Greenpoint Seeds


You are seeing shit that just isn't there. People were trying to calm you down and weren't standing up for GPS. If you posted the same shit about any other seed vendor you would've received the same response. Did you expect Jeanne to ignore every other customer and put you in front of them all? Because THAT would be the definition of shitty customer service. Why can't you just accept the fact that you were being impatient and were throwing a tantrum? Grow up, man, the world doesn't revolve around you and you will get less blowback from people when you finally realize that.
Hell @Gu~~~ even commented here and did nothing. Its pretty apparent how he runs his business and I don't like it. Heaven forbid I tried to make a point here where he's regarding as a "GOD".


Can't say as where I'm worried about blow back. Been dealing with that all my life and have gotten through just fine.

If you actually understood what I was trying to do yesterday, or put yourself in my shoes, i may not look like a brat. But you already made your judgment and stuck with it. There was no changing your mind.

Let me put this as simple as possible for you.

I sent 2 texts in the morning because I was working and figured gps was busy with other people. I figured they would give me a call or text back at their convince. They DIDN'T. I waited until 4:00 pm yesterday to call them and get it handled. Why should I have had to do that when they say to call/text a certain number for questions or problems. I guess one upset customer doesn't matter to gps. That's fine I'll take my business elsewhere.
Because you were being impatient like a child. Pretty much every business out there tells you to expect 1-2 full business days to receive a response via email. If you wanted an immediate response then you should’ve called and waited to speak to someone.


Hell @Gu~~~ even commented here and did nothing. Its pretty apparent how he runs his business and I don't like it. Heaven forbid I tried to make a point here where he's regarding as a "GOD".
Maybe he had the day off? Maybe he responded to you while he was taking a shit? I don’t know Gu from a hole in the wall, and I’ve never dealt with him directly, because Jeanne handled my support ticket in a timely manner (2-3 business days).


BTW, the one issue I had with GPS was the Cherry Wine regs I bought had a lot of males, and I just emailed them to ask if anyone else was reporting the same. I wasn’t expecting anything but an answer from them, because that’s the chance you take with regs, but Jeanne sent me a free pack of Tomohawk to make up for it.


BTW, the one issue I had with GPS was the Cherry Wine regs I bought had a lot of males, and I just emailed them to ask if anyone else was reporting the same. I wasn’t expecting anything but an answer from them, because that’s the chance you take with regs, but Jeanne sent me a free pack of Tomohawk to make up for it.
Sweet man. I'm glad they took care of you. I don't feel like they took care of me. Or maybe they did. 🤔


Sweet man. I'm glad they took care of you. I don't feel like they took care of me. Or maybe they did. 🤔
How did they not take care of you? Didn’t you ask them to cancel your order and they did? You haven’t posted any other information other than the fact that you placed the order, knowing the discount didn’t go through, and then you were pissed off because the discount didn’t go through. Why did you place the order before calling them if it meant so much to you?


How did they not take care of you? Didn’t you ask them to cancel your order and they did? You haven’t posted any other information other than the fact that you placed the order, knowing the discount didn’t go through, and then you were pissed off because the discount didn’t go through. Why did you place the order before calling them if it meant so much to you?
I just figured a business would handle their shit and they didn't, in my opinion. You have yours. So now what?

They did take care of me. Not the way I wanted and that's fine. Idk why everyone is trying to make this a bigger deal that it is. I'm a pissed off customer. SO WHAT! I'm no one special but ya'll sure are acting like it.

FYI: if they would have contacted me and handled it, instead of the other way around. I wouldn't have canceled my order. Hell I probably would have ordered more cause I already knew how much I wanted to spend. It is what it is. I'll continue spending my money with @J.James and now I'll spend $400 with @thenotsoesoteric and see how his customer service is. I've already pmed him and it's been a great experience so far.


Does anyone ever own there mistakes? Like really just admit they jumped the gun and fucked up?
Didn't you know everyone is perfect? I mean I run into it on the daily.

Sry I expect perfection or something close to it. Your just not the person for me. Can you get over that?

I mean if that comment was aimed at me.

The way I see it gu should own up to posting the pre-sale a day or two early, but that could just be me.


I guess I could go as far as saying that Gu perfectly planned that stunt in order to take advantage of people like me. Why else do it in the order he did. Did he not for see himself offering a sale this weekend and just wait to offer both at the same time. Idk seems shady. 🤔


Dont Need One
I guess I could go as far as saying that Gu perfectly planned that stunt in order to take advantage of people like me. Why else do it in the order he did. Did he not for see himself offering a sale this weekend and just wait to offer both at the same time. Idk seems shady. 🤔
I already explained to you the situation. No one was trying to get you man or anyone else. Not sure why you don't get that. You the type of person that buys shit from Walmart than takes it back before black Friday to buy it cheaper? This is basically what your saying. Anyone looking for a bargain would just wait for a sale. Not sure any other way I can explain it. Maybe you should just never buy seeds from anyone until 420 sales because we all know those are big sale days. Buy them now and return them and ask for your money back on 419. What your saying makes no sense and I've tried to explain this the best I can. No one tried to get you dude. For fucks sake


Dont Need One
I can also promise you If I didn't give a shit I would not have invested this much time into this. I would have just slapped you on ignore and went about my day. Its more than obvious I care but you just aren't listening to what the fuck im saying.


Dont Need One
I guess I could go as far as saying that Gu perfectly planned that stunt in order to take advantage of people like me. Why else do it in the order he did. Did he not for see himself offering a sale this weekend and just wait to offer both at the same time. Idk seems shady. 🤔
There was no stunt. Its how people do business. They post products for sale and than offer sales on those products when they see fit. Its up to the consumer to clip coupons and shop around. I'm done arguing about it .


I can also promise you If I didn't give a shit I would not have invested this much time into this. I would have just slapped you on ignore and went about my day. Its more than obvious I care but you just aren't listening to what the fuck im saying.
You're right. I'm not listening because I've already said what I needed to yet you and all your fanboys keep having something to say or try to change my mind. It's all a bunch of talk with no action. Do you think I'm the type of guy to just stand around and watch? No! So I called and canceled my order and explained myself the best I could on here. Sry if I still sound like a winey girl.

I said I was done with you and the situation and yet it keeps getting brought back up. So I keep defending my point. I can do it all day. Should I start a thread about it here or on riu? Maybe I'm just making myself look like a dumbass. Idk should we ask the masses vs you and all your "friends"? The ball is in your court man and always has been. I just don't like how you do business. It is what it is.
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