Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Full send….always
Nice. So your plant is much smaller than your photo would lead one to believe. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Time and time again u say one thing…I prove you wrong…..the plants 4 foot edge to edge so that’s a lie……. You said my shits not dry so I snapped stems on video so that was a failed attempt to undermine me….u said my rents bigger than what I said it was, that was proven wrong…. Anything besides that u want me to prove u wrong on? Let me know bud ok


Full send….always
I think what amazes me most after being here a few years is that @Heisenbeans is actually entertaining this kid, and also expending effort prepping for a contest that will likely never start.
I ain’t no fucking bitch….and clearly nether is mr.white…… we are both a type personality’s that clearly have no issue throwing the fuck down…….this shits Guna happen……bet


Full send….always
At least he has the fucking testicular fortitude and grit to buckle down and prove his worth man to man…..I gotta respect him for that……cuz all u pussys do is talk talk talk….no walk……..if I get my shit pushed in by him I’m cool….if I win that’s cool too….. I just want a Head to head….. no one at Riu was about that life…… so I surfed around…..and hear we are…….


The Laziest
He's not proving his worth, hes clowning you. And the fact that you cant see that is immensely entertaining. I mean you say "no walk"? Everyone here has a grow journal posted on this site.... LOL. You dont a head to head. You just want someone to justify your shit growing too... and No.... Here we are cause this site aint banned you're ass yet.


At least he has the fucking testicular fortitude and grit to buckle down and prove his worth man to man…..I gotta respect him for that……cuz all u pussys do is talk talk talk….no walk……..if I get my shit pushed in by him I’m cool….if I win that’s cool too….. I just want a Head to head….. no one at Riu was about that life…… so I surfed around…..and hear we are…….
You don't get it...While this seems to mean everything to you, people who have been growing for years just don't give a shit about hitting larger then normal yields. It's already been proven that pushing plants to their limits has negative effects on the overall quality of the flower. So, unless you don't care about quality, and are just pushing flower out the door to sell, then there is no point in doing what you are doing. You aren't a scientist, man, so just stop acting like you are on to something that seasoned and college educated horticulturists and botanists don't already know about. I honestly don't understand why so many younger growers think they somehow have managed to figure out some secret to growing weed that nobody else knows about. Cannabis is a plant and there isn't anything super different about it, compared to other plants, when it comes to growing.


Moose cocks, or bust
I went back through and he has the plant listed as Mimosa Evo, from Barney's. I'm not sure how you would even select the right pheno for a single plant competition with only 3 runs under his belt. Finding that spectacular yielder is harder than finding the smelly pheno, tallest, shortest etc.
And this is why everyone thinks he’s a joke I guess 🤷‍♂️
At least he has the fucking testicular fortitude and grit to buckle down and prove his worth man to man…..I gotta respect him for that……cuz all u pussys do is talk talk talk….no walk……..if I get my shit pushed in by him I’m cool….if I win that’s cool too….. I just want a Head to head….. no one at Riu was about that life…… so I surfed around…..and hear we are…….

Can you please start a journal for your 3.672 pound plant you have going right now bitch boy?

I’d love to see weekly updates on the biggest indoor plant ever grown in a tent in the world.


Full send….always
He's not proving his worth, hes clowning you. And the fact that you cant see that is immensely entertaining. I mean you say "no walk"? Everyone here has a grow journal posted on this site.... LOL. You dont a head to head. You just want someone to justify your shit growing too... and No.... Here we are cause this site aint banned you're ass yet.
Regardless he’s taking time out of his day and putting forth effort….which is a hell of a lot more than all you fucking trolls are doing….all you do is talk shit……. shit talking without walking is some bitch shit….you must all eat at the same table….. I know I’m an arrogant motherfucker …I know I talk more Shit than a cars salesman…..but at the end of the day I’m still here….. I’ll eat a fucking bullet before I pull some bitch Shit…..I also know how to man up and swollen my pride and not only admit I was wrong but also apologize…… bk got called out and talked shit the whole way….. he bitched up…..their was a few times that it could have Ben patched up but mob mentality got the better of him…..28.35 is the type of dude to talk shit in jail and cry like a bitch when they walk in his cell for “court”… much as I wanna throw down with bk theirs something in him I respect….28.35….you can get this work….I got ZERO respect for you my guy


Full send….always
this is how I know your a bitch 28.35….. many times you called me out…..every time I proved you wrong and you immediately tried to sign a different angle to attack from


Moose cocks, or bust
Regardless he’s taking time out of his day and putting forth effort….which is a hell of a lot more than all you fucking trolls are doing….all you do is talk shit……. shit talking without walking is some bitch shit….you must all eat at the same table….. I know I’m an arrogant motherfucker …I know I talk more Shit than a cars salesman…..but at the end of the day I’m still here….. I’ll eat a fucking bullet before I pull some bitch Shit…..I also know how to man up and swollen my pride and not only admit I was wrong but also apologize…… bk got called out and talked shit the whole way….. he bitched up…..their was a few times that it could have Ben patched up but mob mentality got the better of him…..28.35 is the type of dude to talk shit in jail and cry like a bitch when they walk in his cell for “court”… much as I wanna throw down with bk theirs something in him I respect….28.35….you can get this work….I got ZERO respect for you my guy
LULZ is all I have to say



Full send….always
Anyone can sit in Stands and run their mouth….. there’s more open slots in this competition for anybody else here talking shit wants to throw down if I’m really is bad as you are say I am it shouldn’t be too hard for you to beat me should it? And if I lose I’m not gonna be on some bitch shit like you guys are…. I ain’t going ghost …..I’ll man up….


Moose cocks, or bust
Anyone can sit in Stands and run their mouth….. there’s more open slots in this competition for anybody else here talking shit wants to throw down if I’m really is bad as you are say I am it shouldn’t be too hard for you to beat me should it? And if I lose I’m not gonna be on some bitch shit like you guys are…. I ain’t going ghost …..I’ll man up….
I’ll do a 4x8 comp with you, fuck this 2 month veg single plant bullshit.


Anyone can sit in Stands and run their mouth….. there’s more open slots in this competition for anybody else here talking shit wants to throw down if I’m really is bad as you are say I am it shouldn’t be too hard for you to beat me should it? And if I lose I’m not gonna be on some bitch shit like you guys are…. I ain’t going ghost …..I’ll man up….
Most of us aren't saying you are a shit grower, we are just saying the numbers you gave for your 2lb grow didn't line up with how the plant looked.


Moose cocks, or bust
2 lights, 4x8 flower space

I’ll wait until after heisen embarrasses you, then we can roll.


Full send….always
I’ll do a 4x8 comp with you, fuck this 2 month veg single plant bullshit.
Oh now u wanna throw down ……you k ow what….. I’m not Guna talk shit to some one grabbing their balls and getting after it……. I’m down….. I’ll veg as long as I need to to pull maximum biomass….. u have a lot less vertical restrictions than I have so it will be Easy for you to beat me….. I’m Guna veg 10 weeks from seed or clone….depending if I fuck these up or not….I’m down either way what’s good?