#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
Honestly I have bought and grown a fair measure of Heisen gear , well guess what , I just smoked My first , a 2 week early pull of one of the prettiest and easiest girls I ever ran, some ADub S1 , oh My Brothers testify , I am right fucking wrecked, 4 pulls and 2 beers hit a 400 lb fatty fucked up. Heisens gear is the truth , period.


Dubstep...still curing. That mom made 4.4 oz. Smoke is smooth for it's age.....straight pine. Think Pine Forest. It's in a gallon jar now, doing the burping thing. The terps are starting to build, theres more than pine in there.
The buzz is spacey...deep space/surreal but no couch lock. Lasts about an hour. Keep all your sharp tools in a drawer when smoking this.