#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

I'm all about it. If people wanna pop 1 seed from 50 packs go ahead but dont think it's a solid representation of the lineage and go off bad nothing the whole pack cause you got a couple mediocre plants. Just my 2 cents

Like I said...I don't make a habit of badmouthing folks wares. Can't say I >haven't< done it...but these days there are so many seeds available I just move along and grow something else. I've done large scale hunts...but that was when I was like you and the other guys running large numbers who are "growing for a rea$on"......(that'd be a Benjamin reason ). :ROFLMAO:

And for conversations sake...I'll say that I personally never pop just one seed. I like to pop 3-4.....and from those...I may not find the "grail' in the pack but I can usually get an idea if the plants are gonna taste/yield/interest me in any way/etc. If those 3-4 plants suck for my tastes/parameters/etc....it makes me damn glad I didn't waste anymore time and space on that pack. If they rock...I can then run the rest of the pack and look for the best of those plants...or take a chance with a seed/seeds from that pack outside and hope I hit a home run.


I'm all about it. If people wanna pop 1 seed from 50 packs go ahead but dont think it's a solid representation of the lineage and go off bad nothing the whole pack cause you got a couple mediocre plants. Just my 2 cents
Fair enough, but exactly how many mediocre plants in a pack of 6 gives you the right to gripe? A couple is 30% of the pack. I never see any seeds being sold, mentioning a percentage of acceptable mediocrity in the pack.


Hobby Farmer
Catching one lunker is cool. But that dudes one big fish doesnā€™t compare to dozens of fish the guys that go every day catch on a regular basis. Itā€™s generally kids I see with the best luck catching jackpot fish on the random.

Maybe you guys popping single seeds should have your kids pick them šŸ˜‚

I bet my keepers out of hundreds of seeds of the same strain are better than any Single bean ā€œlunkersā€ out there, heisen probably has similar plants. Itā€™s called hunting for a reason, itā€™s more of single pheno strain discover with one bean. Like, yeah you happened to get lucky and find a good pheno in a couple beans. But I bet thereā€™s a better one if you pop 250. Thatā€™s a 1/250 chance of finding the best plant of those 250. Which I bet happens. But the likeliness of your 1 bean of 10 in the pack of thousands of beans that came off one plant is the best pheno you could find.....thatā€™s much shittier odds.

250/1000 = 25% chance of finding the best keeper of all beans produced
1/1000 = .1% chance....You have 10% chance of finding the best pheno in that pack....lol
Slot Machine...1 in 96000
Lottery (649) 1 in 14 million.

perspective is funny. If you had a 10% chance to live you would freak out but give me a 1 in 10 at winning a house and here is 100 for a ticket.


Fishing is a great analogly but the more you cast the better the chance at getting a monster....like tournament fishing. And if you have ever done that its less than a fun day on the lake but...when they are on FISH ON WHAM WHAM WHAM.

Pick the best 5 and go get a prize. But some dude in his boat and a fish finder CAN beat you...the odds are pretty stacked against him but....

I cant complain i have had great luck with a pack of punch. 3 great phenos but i would like to run 2 more packs to narrow it down in bud shape and a little harder on the grapes. The hunt is kind of exciting.

Unless you get some rotten shoe funk phenos...that is not exciting at all.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And for conversations sake...I'll say that I personally never pop just one seed. I like to pop 3-4.....and from those...I may not find the "grail' in the pack but I can usually get an idea if the plants are gonna taste/yield/interest me in any way/etc. If those 3-4 plants suck for my tastes/parameters/etc....it makes me damn glad I didn't waste anymore time and space on that pack. If they rock...I can then run the rest of the pack and look for the best of those plants...or take a chance with a seed/seeds from that pack outside and hope I hit a home run.
I can understand this better than a more experienced grower I think. It's a quest for knowledge. I bought several packs in the auction on here, and knew nothing about any of the strains. I dropped one seed per pack, knowing that I had the full pack left to run. Did the same with some freebies that were sent.

For me it's limited space. After chopping 10 different females of different strains, I was able to get a perspective of what I was excited to grow and what could wait.

