#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Thats not a nasty comment, this is a nasty comment.

"I had a quick look through your posts and I have come to the conclusion that you are a cunt. "
I'll take the high road, Im not into name calling over the internet. You already showed your colors so I don't need to say anything more. You cant even follow directions, I said do not message me anymore.


Super Active Member
I'll take the high road, Im not into name calling over the internet. You already showed your colors so I don't need to say anything more. You cant even follow directions, I said do not message me anymore.
I heard you loud and clear. Its like an impulse response to some prick trying to give me orders. Lets try it another way cos I love name calling over the internet. Do not reply to this message you moronic, possibly inbred, hick.


Really Active Member
I heard you loud and clear. Its like an impulse response to some prick trying to give me orders. Lets try it another way cos I love name calling over the internet. Do not reply to this message you moronic, possibly inbred, hick.
Give it a rest, move on, By the way im Italian and I ve posted more quality content in my few posts than you have in your whole life.

Deleted member 60

Apologies for the non-H-bean post and for breaking up the Love-fest....

Thoughts goin out from here to those struggling with the serious/extremely sad side of this life....and death. Tough stuff. I found places in my head and felt my body releasing crazy weird chemicals as the Grief came on/worn on/drug on that I never knew existed. We have some serious hard druggage within...believe me..

Yup...without a doubt I have an entirely different >perspective< now than I did 8 years ago when my son passed. Shit that once rattled me...people that once rattled me....etc.etc.etc.... I can just toss off now...don;t/won't deal with ya....don't won't go and do if i don't feel like it....I don';t have the >head space< anymore to put up with out and out BS.

Good on you guys thinking ahead...and about life and yer women and shit. There's no timeline. We THINK we're here til we're old....but watching my son fall of the rock @ 21...just put all that in the shitter here. Gotta do WHAT YOU NEED AND WANT TO DO...and make those relationships WHOLE...whoever it is.....cus when death knocks...the fucker doesn't take mercy and ANYTHING in your world that is fucked up...will be fucked up 10X more after the event. Crazy shit.

I used to go by the "This too, shall pass" motif.....but now...since losing the boy and meeting others who have...crazy as it is to form the words "lost more" in their world...(like someone who I met who has lost 3 kids or preople who don't know where their kid is..they just know they are dead)...I now go by the altered motif of

"It can always be worse".... Talk about a (fucked up) perspective and a hard damn way to arrive at it.

Hang in there folks......

Deleted member 60

A grief thread...or a "I need to Vent" thread where folks can spew and not be attacked/etc. (ban anyone who does that shit) might be a good (OK...not so good...but possibly needed?) thread to start in the Kitchen Sink?

Everybody takes their turn in what i call "The Pool of Pain". (waves of pain..rippling on themselves...you in the middle..treading like fuck to stay afloat) No one is spared.....and sadly...as you age....you swim more often.


Apologies for the non-H-bean post and for breaking up the Love-fest....

Thoughts goin out from here to those struggling with the serious/extremely sad side of this life....and death. Tough stuff. I found places in my head and felt my body releasing crazy weird chemicals as the Grief came on/worn on/drug on that I never knew existed. We have some serious hard druggage within...believe me..

Yup...without a doubt I have an entirely different >perspective< now than I did 8 years ago when my son passed. Shit that once rattled me...people that once rattled me....etc.etc.etc.... I can just toss off now...don;t/won't deal with ya....don't won't go and do if i don't feel like it....I don';t have the >head space< anymore to put up with out and out BS.

Good on you guys thinking ahead...and about life and yer women and shit. There's no timeline. We THINK we're here til we're old....but watching my son fall of the rock @ 21...just put all that in the shitter here. Gotta do WHAT YOU NEED AND WANT TO DO...and make those relationships WHOLE...whoever it is.....cus when death knocks...the fucker doesn't take mercy and ANYTHING in your world that is fucked up...will be fucked up 10X more after the event. Crazy shit.

I used to go by the "This too, shall pass" motif.....but now...since losing the boy and meeting others who have...crazy as it is to form the words "lost more" in their world...(like someone who I met who has lost 3 kids or preople who don't know where their kid is..they just know they are dead)...I now go by the altered motif of

"It can always be worse".... Talk about a (fucked up) perspective and a hard damn way to arrive at it.

Hang in there folks......
It can always be worse is literally what I tell myself to make it through the days. This shit with my aunt will only make me stronger. She would want me to excel in life not fall back into the darkness. Thanks for that stiicky. Really.


A grief thread...or a "I need to Vent" thread where folks can spew and not be attacked/etc. (ban anyone who does that shit) might be a good (OK...not so good...but possibly needed?) thread to start in the Kitchen Sink?

Everybody takes their turn in what i call "The Pool of Pain". (waves of pain..rippling on themselves...you in the middle..treading like fuck to stay afloat) No one is spared.....and sadly...as you age....you swim more often.
Pool of pain. I was gonna make one in toke and talk but now I will prolly make one in the sink. Call it clogged toilet for the shit we deal with. 🤣🤣🤣 I like what Jesse called his it can always be worse it can always get better.
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Heathen Basterd
Stop giving Italians a bad name you self righteous cunt. Getting smart with people while looking for a handout. Real Italians either work for what they want or they just take it, they don't beg for the table scraps.
Q with t
I was gonna make one in toke and talk but now I will prolly make one in the sink. Call it clogged toilet for the shit we deal with. 🤣🤣🤣 But I like what Jesse called his it can always be worse it can always get better.
single combat a better name, lol