I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Active Member
You keep talking about self reflection Wattzup, perhaps you, BK and the rest of you should try the same. Funny you all got a problem with me even though none of us have ever really fought about anything.
You don’t think paddywhack needed to step back and look at the shit he was doing?

Anyway go back to combing your trolls hair

The 2 real reasons your here are to help get paddy out of time out and to network for your seed side hustle. You probably already contacted the admin about it huh?

Now leave me alone thanks


Really Active Member
You don’t think paddywhack needed to step back and look at the shit he was doing?
Sure do but he is a grown man, it's up to him to deal with his own actions. You are just as bad for repeatedly trying to provoke responses in my opinion.
The 2 real reasons your here are to help get paddy out of time out and to network for your seed side hustle. You probably already contacted the admin about it huh?
What are you talking about? Get him out of time out how exactly, by joining a site and not getting involved in the shit show you all have going on? Not sure how you figure that is going to get him out of time out. Also what exactly is my seed side hustle? Yes, I give out seeds to people, not sure how that is some kind of hustle in your mind.

Now leave me alone thanks

How’s anyone supposed to take a group of 5 middle aged men seriously when all they do is go prancing around to forum after forum with troll avatars
LOL, perhaps you prance but not really my thing.

Ok, I said my piece. You all have a nice day.
You guy's miss me I see. I know it looks like that's a sock I created, but actually it's not my sock or it would have something like this included. But I do agree it looks like a sock. My sock's will include cocks.



Well-Known Member
I find both highly offensive to be honest, however the first comment happened to be on the page when it opened. I do not find photos of dicks offensive at all but could see how some of you less fortunate men might....regardless for a cannabis forum this post is pretty low. I've been around a long long time and have avoided the internet for many years and now I know why. Try growing up a little.
You're a person of generous age who finally started using the internet, joined a cannabis forum and came to the prison section, got offended by a fairly mild joke and decided to make your first post calling out that person while humble bragging about your dick size? That's very peculiar.
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