#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
I was on the list ....lol hehe .

Iately i feel like an ant and god is a mean kid with a magnifying glass. Glad i could come here and semi catch up . Some of the plants look pretty sweet.

Things are turning around financially. Ive decided to toss all plants and media P fucking M and i will set up a diy dwc during my shutdown in july.

Heisen you must be pround that is so awesome your beans are selling out fuck the haters .

Still have to find out the green story. Take care peeps

Yeah man the seeds are coming along and time is on my side right now.


Heathen Basterd
Damn HB still no descriptions on the adub.
I would love to write some killer descriptions if only I had the time, and maybe a PC.
They sell themselves I see. No,need for ran by write ups. All the talk is this a dub line going bye bye!
ADub is a face melting Crippler who put Heathen into a temporary coma and once woke felt fucking awesome , people are screwing the pooch epically hard not buying it , I made sure I will have plenty .
I just did my first topping 2 days ago. New branches starting to slowly fill in. I noticed that the Corey and ADUB stay pretty short so far but the BBC likes to shoot straight up. Gonna be a bitch to make 4 tops but I'll get it done.

17 beauties and 2 muties but the muties may be worth keeping. Pics when they fill in more.