Our place in the Cosmos

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Really Active Member
If this information is to be digested and accepted by the masses, I certainly went about spreading this in the wrong fashion and in an abusive way, I appreciate you calling me out on my behaviour. I'll try not to discuss such subjects with vitriol for the sake of maintaining a healthy environment conducive to the spread of valuable information and skills.

I wouldn't want to replicate the shithole that exists on "rollitup" right on these forums.

I need to be more mindful of others and my own speech.
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If this information is to be digested and accepted by the masses, I certainly went about spreading this in the wrong fashion and in an abusive way, I appreciate you calling me out on my behaviour. I'll try not to discuss such subjects with vitriol for the sake of maintaining a healthy environment conducive to the spread of valuable information and skills.

I wouldn't want to replicate the shithole that exists on "rollitup" right on these forums.

I need to be more mindful of others and my own speech.
I have a question for you since you are of "Jewish" decent.
Is it true, the letters of the Torah, each letter represents a pc of a 2D image of a "Torus field"?


Really Active Member
What I learned was that the star of David is actually a holy symbol depicted throughout nature, and if you get high enough,.you will see fractals of this geometric pattern, similar to a DMT fractals.


Really Active Member
These meta-materials can be constructed to resonate at "frequencies" which produce effects not seen in nature otherwise. (Hence term metamaterial).


I have more data to share regarding this phenomena when can find it, it's pretty cutting edge stuff studied at MIT, they were studying potential fuselage materials and the effects of electrically charged materials and antigravity effects they exhibit, an array of materials that appear like the star of david had the strongest adherence.


There's all kinds of information about this kinda stuff.
Has to do with your senses. from light waves, sound, vibration and the flower of life etc. Egyptian texts, manuscripts to ley lines(19.5 etc. )
I get in to that kinda stuff and the megaliths and why they were built where they are.
You're into the future and I study the past.
God's most famous line I Am That I Am

I Am That???
I Am?
I Am That!
I Am!!!!!!!!
Yep! Makes sense that way.
Moses and Mushrooms= Manna from Heaven


Truth Seeker
The truth is slowly being released, it's what I've waited for since I was a kid watching watching X-Files, so funny how they were always right about the religious crazies being infested in the government.
For sure right! Actually they had a lot right in the fullness of time. I was just rewatching X-Files recently


Really Active Member

Read carefully, exon is working with Google to start nuclear fusion in America, as a competitive measure against China, who discovered this and plan to compete with us economically for the same clean energy from a simple source- stardust aka Tritium and deuterium

China already built a functionial artificial sun aka fusion reactor that does not require a "Tokamak" to function aka magnetically contained fusion core/design.

China bypassed the Russian/soviet designed fusion reactor aka "tokamak" using their own research and their material failures like chernobyl were never repeated as such.


Really Active Member
This is disclosure via capitalists. When they look to invest, follow the fucking 💰!

This is a giant move via capitalists to move towards fusion energy.


Really Active Member
Soviet design, potential soviet failure of fusion energy.

d41586-021-00408-1_18878226.jpg model

Schematic 2A-schematic-tokamak-figure-courtesy-of-C-Brandt.png
Schematic 3Schematic-view-of-a-Tokamak-fusion-reactor-1.png
Schematic 4gpawg-tokamaks-1.jpg


Really Active Member
These were built and tested as a part of the later cold war efforts towards free energy/energy. Soviets economy failed to produce this as it collapsed in 1989, the economy.could no longer produce the means to create this and power the intelligentsia who thought it up. Supply chains fell, economies fell after 1989 that could have produced this aka modern China 🇨🇳

We moved to petro dollar to kick the gold standard of monetary value(gold backed reserves pay for your legal tender) depending on nations currency this value was based on gold, it no longer is it's based on pil production if you are American.

This is exon saying we need to move away fast to compete with China and to combat climate related environmental collapse.

