarbing sometime soon. When I green-trim I usually let the keif dry/cure for a week or so but this has been hanging and drying for about that.
For comparison, the early 4-top was the PD on the left, the 2 on the right are todays. The Black Widow was about the same as the other 4-top. The "mix" is just from the grinder.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Curious, thanks I'm advance
Did groweer make the blue Ripper or Jesse James? No clue what that is - I'm high ;)

And the mystery meat mix strain on strainly, is that part of the royal mystery? Yes. What you get is a mystery, but at least everything he grew that it could be is something that is a known variety. Medium height, <60day flowering, High THC strains with low CBD, that kind of stuff. Looks like it is still a good link.



Heathen Basterd
I got Royal Mystery , PD , 4th gear today, Those J James packs are cool as fuck , useless fact of the day, My GGG Grandfathers Brother grew up a few miles from the James's and was a lifelong Friend of Frank James, Rode with Bloody Bill and Quantrill and hid em out numerous times after the War when they were on the run, Help nurse their Mother back to health after the Pinkertons attack. Now to re read this thread andget some intel on those 3 strains.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got Royal Mystery , PD , 4th gear today, Those J James packs are cool as fuck , useless fact of the day, My GGG Grandfathers Brother grew up a few miles from the James's and was a lifelong Friend of Frank James, Rode with Bloody Bill and Quantrill and hid em out numerous times after the War when they were on the run, Help nurse their Mother back to health after the Pinkertons attack. Now to re read this thread andget some intel on those 3 strains.
I think @J.James said there was a family relation but I've never met him :)

The RM was at the first of the thread, I think I had just harvested. She was a medium size plant, easy grow, stayed healthy (which was a first for me LOL) and was ready in just under 70 days of flower after a one month veg.