#Heisenbeans Genetics


Seed Aficionado
Lol. You’re ad hominem because you don’t have the experience and don’t understand statistics lol. If you popped 197 more beans, you’d find your 1 in 3 pheno and have 197 more chances to find something you personally or everyone else would Like better. It’s funny hearing somebody on this forum talking shot about any cut of pp. especially novas, which sort of Looks just like the other one being run around here. If you read my posts, I don’t smoke it because it’s crap lol. People like it though(most likely the 1 in 3 ultimate pheno guys). I don’t understand why you’re mad about the fact that if you pop more beans, you have better chances of finding better plants.

You just got so upset about me talking about how your odds get better popping more beans you started attacking me personally lol. And if you look around, you can find plants I call keepers, and I’ve seen what you post.....I have more, better plants. I’ve popped over 1000 beans this year And I hve most of the og elites....that’s just how it goes.

Let’s do this, post pics of the best cuts you have personally found. And I will try to find at least 5 phenos I’ve found for every one of your that looks as good or better. Work for you?
I think all that was meant was , u have better chances , but doesn't mean u have the better cut. Can we all agree on this ? Like I said originally just like fishin


@KMOG I’m done after this text so say whatever you want buddy

Yet chem 91 chem 4 chems sister all came from less than 20 seeds and they are still top notch over plenty strains , Moter breath #15. Sundae driver #19, gg4. I can keep Going but never heard sundae driver 875 or 923 that was a winner, all the rest were average! E first seed popped can be any number you don’t no what comes out the seed or what part of the plant it came from so the genetic code is all different it’s a luck of the draw buddy! And like I said I’m the one that gets the lunkers!

I can also kiss ass and grab all the clips you have ppl in this forums already offered! I just don’t kiss ass! Also I don’t need them! But anyway no one attacked you! I just stated a fact! And my opinion, Wich we all have one like an asshole


Shinobi of seeds
To me it doesnt matter how many seeds you pop, it just matters what you find.

Best golfers in the world dont necessarily hit more holes in one than your Sunday golfer.

Sure the pro is hitting more shots so will probably hit more holes in 1 in a lifetime but definitely not a given.

I've done 100+ seed runs and found nothing special and I've popped single seeds that blow my mind.

Hell I passed on sour D because the pheno of pure power plant by nirvana I found was tastier and had a better high. Dude bought that SD cut for hundreds of dollars in 2007. I paid $20 for a 10 pack of beans...


To me it doesnt matter how many seeds you pop, it just matters what you find.

Best golfers in the world dont necessarily hit more holes in one than your Sunday golfer.

Sure the pro is hitting more shots so will probably hit more holes in 1 in a lifetime but definitely not a given.

I've done 100+ seed runs and found nothing special and I've popped single seeds that blow my mind.

Hell I passed on sour D because the pheno of pure power plant by nirvana I found was tastier and had a better high. Dude bought that SD cut for hundreds of dollars in 2007. I paid $20 for a 10 pack of beans...
Thanks! Someone that pops tons of seeds understands!


Seed Aficionado
Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but this fishing analogy is different for fems and regs in my opinion.

Pop 3 fems and you should get a good idea what the line is. Pop 3 regs and you likely haven’t seen much of what the line has to offer.
Fems are typically more stable as far as expressions are concerned. Closer to mum. More variation and a better chance at a winner when dealing w regs though. Jmho


Blümen Meister
I’ve grown lots of vigorous plants where every bean in the pack I could’ve planted in kitty litter and it would’ve grown ape shit. Problem is they were mostly mids smoke.

Growing from seed can be a pain in the ass sometimes no matter who made them. Maybe those genos don’t like your soil, or your temps, or whatever. Who knows? It’s a fucking plant grown from a seed. Do you buy basil seeds at the grocery store? No you buy a gd plant that’s alive and well from the nursery.

