#Heisenbeans Genetics

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Don’t defoliate, If you are going to defoliate do it by week three of flower. The whole “take the fan leaves out because the buds need the light” is controversial statement. Leaves are what make foods for those buds, leaves are the solar panel for the plant they are what absorb the light you are giving the plants

I think defoiling if done right, does more good than harm.. Those leaves do what u said above for veggn plants but after stretch theyre role isnt needed imo. I like more than the tops to reach their full size. I plucked 10-20 leaves daily when in flower..
Somtimes u gotta not be a follower and do things that isnt the norm to get results ur lookn for..
Myself the only time it delayed things was cause they was to young to handle the stress.
I think if done smartly it does more good than harm..
Again if u dont do it thats fine but to say it only does harm isnt what ive seen from the last 22yrs ive grown.
I respectfully disagree. Can it do harm ? Yes.
Can it help a flowering plant? Yes.
Just my opinions not saying im that know it all grower that's allways right or knows everything.. Cause im not.. I just am going from my own experiences is all. Thx


View attachment 25759

I think defoiling if done right, does more good than harm.. Those leaves do what u said above for veggn plants but after stretch theyre role isnt needed imo. I like more than the tops to reach their full size. I plucked 10-20 leaves daily when in flower..
Somtimes u gotta not be a follower and do things that isnt the norm to get results ur lookn for..
Myself the only time it delayed things was cause they was to young to handle the stress.
I think if done smartly it does more good than harm..
Again if u dont do it thats fine but to say it only does harm isnt what ive seen from the last 22yrs ive grown.
I respectfully disagree. Can it do harm ? Yes.
Can it help a flowering plant? Yes.
Just my opinions not saying im that know it all grower that's allways right or knows everything.. Cause im not.. I just am going from my own experiences is all. Thx
Good looking plant yo


I've taken leaves off for years. Some plants are leafy af and some don't have much on em at all. So I'm gonna strip some leaves off depending on how much time I got on hand. The big fans are useless after stretch if your supplying nutes and water. And I def take all those off. Sometimes I take em off in veg if I want my plant bushier.

In my former gorilla grow spots I would not take the fans off because these plants had to fend for themselves and I did not water them. Well if the plant was nothing but fan leaves I would take some off.

Usually it just takes experience and knowing the plant. If it got really dry the plant cannabalizes those fans for essential elements it needs to survive.


Super Active Member
View attachment 25759

I think defoiling if done right, does more good than harm.. Those leaves do what u said above for veggn plants but after stretch theyre role isnt needed imo. I like more than the tops to reach their full size. I plucked 10-20 leaves daily when in flower..
Somtimes u gotta not be a follower and do things that isnt the norm to get results ur lookn for..
Myself the only time it delayed things was cause they was to young to handle the stress.
I think if done smartly it does more good than harm..
Again if u dont do it thats fine but to say it only does harm isnt what ive seen from the last 22yrs ive grown.
I respectfully disagree. Can it do harm ? Yes.
Can it help a flowering plant? Yes.
Just my opinions not saying im that know it all grower that's allways right or knows everything.. Cause im not.. I just am going from my own experiences is all. Thx
View attachment 25759

I think defoiling if done right, does more good than harm.. Those leaves do what u said above for veggn plants but after stretch theyre role isnt needed imo. I like more than the tops to reach their full size. I plucked 10-20 leaves daily when in flower..
Somtimes u gotta not be a follower and do things that isnt the norm to get results ur lookn for..
Myself the only time it delayed things was cause they was to young to handle the stress.
I think if done smartly it does more good than harm..
Again if u dont do it thats fine but to say it only does harm isnt what ive seen from the last 22yrs ive grown.
I respectfully disagree. Can it do harm ? Yes.
Can it help a flowering plant? Yes.
Just my opinions not saying im that know it all grower that's allways right or knows everything.. Cause im not.. I just am going from my own experiences is all. Thx
Very nice.
What strain is this?🤔
How long veg Over 2 months🤔
What size pot?
Going to be a good yeild from her
Great job😎


View attachment 25759

I think defoiling if done right, does more good than harm.. Those leaves do what u said above for veggn plants but after stretch theyre role isnt needed imo. I like more than the tops to reach their full size. I plucked 10-20 leaves daily when in flower..
Somtimes u gotta not be a follower and do things that isnt the norm to get results ur lookn for..
Myself the only time it delayed things was cause they was to young to handle the stress.
I think if done smartly it does more good than harm..
Again if u dont do it thats fine but to say it only does harm isnt what ive seen from the last 22yrs ive grown.
I respectfully disagree. Can it do harm ? Yes.
Can it help a flowering plant? Yes.
Just my opinions not saying im that know it all grower that's allways right or knows everything.. Cause im not.. I just am going from my own experiences is all. Thx
Beautiful plant!! WOW
I have to agree with you on defol even though controversial. I have always grown with leds all cobs now and I find the penetration much better with a defol. I take a few center fans to keep the light getting down in for the first 3 weeks and at about day 21-30 I pretty much strip her and feed her a bit heavy then let her dry an extra day. Seldom if ever had a plant slow down usually see the buds pop. 3 weeks is also a good time to scout for crotch balls. We get tight buds most of the way down growing plants like this. a tall open plant takes less plucking while some seem to demand a heavy hand. As with most things in life lots of ways to get the job done.


