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I'm dealing with the same thing. I cleared an old firepit last year and am having trouble filling in the gap. The birds and chickens are a battle lol.
View attachment 127867

Waiting for more sprouts
View attachment 127868
Seed the shit out of it, cover it with loose straw, and water it. It will look like hot garbage for awhile but the straw will keep the birds away from the seeds and will also hold in the moisture speeding up the germination.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I seeded and raked the them in, covered the area in old goat/chicken bedding, sprinkled more seed on top of that, and covered the whole plot with fresh hay last spring (literally to the day).

I think buying the cheap bulk "contractor mix" was the biggest factor. Genetics matter lol.

I think going with the state DOT mix they use in road construction will be my best bet. I have a local feed and seed that sells it. It's more expensive
but will be better at putting roots in the ground.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I went out to get a pic of the wasp nest in my shed doorway. Just a metal shed and this is on the inside. When I open the door you'd think they would swarm, but I know they are there and we are cool.
They just had babies. You can just see the little egs they are covering up.
I also have these and lots of other wasps - and I haven't been stung in years. One of these landed on me to drink sweat and I almost freaked.
I have little house wren and other mini-bird nests everywhere. Can't use the watering can this year
I don't know if the birds ever laid the eggs here or if they realized ir would heat up like an oven in summer... The garden lizzard loves it.


Just some dude
I went out to get a pic of the wasp nest in my shed doorway. Just a metal shed and this is on the inside. When I open the door you'd think they would swarm, but I know they are there and we are cool.
View attachment 127881
They just had babies. You can just see the little egs they are covering up.
View attachment 127882
I also have these and lots of other wasps - and I haven't been stung in years. One of these landed on me to drink sweat and I almost freaked.
View attachment 127880
I have little house wren and other mini-bird nests everywhere. Can't use the watering can this year
View attachment 127883
I don't know if the birds ever laid the eggs here or if they realized ir would heat up like an oven in summer... The garden lizzard loves it.
View attachment 127884
Great pics! That wasp is trippy looking. I'd probably freak out with that thing slurping on me. 🤣


Insanely Active Member
I went out to get a pic of the wasp nest in my shed doorway. Just a metal shed and this is on the inside. When I open the door you'd think they would swarm, but I know they are there and we are cool.
View attachment 127881
They just had babies. You can just see the little egs they are covering up.
View attachment 127882
I also have these and lots of other wasps - and I haven't been stung in years. One of these landed on me to drink sweat and I almost freaked.
View attachment 127880
I have little house wren and other mini-bird nests everywhere. Can't use the watering can this year
View attachment 127883
I don't know if the birds ever laid the eggs here or if they realized ir would heat up like an oven in summer... The garden lizzard loves it.
View attachment 127884
keep a close eye on birds and such, may be my old skull but birds english sparrows and such seem to be smaller in the past ten years ,than they were when i grew up in the 60's ! even your copperhead don't seem to have the size i rember.


Insanely Active Member
View attachment 127745View attachment 127746
Heres the mighty Mississippi that's 2 mins from my place... My kids and I also come here to fish for the man sized catfish that's in there...
That rattle trap of a bridge is coming down within next couple yrs with a new one... Right side I'm on is Illinois, left side is Missouri...

Just thought I'd share, hope it's in right
all of us will be glad to see that one replaced, just not sure the new modulaur design is up to the life span of the old stuff.


Insanely Active Member
Can't count all of the copperheads I've killed as a youth.
Quite a few 3+ footers, never thought about a hat band.
That would've been really cool.
i was moveing fence post to a trailer, got to the last two rows, the more post i moved the more of them, i saw at that age, i was more used to a shovel than a ax.Rolled the last three post off the bottom layer ,went to work, a good sharp shovel will do wonders in a den of em. dad stopped the dozer and wants to know why the post aren't loaded, he took 1 look at my kill site, i spent the rest of the day on the dozer with him ,i couldn't even bring my shovel !after that it didn't bother me to , use the chainsaw file on my shovel.i have spent hours cleaning mud ,gravel , rocks , from around the rollers for the tracks, that clay mix is hell to move after it drys you need a spud bar and shovel, to remove that crap!
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Insanely Active Member
@TreeFarmerCharlie I quit putting out the feeders because I always forgot to change it and they would start getting nasty - didn't want to do more harm than good. I have hummingbirds still, but they visit the flowers on my peas and such. I planted a lot more suitable flowers this year.
mom didn't like the wood hand rail ,turning dark under the feeder!


@TreeFarmerCharlie I quit putting out the feeders because I always forgot to change it and they would start getting nasty - didn't want to do more harm than good. I have hummingbirds still, but they visit the flowers on my peas and such. I planted a lot more suitable flowers this year.
Yeah, we used to be horrible about changing it out, but I’ve been pretty good about just making regular sugar water and swapping it out every week.


Insanely Active Member
keep a close eye on birds and such, may be my old skull but birds english sparrows and such seem to be smaller in the past ten years ,than they were when i grew up in the 60's ! even your copperhead don't seem to have the size i rember.
the big one's around here ,when i was younger were used for belt coverings. then it got down to hat bands in the 70's. a lot of that may have everyone running the highway to find them, instead of that cool dark spot under big rocks and log piles!
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