The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Did some decarbed Grapefruit, and after much jar-sniffing was inspired to smoke some too. Great buzz and the terps are straight banana candy. The flavor is hard to tell after taco's but it was good. It is going to be a morning/daytime smoke - I want to do stuff.
First I'll post this.
I took tiny clones, but on the Flo Rida I took them from the top and a lower one. On the GSC I took them both low - but not the whole thing. Each had sprouts below the snip to bush out some.

The CLHP clones I got just as pistils popped did not re-veg. They straight up kept coing, perfectly normal leaves up top and they are stretching.
The Mimms (middle) is gonna get ugly leaves ;) Lesson learned - Take flower clones as soon as the pre-flowers pop.
And these all survived the feeding and get to just grow for a few days. The three PTK top left all have the same single-blade leaf on what should be the 3-toe node. One has two little nubs, but no fully separated leaf blades.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Repotted the two giants. Kind of surprised to learn the other tall one was the CLHP, not the second Mimms. Just never looked. Figured the two Mimms would stretch roughly the same. IMG_5056.JPG
So these are the Mimms. Mutt and JeffIMG_5057.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Vin Santo must be an Oilspill leaner rather than Jelly Pie. After it's vented in the jar for a minute, it smells like Grilled fruit. Sour, smoky smell with a sweet undertone, maybe berries. But when you first open the jar the impression I got was "your own fart" 😁 First time terp for me.
There is a rank offgassing at first crack :ROFLMAO: and the funk is real. But it's quick, and it's not a bad funk, but you know it. But it doesn't stink like someone elses fart. It stinks like your own fart. Then it's gone and you're left wondering if anyone else smelled it :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As soon as I flip the current seedlings, I am dropping a bunch of one strain to do a pheno/keeper-clone hunt. I have two Oilspill going now as a point of reference if I get a girl. I have some Purple Jelly Pie and some Vin Santo that are likely candidates. I want to try to get a girl or two from the PJP, then have a mess of the Vin Santo to play with. and see how many pheno's I can find.

I know the Mimms has a tall and a short one and both have an amazing, similar smelling stem rub. Sweet and piney. I didn't get a clone from the short Mimms because everything was stocky and no limbs. I think I'll call it a loss if that one is fire and know what to hunt for later. The tall Mimms clone is looking like it may not have a harsh re-veg, Startingnto grow some with no wierd leaves popping yet. The CLHP are on fire. Keeping the shorter one as a potential mom, flipping the tall one when I flip the babies.
To be honest the Hashplants have been hit or miss with me but there's not much middle ground. The ones I have grown so far have terps galore, but I think that since they are/were bred for hash originally, the terps that are perfect for hash sometimes don't translate as well to smoke. Sometimes they do.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If I didn't already mention it, fuck auto's.

ETHOS GENETICS CHEM-D AUTO bean one of two - not even worth my time and real estate. It is now on the porch and I'll stick it in the garden and see if anything happens. Garden hose water and whatever I feed the 'maters.

ETHOS GENETICS CHEM-D AUTO bean two of two -weak ass plant handled like a baby. Worth exactly what I paid for them (freebies)
Given plenty of room to grow, but it may go in the ground outside too once I up-pot the others. I am really liking these half gallon flimsy-pots that are "disposable" (yeah right :ROFLMAO:) for a transition between the solo cups and the flipping pots. The half size solo cups for starting the beans help too. I am cool with multiple up-pots, and ending up with the trade 2-gallon instead of the trade 1-gallon to flip in will be better. But it keeps them shorter overall having the shorter pots.
I needed to up-pot the GSC and FLoRida so decidions had to be made on the autos. The moms are now in "2-gallon short" nusrery pots, which are about a gallon and a quarter. The pot-math is the same here, keeping stuff short and wide gives you more room to have taller plants. The up-pot has about an inch of new soil all the way around. IMG_5106.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Thanks to lots of reading and video watching - but mostly real world advice from @J.James and a few of you guys, my worms are thriving.
I just use a squirt bottle of RO water to keep this paper moist (with a little food for escapees). 100% shredded grocery bag for now. My only addition to the rig was a piece of window screen on the very bottom. I am barefoot 90% of the time, and there have been no explorers yet ;)
Then a double thickness of bag to keep out light and moisture in. I'll keep this wet with a spray bottle.
So far I have just been using the food to generate moisture down here. I am keeping the food to one side of the bin, but alternating corners.
I gave them a mixed batch of ground up food in one corner, and stuff they have to work for in the other. They are on to the big stuff.
View attachment MVI_5116_Trim.mp4


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just chopped the contest plant, pics over there... but I chopped up all the no-sugar trim and put it on top of the shredded paperfor moisture and food. . I think the idea is that they migrate upwards compost stuff, always staying in the top layer, not living in their shit unless that's the only moisture available.

The coco/soil/paper medium they started with was moist but the excess was gone. The worms and the food have been keeping it there, with the paper as a moisture meter.

