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Insanely Active Member

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
It's been hectic around the feeder lately, makes it tough for clear shots.
Literally 2 seconds ago there were 5 of them there!
A few pics where they posed for me....
View attachment 127318View attachment 127319View attachment 127320View attachment 127321View attachment 127322

I've always had hummingbird feeders around, love these little guys!
Ya they quick little fellas...
My parents house my mom has like at least 20-30 of em each year.. She loves them...
Around here the males have the reddish/orange heads with females grey with white on necks...
Never seen any with a purple/violet heads tho..
Kool stuff✌


Just some dude


Great shots! I'm sure it was tricky lol. Was this with your phone?
Nikon D5000

Ya they quick little fellas...
My parents house my mom has like at least 20-30 of em each year.. She loves them...
Around here the males have the reddish/orange heads with females grey with white on necks...
Never seen any with a purple/violet heads tho..
Kool stuff✌
These are all Anna's hummingbirds, they are local and hang around all year.
I've seen them do their mating ritual a few times.
The Males fly up completely out of sight and scream down as fast as they can fly.
They get to where the females are perched and do a hard 180 making clicking and chirping sounds.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Nikon D5000

These are all Anna's hummingbirds, they are local and hang around all year.
I've seen them do their mating ritual a few times.
The Males fly up completely out of sight and scream down as fast as they can fly.
They get to where the females are perched and do a hard 180 making clicking and chirping sounds.
Badass pics man...
I've heard them do the chirping sounds but only when they was fighting /chasing other males away from feeders...
Never seen the wam bam thank u mam ritual tho.. lol
Such a wide variety of colors and I've also heard they was good for insects ..


My pleasure man!
Seen something the other day I've never seen before.

5 of them just buzzing and feeding, 1 male is perched at the feeder with his head straight up in the air....dead still!
He's not moving at all while the females are fluttering around him.
All of a sudden a female perches right next to him, he's not moving.
She hovers by him, then grabs him by the legs and jerks him off of the feeder.
They both flutter to the deck, when they land he is face down beak flat to the floor.
She stands there on his back and pins him down for a few seconds then flies off.
He just lays there motionless so I walk close to him, he then takes of like a bullet.
Crazy birds!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't put out a feeder but I get hummingbirds all over the garden when stuff is in bloom. I have house wrens and Carolina wrens that are my clowns. The Carolinas like scratching around mulch and eating bugs and seeds. The house wrens are the alarm clocks like roosters - so if I could just get them to lay lots of eggs they's be tiny chickens.


Just some dude
This has got me thinking of my old place where the birds were almost tame to me.
I could get right up on them for pics.
Sorry if I'm clogging up this thread with old shots......

They eat spiders and their webs!
View attachment 127325View attachment 127326View attachment 127327View attachment 127328

Caught this girl taking a bath....View attachment 127331View attachment 127329View attachment 127330
Beautiful birds. That camera has nice photo quality. Your not clogging anything up, if anything you are blessing this thread with some great shots! Thanks for sharing.


This has got me thinking of my old place where the birds were almost tame to me.
I could get right up on them for pics.
Sorry if I'm clogging up this thread with old shots......

They eat spiders and their webs!
View attachment 127325View attachment 127326View attachment 127327View attachment 127328

Caught this girl taking a bath....View attachment 127331View attachment 127329View attachment 127330
My wife and I love watching the hummingbirds at the feeder we hang off the back deck.