Hobby Farmer
@Heisenbeans After some careful stoner research....
I have a small rosin press and it works great...rosin is good...The bubble bags showed me if you have a lot of trim or seedy stuff.....5 gallon all mesh bubble bags get it done way faster.
In less than half an hour you can process 1 to 2 pounds of trim or buds seeds and all. You have to dick around with drying it but the hash is good.

Rosin is good if you have a giant press and dont have to dick around with it. Except...my nails on a chalkboard thing is sticky shit. I can jedi mind trick it away a long time but when you have rosin stuck to your fingers and face and all over the damned place........hash wins.

Thats my less than humble opinion.

10 grams of killer hash....well that is greater than 5 oz of seedy buds even if they are frosty.

Disclaimer alert......The seeds are on me. Heisens beans and everyone else in the room did not do this.
Light leak is fixed. Temps are now a solid 77F. I am on track more than i have been since i started.

Grow on Growbros.....and if you hit that hash bong early you are in for it....allegedly.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
I've taken leaves off for years. Some plants are leafy af and some don't have much on em at all. So I'm gonna strip some leaves off depending on how much time I got on hand. The big fans are useless after stretch if your supplying nutes and water. And I def take all those off. Sometimes I take em off in veg if I want my plant bushier.

In my former gorilla grow spots I would not take the fans off because these plants had to fend for themselves and I did not water them. Well if the plant was nothing but fan leaves I would take some off.

Usually it just takes experience and knowing the plant. If it got really dry the plant cannabalizes those fans for essential elements it needs to survive.
X2 bro.. Very well said imo. Thx

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Thx dude for the kind words..
Strain is 9lb hammer x Chernobyl
Veg time right at 8 weeks
Pot size was 5gallon smart pot filled 60-40 with perlite& compost. That smart pot was sat inside of a rubbermaid tote. So there was 2 root zones. I called it a dwc hempy or hydro soil.. Bottom tote had hella bubbles like a dwc. Once plants roots popd threw smart pot the roots went to the bubbling tote with nutes. Then she took off..
Used botaincare pur blend pro veg nutes the whole cycle even in flower. No res changes, only topd off resivors daily and adjusted ph weekly. The ph swing is crucial to allow plant to have access to all the nutes. Wood make ph like 5.0 and around a week later it wood rise to low 6's. Id drop ph down again then repeat again .. No fancy ppm meter, no fancy ph meters, just the simple cheap pool test kits. First attempt at hydro and i loved it.. Plants reeked of lemony- grape skittles.
The bad thing is , i didnt get to sample one nugg from any of them. On the day i plannd to harvest, the donut crew kicked in my door and took it all.. I got no tickets just lost it all. Along with my quantums..
To sum it up, my sons friend ran away from his house and wanted to stay the night with my son like hes done many times. We had no clue what he did b4 he came to our house. At 4am cops banged on door at our house. They was checking all his buddies houses lookn for him. When the cop was leaving he said he smelt weed from our house.. I just blew him off and said i burned a doobie b4 bed.. He left and 2hrs later they came back and kicked door in.. Said i had a large grow op.. Well i had 3 plants and probably between the 3 i lost over 2lbs of dank.. Morale of story make sure your kids friends didnt run away from home b4 they come over to play with ur kids.. But o well they didnt get my outdoor plants tho.. And they wont ever stop me from growing.. Nope not happening.. But thx dude
I believe in the strip. Have done it and seen a good result. It can be over done and cause a delay or stress but so can anything over done w this plant. But theres so many ways to the same destination as we all see. Some of those plants are fucking BEASTS that were posted while speaking about the stripping topic. 😍😍


Super Active Member
Thx dude for the kind words..
Strain is 9lb hammer x Chernobyl
Veg time right at 8 weeks
Pot size was 5gallon smart pot filled 60-40 with perlite& compost. That smart pot was sat inside of a rubbermaid tote. So there was 2 root zones. I called it a dwc hempy or hydro soil.. Bottom tote had hella bubbles like a dwc. Once plants roots popd threw smart pot the roots went to the bubbling tote with nutes. Then she took off..
Used botaincare pur blend pro veg nutes the whole cycle even in flower. No res changes, only topd off resivors daily and adjusted ph weekly. The ph swing is crucial to allow plant to have access to all the nutes. Wood make ph like 5.0 and around a week later it wood rise to low 6's. Id drop ph down again then repeat again .. No fancy ppm meter, no fancy ph meters, just the simple cheap pool test kits. First attempt at hydro and i loved it.. Plants reeked of lemony- grape skittles.
The bad thing is , i didnt get to sample one nugg from any of them. On the day i plannd to harvest, the donut crew kicked in my door and took it all.. I got no tickets just lost it all. Along with my quantums..
To sum it up, my sons friend ran away from his house and wanted to stay the night with my son like hes done many times. We had no clue what he did b4 he came to our house. At 4am cops banged on door at our house. They was checking all his buddies houses lookn for him. When the cop was leaving he said he smelt weed from our house.. I just blew him off and said i burned a doobie b4 bed.. He left and 2hrs later they came back and kicked door in.. Said i had a large grow op.. Well i had 3 plants and probably between the 3 i lost over 2lbs of dank.. Morale of story make sure your kids friends didnt run away from home b4 they come over to play with ur kids.. But o well they didnt get my outdoor plants tho.. And they wont ever stop me from growing.. Nope not happening.. But thx dude
Not nice 😣😣 that kid would be banned for life.