Freeze-dried "Heisenbubble" from the "tester" round I did late Summer/early Fall
Left tray/side....23g of Animal Cookies x Sundae Driver. The lower portion is 73 micron.....and just over 1/3 at the top is 25 micron
Right tray....75 g of a mix of Dosi x Wedding Cake and Dosi x GMO. Left side is 73 micron, right side is 25 micron.
In both cases...there is hardly any color difference from the 73 to the 25.
Fucking beautiful stuff. The entire house has that classic hash smell with some really nice notes of gas/pine/skunk and cookies whaftin' around on top.
I still have a nice bag of Dosi x Gelato to well as a bunch of selections from the Summer OD run... but am still dialing in the freeze am doing smaller batches in an attempt to do just that. I've found that info on the topic is sketchy/scarce/ it's kind of a learn-as-you-go process. Definitely happy with what I'm seeing. Came out being able to be hit with a razor blade and break it into smaller chunks from a large wafer.....but then it takes on a brittle/sticky consitency like taffy.
Laffy Fuckin' Taffy.
Step right up, kids....