Next question for you smart guys:

Can you add indigenous worms to the colony with success or will they battle to the death?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Organic/Garden update.
I don't think the barley likes the heat, but it's still green. If it doesn't grow and seed I might get some straw out of it - or not. I know the concept is good for a fall crop.
Barley is good throughout the grow, But corn is supposed to be good in flower. Similar to coconut water in "good stuff" content. I tossed out some deer-corn for the squirrels about 2 years ago. This year I have a volunteer by the sage in the shaded herb garden. Parsley going to seed as well and from now on anything good with a bunch of seeds gets saved.
I also have several in the yard aside from these, so I quit mowing them down and mulched instead.
So I planted a handfull of good quality corn to see if it can finish before freeze.
Other than the cherry tomatoes, everything had a rough start. the upper portion of all the plants look much better. Put most of the peppers in the dirt since I know they aren't gonna die on me, Cucumbers are soon to be a nuissance harvest along with the cherry tomatoes.
The cherry tomatoes are just insane. easily 10' tall if stretched out, some more, already over the top and on the way back down. Just guiding all the limbs wherever they want to go without breaking. The cucumber that was smothering the Beefsteak has moved on to the roof. It's a few loweer cucumbers from just pruning off all those lower leaves. They seem to die off anyway if old or shaded.
The peas and zuchini didn't do shit, early fruit from both then nothing but sterile flowers. I'm thinking it's a soil pH thing, and I'm not fucking up the soil for those. The clover cover-crop, with a little barley on the edge from the first tea I made.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Forgot about that last pic-stoner. No clue what that is. At first I thought is was a volunteer tomato. Now it's not but I still don't know what it is. In the background is the free-range peppermint. I have an LAB culture (EM1) al;most ready, and I am going to try a fermented plant extract with the peppermint as pest control. I plan to add a jalapeno as well since peppers and garlic are supposed to be good. The next run will be the garlic and some other plant. From what I have read mixing them up keeps the buggies from building up a resistance.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are mostly drinking well. 2 days since soaking (tonight) and they are mostly ready. I made a barley sprout tea for the other plants, and gave them each one time around the pot with a squirt bottle. Most will will get a plain watering tonight, and this watering will probably be the last before up-potting.
These things are great for little plants. The wide mouth for cleaning is the key.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think they would be cool. My red wigglers and earth worms started as rescues from Walmarts bait section along with worms from outside plots that some how got into the pots. There hasn't been a problem yet.
Cool! I'm just starting a compost area outside. and I'll be able to herd some in with the leftovers from the barley teas and such. Lay a piece of wet cardboard over it and wait ;) I have lots of night-crawlers and large earthworms along with the red wigglers local. And with the old-growth hardwoods I have and mushrooms everywhere, I think getting that soil to the inside worms and eventually into my pots will be awesome.

I am going to continue working the soil I have. The pots that have shrooms growing out the bottom have me thinking it's getting good. I'll have enough Build-a-soil to fill one tent generously (between however many pots) but that's the last soil I'm buying.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Harvested the ADub x AC contest plant and it's hanging with just the small sugar leaves attached. The fans got chopped up, the trim dry-sifted then tossed in with that, and the roots got chopped up after I knocked most of the dirt out. Fed it all to the worms except the fat part of the tap-root.

Whatever goodies that plant took out of the soil that I am not smoking are going right back ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Part two of getting my local environment into the plants, and some other stuff. Lactic Acid Bacteria ready to strain
This is the beginning of the fermentation process on several local items masically the same weight of brown sugar and veg/plant material mashed up good, then capped off with a layer of sugar. Got the ginger, garlig and cinnamon from the store. The cinnamon has no sugar yert. dry stuff needsws to rehydrate (in beer) for a day before getting sugar. After 14 days it starts getting vodka and more time. Coffee filter lids to allow airflow.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Found half dozen or so ladybugs so far, there's a few in each tent ;)
Heisenplants are now in the dark. not really counting tomignt for a few hours before I made the call and shut them off. It'll be the 8th when the Contest ADub x AC is dry and then these can get chopped and hang in Granny's wardrobe which would be 3 days or so anyway.
Only one to fade was the Lemon Tree, and it has a nice bumblebee pattern going on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This looks like something out of King Kong. The cut from the Twin Towers Mimms is taking off to, so if this is a winner I'm set.
Pain in the ass tent but everything is doing good. The auto in the middle will may get chopped and hang with the Heisen plants. If not it'll wait until they are dry. Not really worried about it.
This is Mimms, Mimms, CLHP left to right. I don't have a clone for the short Mimms. There were hardly any limbs long enough to take. Poor planning.
This is the CLHP - the Twin Towers was like this just a week or so after flip, but the height difference between the two tall limbs and the two short limbs was more pronounced. I think me chopping the shorties gave some extra height to the two that were left, but not THAT much LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you have messed with the decarbed stuff, I highly recommend trying infused everclear. I did the weed math so that each teaspoon (5ml) *should* have 100mg THC. I used kief instead of flower just so I could use less alcohol to cover it and have a stronger batch.

Weed shots. It mixes perfect with fruit juice, and clouds it up like mixing alcohol or fuel and water. But no oily sheen or anything. I tried Grapefruit, so it's already bitter and harsh, and I tried cranberry. 1ml of the everclear into half a shotglass of juice since I was trying both and wanting roughly 50mg altogether.

It works quicker than edibles but slower than smoking. And whatever that dose was made my ears ring and gave me dry mouth after about 15minutes, and I was officially high. Not disabling at all but I don't know if I'll sleep for a while. Or I might go to bed now. I'm high.

You could definitely make a small trim-hash harvest or leftovers after shucking seeds into some fine liquor.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I am continually harvesting fine flowers, and I can only smoke so much, I have a half-gallon jar (so far) if decarbed flowers. I am thinking that instead of freezer space, fill the jar with weed pretty densely, then fill it with the grain alcohol. I know oil for long term/emergency stash storage is bad because any veg matter left in the oil will eventually make it turn rancid. I cannot see that happening with 95% alcohol.

I am going to fill that jar and let it sit for a while before straining then leave a little of the flower in a small jar. I usually run it all through a coffee filter. Give it some time and see.