I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Active Member
He needs to spend more time researching and less time on here talking shit. He goes around RIU offering advice like he’s some kind of guru. And then the same 5 people like all his posts. So now the OP thinks “this guy knows his shit”

Then when guys like bk call out his shitty plants, and advice, bk is labeled a bully and a troll. That’s their beef in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
Yellow,dead and crispy leaves is the sign of a ripe plant

got it
I don't see any crispy leaves, but I do see a yoyo not doing its job down in the bottom right corner. It looks like a flush that went on entirely too long to me.


Active Member
That picture is the first time I've seen his plants now that I think about it. I've always assumed that he can grow somewhat decently. I'm willing to accept the possibility of that plant being atypical, but to be honest I have no idea.
He’s an organic grower that he claims his plants don’t look good because he’s “lazy”

You can only use that excuse if you’re not online 24/7
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