Grow Tent and Light Shopping


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dude they have V1, V2, Rspec, Bspec, UV, 3000k, 3500k, 4000k, 5000k, I'm sure I'm leaving some out.
On the driver side. Do you want to run series or parallel, or both? A or B driver?
Do you feel you can tackle this topic?
Not looking to argue - damn. All those spectrums are still basically available in the same wattage (or whatever) boards which require the same driver/board combos regardless of spectrum.

They have an easy to figure out set-up that could be copied either with their components - or comparable components. Under the vastly wide range of topics under "grow tent and light shopping" I Have HLG lights and like how they work. That said, I'm not a fan-boy that thinks you can't put together the same light with parts you can find elsewhere cheaper.


Cocaine Cowboy
87 bucks with nuts bolts and washers
For the metal and hardware?

What are the dimensions? If it's less than 36" long on any side, you could've picked up some 1/2" or 3/4" aluminum angle at Home Depot or Lowe's for about $4-$5 per 3' piece. It is what it is now, but keep that in mind for next time...and there will be a next time, the first build is your gateway.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Not looking to argue - damn. All those spectrums are still basically available in the same wattage (or whatever) boards which require the same driver/board combos regardless of spectrum.

They have an easy to figure out set-up that could be copied either with their components - or comparable components. Under the vastly wide range of topics under "grow tent and light shopping" I Have HLG lights and like how they work. That said, I'm not a fan-boy that thinks you can't put together the same light with parts you can find elsewhere cheaper.
I’ll run what ever is going to give me quantity of quality the best of the best

F series

Insanely Active Member
Damn Kev, I guess I'm too late, don't do exactly 48" x 48" if it's not too late.
If you can make 2 frames 20" x 44" I feel that would be smarter, more options in the future. You're gonna figure out. Running two 2x4's is superior like (insert race/ist joke here)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Damn Kev, I guess I'm too late, don't do exactly 48" x 48" if it's not too late.
If you can make 2 frames 20" x 44" I feel that would be smarter, more options in the future. You're gonna figure out. Running two 2x4's is superior like (insert race/ist joke here)
Are you just talking about being able to raise each separately?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For what it's worth - I have two flower rooms with identical lighting. One has both HLG boards mounted on the same heat-sink and one driver, one has two separate set-ups with a driver per board.

Both work the same, I assume one draws more power (two drivers), but it easier to adjust for various size plants in a tent. If you run a scrog it won't matter about separate heights - so there's that.