Heathen's Basterds


Heathen Basterd
Beauty packs man...They look like heathen seeds for sure !

Does the godbud keep it shorter? I need some shorter shit to fit under the CMH. Just wondering.
God Bud is shorter in stature , I plan on running a large F4 run as well as hitting a couple ADubs up with Heisens blessing, I got Gen's blessing to hit the SBB up, it's just how I roll. The F4 God Bud I plan to offer as gifts to any Breeder on here that I am cool with , they are in a better position to get it out to You fuckers than Me after they run thru them and see what I already know, My Sister who used to be a roadie for Soundgarden got them for Me when the band did a Vancouver gig , Same Sis that has Tat shop in Portland now. Sorry long winded today


Hobby Farmer
Holy crap i want some of that.....short stature awesome works for me a lot better under that 315.

Looking forward to them man. And it would be great if Diane Kruger were on the cover of that pack !!!

Since I found chuckers I am finding seeds that I want to really run. Before I just took what i could get. I like this a lot better. FIRE FOR ALL!

And GodbudXAdub is going to be perfect for my space PERFECT !!