I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Dont Need One
Word up dude. I’m done for the gg4 💯
There is a certain risk with gg4 s1s popping balls on the lowers. It's honestly the closest your gonna get to real gg4 cause they are selfed pollinated. I would get 2 packs or 12 or so seeds and cull them early and keep the ones that showing promise. Take clones off the good ones cause you gonna find a 100 percent keeper. I've seen 1 out of 5 s1s show super close tendency to the mom. I could try to breed her to fly right but it would be so diluted prob wouldn't be close to the real gg4. Real gg4 has such a distinctive terp its hard to describe. Almost like a chemical chocolate smell. Hard to describe.


Moose cocks, or bust
There is a certain risk with gg4 s1s popping balls on the lowers. It's honestly the closest your gonna get to real gg4 cause they are selfed pollinated. I would get 2 packs or 12 or so seeds and cull them early and keep the ones that showing promise. Take clones off the good ones cause you gonna find a 100 percent keeper. I've seen 1 out of 5 s1s show super close tendency to the mom. I could try to breed her to fly right but it would be so diluted prob wouldn't be close to the real gg4. Real gg4 has such a distinctive terp its hard to describe. Almost like a chemical chocolate smell. Hard to describe.
I know all about it lol. grown Colin’s gg4 crosses a few times


Really Active Member
The whole team is Pathetic. Dookie cried to the mods here, tried to get me banned and requested they give him double XP as me :ROFLMAO:

I wonder if he knows the Legacy members at OG all hate him
Speaking of pathetic its nice to see your stalker ass still following me around the site you were banned from 4 times now. For someone who says fuck the site it's really funny to see you skulking around taking screen shots, clearly you are still sad that they kicked your ass out multiple times. Why can you not just leave it alone? Oh that's right, you're completely obsessed with me and just can't manage to get me out of your head. I don't talk to you, I don't comment on your posts, I avoid you all the time yet here you are shooting your mouth off again. Nobody cried the mods you crazy fuck, you lost your mind and started attacking multiple people like you end up doing at every site you go to eventually. You really do need help man, seriously, seek it out.

You keep talking about self reflection Wattzup, perhaps you, BK and the rest of you should try the same. Funny you all got a problem with me even though none of us have ever really fought about anything. You call me a troll BK yet it's you who have been turtled multiple times for trolling, not me. It's not ones avatar that makes them a troll, it's their actions.

I try to be respectful of you guys and not get into any of this shit with you. Be nice to be shown the same respect. I won't get into a pointless back and forth with you all, just felt like responding to the ignorant shit I saw posted here about me. Have a nice day all.
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Moose cocks, or bust
Speaking of pathetic its nice to see your stalker ass still following me around the site you were banned from 4 times now. For someone who says fuck the site it's really funny to see you skulking around taking screen shots, clearly you are still sad that they kicked your ass out multiple times. Why can you not just leave it alone? Oh that's right, you're completely obsessed with me and just can't manage to get me out of your head. I don't talk to you, I don't comment on your posts, I avoid you all the time yet here you are shooting your mouth off again. Nobody cried the mods you crazy fuck, you lost your mind and started attacking multiple people like you end up doing at every site you go to eventually. You really do need help man, seriously, seek it out.

You keep talking about self reflection Wattzup, perhaps you, BK and the rest of you should try the same. Funny you all got a problem with me even though none of us have ever really fought about anything. You call me a troll BK yet it's you who have been turtled multiple times for trolling, not me. It's not ones avatar that makes them a troll, it's their actions.

I try to be respectful of you guys and not get into any of this shit with you. Be nice to be shown the same respect. I won't get into a pointless back and forth with you all, just felt like responding to the ignorant shit I saw posted here about me. Have a nice day all.
Kinda creepy you following him now eh?

Grow the fuck up


Really Active Member
Another dude who can’t keep big mean BK off his mind hahahaha
Your arrogance knows no bounds even thought it's unwarranted. If you had not made comments about me I would not have given you a second thought. I am grown up, sad you can't do the same.
That explosion woke up my dog. I don't know of all of the inter-forum drama you hens keep clucking about, but making fire with sticks is pretty tight.
Was totally random but worth the watch. Point aside, I agree that's some real Charlie Brown stuff.

People not knowing, is exactly what these guys game is. They reverse troll: Always post after someone that they know doesn't like them. When push comes to shove they project the troll behavior onto the person they've been trying to upset. Pretty basic stuff
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