The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Except a pre-jar smoke report - DAMN!

I put it under vacuum for a bit with an rH pack to see if there was any drastic weight loss and it is ready for cure. The smell is tough to isolate but AWESOME. It's a sweet/pine but there's a sharp something to it, like citrus but not quite.

Umami :p like the Sangria Cookies but different - it has that 'edible' smell. candy/food/fruit/berry but on the tangy side.

I'm bowl puffing and going for the gusto as I review - beware

This is mostly pistils single calyxes and kief. Not much greenage.
Sweet with a little Christmas Tree on the inhale, and there is a bite like citrus peel as well.
So that might be something that comes out in the cure.
Definitely does not taste like something I just chopped a few days ago, probably because of the lack of foliage.


Ok - this is gonna be fun weed. I am high but there is a sativa feel to this.
Probably why it grew in tall skinny nuggy-tops instead of fat buds.:unsure::rolleyes:🤦‍♂️
Crafting a second bowl...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Probably the last you'll hear from me for a while - or I may write a book - who knows? 🤷‍♂️
I gave it s gentle grind to mix it - notice how clean the grinder bottom is? everything tapped right out, no brushing required.
Then I started packing the second bowl
Then I cheated. I dumped the tray back into the grinder
and bryshed all the kief from the tray in...
But since I needed to see if any of the pictures came out I figured I'd share in case this puts me out of commission LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On other plants I would have pruned most of these to prevent crowding. If each one is going to have stretch and good node spacing it'll create its own room. I got rid of the last of the main trunk non-fanning single-blade leaf things
and have this left
Which actually looks like a weed plant now
Wierd re-veg cup-leaves on most of the stems. Some of those will sprout at some point, some will do nothing. IMG_2355.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The bagseeds got their first feeding at about one month old. One tsp of "Jump Start" scratched in and watered. The little can I left in there since methods are frequently overlooked on here. IMG_2361.JPG
I have a 1000ml small pitcher I use to dip water from the 5gallon bucket, with a nice pour spout for filling the 1000ml watering can. Every bit of water that has hit my plants in the last year or so has been through that little can, 1 quart at a time. And I have a huge 2' wire wisk I use to keep the bucket agitated while I water.

And this is all the run-off I have. As it drains it might fill half the tray because the 1gal pots can take a quart when dry. and they weren't quite. But in an hour or so I'll go back in and dump any that's still there. I rarely have to dump any because the soil or plant or both will suck it back up in that hour.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Blueberry Freeze has been a challenge to cure. I let it dry an extra day after I would normally jar it, rH seemed fine, but those fat tops and really thick foliage were not a good combo. I had to go back and mutillate the big buds to get all the leaf stems and stuff I had just trimmed close to the bud.
Nice purple tones, smells sweet and tangy, but no berries yet. slight hint of fuel.
You can see the leaves that are staying green/purple. I just did a crappy job trimming.
But here's the upside. I got another handfull of frosty foliage and junk. I have a 220m 'work' screen for dry-sift that I just toss all my trim trash, bud stems, and the soft stuff that stays in the top of the grinder. This is just from that re-trimming


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Sangria Cookies was one, it has this sweet-n-sour fermented fruit thing going on 😋 and now I have a some Grapefruit and God's Gift from Hillbilly Bob ready to get wet soon. Same guy that did the Hippie Crippler. Northern Lights fems as well. I gotta get the Grapfruit in the tent soonest, but the rest drop next.

Then the two Baguettes crosses (Croquembouche and the just pic'd HQ) which are crazy strong, and two complete ends of the spectrum. CQ will give you the DQ and then the TKO... The Homecoming Queen will keep you busy all night 🤣

The Blueberry Freeze is pretty and sweet, but the Minnesota Muffin smells like a Blueberry PopTart. Stuff just keeps getting better!