Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Moose cocks, or bust
Oh now u wanna throw down ……you k ow what….. I’m not Guna talk shit to some one grabbing their balls and getting after it……. I’m down….. I’ll veg as long as I need to to pull maximum biomass….. u have a lot less vertical restrictions than I have so it will be Easy for you to beat me….. I’m Guna veg 10 weeks from seed or clone….depending if I fuck these up or not….I’m down either way what’s good?
You’re a joke dude. You play by my fucking rules for this comp kiddo


The Laziest
Regardless he’s taking time out of his day and putting forth effort….which is a hell of a lot more than all you fucking trolls are doing….all you do is talk shit……. shit talking without walking is some bitch shit….you must all eat at the same table….. I know I’m an arrogant motherfucker …I know I talk more Shit than a cars salesman…..but at the end of the day I’m still here….. I’ll eat a fucking bullet before I pull some bitch Shit…..I also know how to man up and swollen my pride and not only admit I was wrong but also apologize…… bk got called out and talked shit the whole way….. he bitched up…..their was a few times that it could have Ben patched up but mob mentality got the better of him…..28.35 is the type of dude to talk shit in jail and cry like a bitch when they walk in his cell for “court”… much as I wanna throw down with bk theirs something in him I respect….28.35….you can get this work….I got ZERO respect for you my guy
I have 2 5x5 tents that are on day 32 of bloom. You'll eat a bullet before you pull some bitch shit? Get to eating dumbass, this entire post is bitch shit. You got on here, tried to hype some crap, got called on it, acted like a bitch, got called on that and here we are 13 pages later... Clean your grow room.


Full send….always
This grow…I’ll pick a branch and I’ll throw a tag on it and separate it from the rest when I’m hang drying……. Everyone can guess how much that “larf” stick is when it’s dry…….then I’ll make a video and snap the buds off it into a scail. Guys….see….I can be nice


Full send….always
And we aren't trolls. We are all those other kids on the playground showing up to watch the fight.
Cheering for any side is still cheering……not Guna be mad for stoking up the fire lol as long as it’s done with a Leve of non disrespect…. But by all means….. if I lose…… rip my fucking throat out…..