Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Moose cocks, or bust
I’m ok with Algee as long as it’s away from roots….hey it beats spending hundreds of dollars on drainage that u got
Says the guy who got sucked into a $1500 single fucking light hahaha

ill take drainage over a light that can be bought for 1/4 you fucking dumb kid


Full send….always
You know that is probably just leaking under the foundation, right? "Fixing" a water main leak that way is just asking for massive damage (like a sink hole forming under your foundation).
Dosent matter…… floor drain has 50 gal go down it every 2 days for the past 3 and some change years….. so sinking…… house is on a hill so it’s all drained away….. also the leak was not u set the sla….. it was in the connection to the meter


Moose cocks, or bust
Dosent matter…… floor drain has 50 gal go down it every 2 days for the past 3 and some change years….. so sinking…… house is on a hill so it’s all drained away….. also the leak was not u set the sla….. it was in the connection to the meter
Are you this fucking stupid? Floor drain is connected to a pipe to take water away from the foundation, a leaky wall goes into the foundation.


Full send….always
It hear it dosent….no pipe….. just gravel under the slab it drains into….. also….again…. You fucking retard….. the leak was from the connection off the main going into the meter…. Not a fucking leak under the slab…. U fucking simpleton….. the slow drops drained right into the floor drain


It hear it dosent….no pipe….. just gravel under the slab it drains into….. also….again…. You fucking retard….. the leak was from the connection off the main going into the meter…. Not a fucking leak under the slab…. U fucking simpleton….. the slow drops drained right into the floor drain
There is more than likely a concrete channel that gravel is in that feeds into a drainage pipe. Builders don't drain straight into gravel under a foundation. That's how massive lawsuits happen.


Moose cocks, or bust
It hear it dosent….no pipe….. just gravel under the slab it drains into….. also….again…. You fucking retard….. the leak was from the connection off the main going into the meter…. Not a fucking leak under the slab…. U fucking simpleton….. the slow drops drained right into the floor drain
Holy fuck you’re dumb, but all of us already know this.


Really Active Member
You may just have clay weeping tile if it’s old, in which case it’s probably all cracked to shit,
But also remember, this is the guy that ignores his wife, kids and animals for a full year to try and learn to grow cannabis.
Fair enough, but I’d hate to see a guy cause a bunch of damage unknowingly, now that he’s been told it’s on him. Leaking from the meter or not, it’s still making its way back down the outside of the supply line.


Really Active Member
Hey kid, do you know what crepping is? That’s your main issue imo, you’re on border line nitrogen toxicity, I bet your leaves feel all rough n shit, run you hands on them if you’re hearing scratches I’d back off on the nitrogen, and of course your plant is root bound, that’s why is weeping downwards, LST is for autos, now you can’t up can it, which it needs asap.


Moose cocks, or bust
Hey kid, do you know what crepping is? That’s your main issue imo, you’re on border line nitrogen toxicity, I bet your leaves feel all rough n shit, run you hands on them if you’re hearing scratches I’d back off on the nitrogen, and of course your plant is root bound, that’s why is weeping downwards, LST is for autos, now you can’t up can it, which it needs asap.
Oh you never seen his video over on the farm? He purposely poisoned his plant with h2o2 in turn for rapid root growth.


Dont Need One
Shit worked…. Rooted out a 6 gal coco pot in 9 weeks….going Mia until chop…..byeeeeeeeeee
Did you say you rooted out a 6 gallon pot in 9 weeks? Son I root 5 gallon dirt pots in 3 weeks with hard tap water and dynagro. Here's a 3 week root ball in a 5 gallon bucket before flip at 3 weeks into veg.


On a side note you guys do me a favor and don't mention anyone's kids or family.


Finally on a roll....
It just came to me how smart he is.... compared to riu this place has some pretty elite dudes kicking around here disiplines and genetics and manners. .. over there a noob would stroll in every second and another noob would pretend for a minute to care and then say you need more cal mag. This guy is getting hit over the head with guys teaching him the ropes. Not just sending him down the Road with top noob antidotes..
Well played...


The Laziest
You've done a great job of setting up why I think the next generation of performance improvement in indoor gardening isn't coming from the lights, but rather the climate control system.

Do you not see a substantial increase in HVAC power consumption from running HID vs LED?
I have to say as a LED user coming from 2 1k SE HPS/MH that my energy bill went down a lot as well. But not just cause of bloom. More cause of veg and being able to dim my lights down to 150 watts for veg. 1k watt MH to that was a huge savings. During bloom i'm using 1200 watts for 5x10 vs 2000 watts.
In HVAC I was running the old style inline fans. I ran a 8inch exhaust and 2 6" active intakes. They ran full blast all the time. Moving to the AC infinity's cut my electric usage down a lot as well.


Dont Need One
I have to say as a LED user coming from 2 1k SE HPS/MH that my energy bill went down a lot as well. But not just cause of bloom. More cause of veg and being able to dim my lights down to 150 watts for veg. 1k watt MH to that was a huge savings. During bloom i'm using 1200 watts for 5x10 vs 2000 watts.
In HVAC I was running the old style inline fans. I ran a 8inch exhaust and 2 6" active intakes. They ran full blast all the time. Moving to the AC infinity's cut my electric usage down a lot as well.
I would say a 750 double ended is about the same as a 1000 SE. I personally never liked the se bulbs. The dimming capabilities are good for sure with the LED. There are definitely some savings , I just don't think it is as much as what some let on to be.