#Heisenbeans Genetics


LED Recruiter
Stardawg x lt0925201618.jpg0925201619_HDR.jpg0925201632_HDR.jpg
We have had the warmest summer on record! Not too bar in the rain dept either!
Ive given them molasses/compost/kelp/humic/silica/calmag teas the entire flower.
Veg tea was willow branches, alfalfa feed, compost, molasses0925201631b.jpg
One shoreline sour diesel!!!
Shes the biggest ive ever grown. 6 ft round 7 foot high! And the dieael is unmistakable0925201631a.jpg
Sh0925201631b.jpges a heavy sativa so its gonna be a coupke more weeks.
I think the oil slicks and the stardawg it and the adub cross are coming down soon


Burned Haze

Really Active Member
Its really looking like the AC is 100 percent winner on being a solid donor. The rest are all awesome also. Not seeing any reports at all in lower herm issues that is sometimes an issue with fems.
i ran animal cookies but now running Swamp boys: Helen back ( animal cookies x Georgia pine ) and that’s my 4th run and not only is it a champ in the yields but never have seen any hermies on the animal cookies ( when I ran 5+ pheno’s of helen back first run, now (1)) and orginal animal cookies ( 3 runs )

if that helps ya in anyway ( there’s so many genetics , nice to give some feedback )


LED Recruiter
What u mean by no comparison? A lot better or worse? 🤓
Sorry. Let me clarify. The shear scope and quantity is unlike anything possible indoor without a commercial - like operation.
I only took a few,headies and man they are enormous. These being the early finishers of thw bunch. I'm determined to let these finish out! Its a record setting year in so many ways, why not take,advantage of all this free time I had in April and May to make killer subcool soil and veg am like a mofo.
I put 8 plants in a 12 x 10 area along a fence. I topped them all and started from seed early March.
Thw topping made for one helluva staking conquest. But they endured, with thw help of a bunch of metal tie wire. The defoliation was done to,help airflow and ensure some serious bud formation on the tops.
I wasnt expecting a summer/fall like this. It's been incredibly warm and dry for our area. Like record breaking heat in September!!
I'm very thankful to all of my fellow chuckers that helped me along the way, and thw lifelong friendships i have acquired thru this place!
I was a newb when I met HB at the farm a couple years back. I'm talking green AF. Now ive got a couple 2 -3 spots about to finish of aome die-hard shit. If it all comes to fruition , me and my family will be in a very good place.
Leta just say, my bro just pulled down his ethos gg4 s1s and he was pissed at my collection v. Ethos.
One of thw 5 bastid HB seeds is a real stand out. I gave numerous veg plants away back in May. To friends and they have had quality results as well.
I get shit from people on other sites for being a ball hugger of sorts, but Fuck, when I'm getting results like this in 3 locations! I'm a HB believer!


LED Recruiter
Glad to see I won't be the only one trimming for the next month....LOL. Very nice.
Thanks fellas. Ya I'm doing a trim on the vine everytime I go. I had been going before work @445 am to feed and defoliate whatbi could using the cell phone for light and twilight. But now with the thousands of dying leaves next to beautiful almost done buds. Its testing my wifes patience. She doesnt understand the HOURS AND HOURS this endeavor,is gonna take.

Breathe Ty, dont cause a divorce Ty, one plant at a time Ty, your almost there Ty.....ya right. I yavent even begun!

Deleted member 60

@TerpyTyrone .....FWIW.....I pull all fans/leaves on stems off by hand in the field/at the onset when I go in for the trim. And if they are in a place where you can do so...I trim what I can (everything if possible) while the plant is still in the ground (in pots in my case) and standing. wrestling those big ass branches in yer hands while yer trying to trim is a pain...as is hanging a zillion branches. I used to do it that way......now I trim the plant fully before I chop it and i hang that entire bitch up from the rafters in my garage. My plants aren't as tall as yours...but if you wanna bring em by...I have a 12 ft ceiling in my main garage bay ...Heehee...

Those early frosts back East/etc/wherever some of yaz are have sure brought out the colors. Very nice. Very nice.