We can no longer run a world economy based in fossil fuels, aka current methods, china has poisoned the world using these methods and is transition to clean fuels aka green new deal type fuels aka fusion nuclear and this is capitalists aka admitting they know how to get it done. Exon, that's right, monopolistic known as exon are investing to move over to newly discovered tech, which works, is reproducible... (in China) soon in America.

The tic tac ufo phenomena explained-

Tic-tacs aka ufos aka uap are actually Northrup designed technology to counteract hypersonic missiles produced by 🇨🇳. This is our defense system producing modern cold war/nuclear war preventative measures.

Get thenrockets before they reach us here.

Hypersonic technology.
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Really Active Member
Understood. My ego got the worst of me I apologize.
Reflective disclosure is a model of social criticism proposed and developed by philosopher Nikolas Kompridis. It is partly based on Martin Heidegger's insights into the phenomenon of world disclosure, which Kompridis applies to the field of political and social philosophy. The term refers to practices through which we can imagine and articulate meaningful alternatives to current social and political conditions, by acting back on their conditions of intelligibility. This could uncover possibilities that were previously suppressed or untried, or make us insightfully aware of a problem in a way that allows us to go on differently with our institutions, traditions.


Really Active Member
I failed the important "reflective" part of reflective disclosure process, and it's for everyone here to see in full.


Really Active Member
We have to work with China to effectively achieve "reflective disclosure" aka combat climate change and societal/ecological collapse.


Really Active Member
This is the next big cultural exchange we need to encourage, we are all connected, and we do not aliens for this to work, just solidarity, effective communication and pathy for those who lack said information(those ignorant of facts).

I retaliated like a child who thought he knew enough, this data shows I know next to nothing. We all do.

Thank you mods for checking my overactive ego.


Really Active Member
Copy pasted from popular mechanics/science journal

"China's Artificial Sun Just Smashed a Fusion World Record"

Fusion World Record
The formidable reactor reached 120 million degrees Celsius for an astounding 101 seconds


Really Active Member
Copy pasted

A current popular mechanics/science journal

June 6th dated 2022(new)

"China's Artificial Sun Just Smashed a Fusion World Record"

China’s “artificial sun” tokamak has sustained a plasma reaction for a whopping 101 seconds at 120 million degrees Celsius, setting new records in the field of nuclear fusion. The breakthrough could pave the way for a carbon-neutral energy future.

You love nuclear. So do we. Let’s nerd out over nuclear together.
EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak), or HT-7U, is a custom-built fusion reactor that has operated in different phases since 2006. Like many of the world’s tokamak experiments, EAST has reached fusion before. As a refresher, inside the donut-shaped (or, sometimes, more spherical) containment of a tokamak, sun-hot plasma swirls in a circle that’s held in place by supercooled electromagnets.

This magnetic field is the only thing floating between 360-million-degree plasma and a bunch of human-made materials that obviously can’t sustain that temperature. The plasma results from smashing different nuclei together, fusing them rather than splitting them.

This requires a huge energy investment, which critics say means fusion will never really get off the ground. And so far, all tokamaks work for just a scant few seconds at lower temperatures before something goes wrong.
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Really Active Member
This powered a fuselage that contains the power of a star.

Electromagnetism is mechanism to "control" Fusion energy along with meta materials fueled by moon dusts_solar flare fuel

Aka based on a reactor using tritium and deuterium gases_isotopes the sun spits out and are stable isotopes, yes the same stuff.t that's powering our very sun!/star can provide us with earthbound energy.


Really Active Member
Article reads continued:

This is why EAST—which just properly “turned on” last December—running for 101 seconds at 120 million Celsius is such a huge deal. It’s a double whammy: a very long runtime at an extraordinarily high temperature. In 2018, the tokamak reached 180 million degrees Fahrenheit, or about 82 million degrees Celsius. But back then, EAST could only sustain the plasma for around 10 seconds.

That’s not hot enough or long enough, but 120 million degrees Celsius and 101 seconds, which EAST achieved in late May, certainly are. So, this is a record for both the required power-generating temperature and the duration for keeping the temperature at a stable level.
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