Deleted member 60

I have the knowledge...that's why I don't make and hock seeds...LOL. I knows betta.... :ROFLMAO:

While were on this.....um......the truth is that sometimes all you get is a small look from a pack anyway. I had a Hell of a time with the PP S-1's...Purple Dreams...and P-bubs. Got 2 P-Bubs to pop from the 5 I wet in the pack .....got one Purple Dream from 2 pops..2 the first time..total no go...,3 in the next...finally got a tail/plant on the second attempt. PP S-1 took 2 attempts as well. Got 2 from that pack to grow...again..after 2 attempts. Did ya hear any bitching from that? It was a sad showing here. Not much to show for the dough as they say. Being honest as always...I said nada cus I didn't wanna hear the "grower error" shit so I just took the hit and went on. So...um...not all of us badmouth folks wares when shit doesn't work out...for whatever reason. They are seeds. I have more. I just move on. Coulda been some nice plants in there but if they won't grow ...um...yeah. Have a seed left of each....and I'll grow em at some point...but..... they didn't call me back for a repeat pop or have me looking to snag more packs. I just moved on.

I'm fishing here.....but it's catch and release now. I used to pop and clone everything..."just in case"......you know..."the Grail" and all...

All I did was end up with a shit ton of clones... heehhee. It's all good though. We are all merely at different places on this road... one guy walking slow...one guy running. Same path. A guy can think he's the first to walk the path but he'd be wrong. Well worn, it is....


Always rockinā€™ at half mast
Or my lunker can be better than the 999. you would never no! Them legit cuts are all hype sorry to say but who makes them the best out the pack!

Letā€™s say someone pops 1000 seeds and finds his best keeper! He knows ppl
Passes it out they all love it and it becomes known! Who is to say that me someone who popped the same strain but only 3, donā€™t have a better plant? My 1st one could be 10 times better than the one out of 1000 thousand going around! All hype, only difference is one person keeps his plant and donā€™t give it out to anyone so it donā€™t become popular or he donā€™t live in a legal state! Just saying popping 1000 plants or one pack it comes down to preference and everyone has different taste and effects!
Thatā€™s why breeders are breeders and lots of people want/have their cuts. And your keepers are...your keepers. Lol. Iā€™m just saying, the odds are not in your favor. Potency isnā€™t an opinion...

The only growers that say they find as good of phenos in 3 beans as 200, are the ones that only pop 3 beans.


Potent like your pp cut? Lmao i canā€™t even rn! Your one of them no it alls that donā€™t no it all but okay whatever you say buddy! How about you just keep telling ppl to raise there light! Or how they arenā€™t doing it your way! And keep it moving! Arrogant ass
Thatā€™s why breeders are breeders and lots of people want/have their cuts. And your keepers are...your keepers. Lol. Iā€™m just saying, the odds are not in your favor. Potency isnā€™t an opinion...

The only growers that say they find as good of phenos in 3 beans as 200, are the ones that only pop 3 beans.


Always rockinā€™ at half mast
Potent like your pp cut? Lmao i canā€™t even rn! Your one of them no it alls that donā€™t no it all but okay whatever you say buddy! How about you just keep telling ppl to raise there light! Or how they arenā€™t doing it your way! And keep it moving! Arrogant ass
Lol. Youā€™re ad hominem because you donā€™t have the experience and donā€™t understand statistics lol. If you popped 197 more beans, youā€™d find your 1 in 3 pheno and have 197 more chances to find something you personally or everyone else would Like better. Itā€™s funny hearing somebody on this forum talking shot about any cut of pp. especially novas, which sort of Looks just like the other one being run around here. If you read my posts, I donā€™t smoke it because itā€™s crap lol. People like it though(most likely the 1 in 3 ultimate pheno guys). I donā€™t understand why youā€™re mad about the fact that if you pop more beans, you have better chances of finding better plants.

You just got so upset about me talking about how your odds get better popping more beans you started attacking me personally lol. And if you look around, you can find plants I call keepers, and Iā€™ve seen what you post.....I have more, better plants. Iā€™ve popped over 1000 beans this year And I hve most of the og elites....thatā€™s just how it goes.

Letā€™s do this, post pics of the best cuts you have personally found. And I will try to find at least 5 phenos Iā€™ve found for every one of your that looks as good or better. Work for you?