For that reason people shouldn’t rant about the 2 or 3 beans they popped that went south. As a personal meds grower that cant pop many at one time, I’ll usually do a couple from a pack, and I’ll run them again even if I had problems and try to correct them the second time around. Not leave scathing reviews because a plant from seed didnt grow well.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I have to agree with both sides. Statistically yes the more you pop the better chance you have of finding the best progeny that the cross is capable of. However that can be the first seed of 1000 or the last seed of 1000. If you pop a pack of 6 and find a stellar plant then hell yea. Take a cut and run that bitch. If you have the space and can source out 20 packs for the best pheno and be able to take the loss on all the less than stellar results then why not? However I would only take that route if I was in the business of breeding or selling cuts etc. Also if I have to pop more than 20 beans to find a plant that is conaidered worth keeping.....i could probably do that with no name bagseed from some street schwag. Actually I have with just 3 on my first ever grow. Found my favorite herb I've ever had. Failed to reveg through. For most people I'm sure plenty of cuts alot of you here hold are good enough to smoke and provide quality meds. Hell I been using my grinder to dry sift old trim just to get by till I get a pad and life sorted 😔. I'd be ecstatic to smoke either of you gentleman's products @KMOG and @Promedz Nothing wrong with always seeking something better though.


Always rockin’ at half mast
I have to agree with both sides. Statistically yes the more you pop the better chance you have of finding the best progeny that the cross is capable of. However that can be the first seed of 1000 or the last seed of 1000. If you pop a pack of 6 and find a stellar plant then hell yea. Take a cut and run that bitch. If you have the space and can source out 20 packs for the best pheno and be able to take the loss on all the less than stellar results then why not? However I would only take that route if I was in the business of breeding or selling cuts etc. Also if I have to pop more than 20 beans to find a plant that is conaidered worth keeping.....i could probably do that with no name bagseed from some street schwag. Actually I have with just 3 on my first ever grow. Found my favorite herb I've ever had. Failed to reveg through. For most people I'm sure plenty of cuts alot of you here hold are good enough to smoke and provide quality meds. Hell I been using my grinder to dry sift old trim just to get by till I get a pad and life sorted 😔. I'd be ecstatic to smoke either of you gentleman's products @KMOG and @Promedz Nothing wrong with always seeking something better though.
If you read my posts, I’m of the same opinion you are, you can find the best seed in 1000 in the first seed, but if you pop two, the likeliness you got that one is an order of magnitude higher. The difference between 1 and 1000 seeds is drastic as far as having an idea of what that plant puts out. I can think of two times in about 15 years the first few beans I popped in a pack gave me the best pheno. But that was when I was running half packs at a time, and I have better phenos now.

What I don’t understand is the dudes that only pop those few beans from the pack and then move on to other beans. If you only wanted to run three beans from a pack it makes more sense you pop the whole thing and kill all of them but the best three fast.


Always rockin’ at half mast
or like dogs, you pick two good hounds to start with, knowing of the runt factor, but given the beginning genetics, odds are in your favor to have a winner or two. Don't take goin thru the whole breed, lol. And good fishermen can catch fish anywhere, lol.
Two plants with great genetics can not compliment each other, it’s more like taking two Champions of different breed of dogs, breeding them together, and hoping nothing wonky comes out. What you’re talking about only works with p1/f1 genes in plants.


Always rockin’ at half mast
I’ve grown lots of vigorous plants where every bean in the pack I could’ve planted in kitty litter and it would’ve grown ape shit. Problem is they were mostly mids smoke.

Growing from seed can be a pain in the ass sometimes no matter who made them. Maybe those genos don’t like your soil, or your temps, or whatever. Who knows? It’s a fucking plant grown from a seed. Do you buy basil seeds at the grocery store? No you buy a gd plant that’s alive and well from the nursery.

For that reason people shouldn’t rant about the 2 or 3 beans they popped that went south. As a personal meds grower that cant pop many at one time, I’ll usually do a couple from a pack, and I’ll run them again even if I had problems and try to correct them the second time around. Not leave scathing reviews because a plant from seed didnt grow well.
Csi made a post about this a while ago. If you run the same pheno from seed 2-3 gens, you’ll actually see what it does in your room. Thhis is another reason growing from seed and finding keepers is hard. The phenotype you find isn’t changing, but it’s genotypic expression will figure out how to best grow in your room over a couple generations(tends to be 2 with seeds and 3 with cuts in my rooms). So that first generation from seed is generally the worst you’ll ever see the plant do, and it will look different the second run, more because of the plant figuring out its shit than you dialing it or your setup though.