I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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The Laziest
Yellow,dead and crispy leaves is the sign of a ripe plant

got it
For a water only organic grow this is common in small pots. I didnt say it was grown well. Im just saying its time to chop that shit down. I thought the krispy tips were from the box fan blowing right on it. Dont get me wrong, it looks underfed and soil mix needs some more silica added to it.


Well-Known Member
For a water only organic grow this is common in small pots. I didnt say it was grown well. Im just saying its time to chop that shit down. I thought the krispy tips were from the box fan blowing right on it. Dont get me wrong, it looks underfed and soil mix needs some more silica added to it.
It looks like there's a return register behind that fan, so it's probably sucking instead of blowing.*

*I used that terminology to send him searching for some porn to post.
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