Ok I'm going to start this by listing what happened to this plant. My cookies and chem was a reveg mother that got big over the winter. I decided to flower the seed plant one last time. She was around 45" and I pretty much cut her in half and flipped to flower. I had built a new cob led, with cxb3590's not long before this. So it was my first run with the new light. By the time stretch had stopped I only had about a foot between the light and the canopy. And I will admit I put off getting into led's because all the numbers and specs on diy led confused the fuck outta me, lol. It took a while before I understood and I doubt I have a full grip on led's, or this wouldn't have happened. So I ran the cobs at 80% for the first 7 weeks of flower, no issues. So when cnc started to fade I was thinking I was in the home stretch. Nope, today marks day 97, 33 days longer than when I usually chop her..... As she started to fade, I noticed her fans curl up, she looked stressed. It didn't take me long to figure out I was cooking her. But the damage was done. And I do know outdoor plants are accustomed to the sun getting weaker at the end of the season. She was flowered outdoors before this. I have no idea if there's a connection there, but it seems worth mentioning. So basically she became sensitive to my light towards the end. I'm positive if she handled that intensity fine for as long as she did, that this had to do with her being stressed when maturing and I'm thinking the powerful lighting was signaling that it wasn't time to finish, along with burning her. She's been recovered since I turned the lights down, shortly after this. Leaf temps were 79-81 for weeks leading up this, I check a couple times a week with a temp gun.
Do you think she's taking this long because she was repairing herself? I actually watched her repair damaged leaves that I thought were toast, and then put frost on them. I don't think I lost any leaves off of her.
Then there's the fact that she changed her expression some. She's leaning more stardawg than cookies n cream, and it's usually the opposite. I have cuts from before this happened, so if it changed her forever, I still have the good version, lol.
And it still trips me out that I didn't see any indicators before she's was like, fuck this! Hit me with your thoughts, maybe we can all learn something. I just simple haven't encountered something like this before, with the super duper extended flower time, lol. She is packing it on nicely right now, but she's not what she should have been. I'm sure I forgot to mention a few things, if a discussion spawns from this hopefully I'll remember everything...... Based on trichs, overall appearance, and almost 100 days flower, she gettin chopped wednesday, I have plants waiting for a spot, bitch needs to go. Linger... linger man, lol.