Fiddler's Green
Just a regular vato
How do you dry all that goodness?
Both dubstep and SDS hang really well and only take 5 < min to pick off all their remaining big leaves to open them up for really good airflow. We aren't supposed to get any possible rain until this Sunday so it will be 5 on the vine and then 10-14 in a box then jars with humidity packs. I got a vremi dehu on standby if that goes sideways and we get some very possible thunder showers to pop up.How do you dry all that goodness?
Day 63 will be the last blast of light for dubstep (R) & Slam Dunk Skunk (L) as they both have reached harvest station.
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Dang! That looks good!
We’re getting rain and winds today from the hurricane blowing by us off the coast so I brought the outdoor plants inside until is passes. She’s got nice structure but the buds are pretty small for this time of year. I saw some posts from outdoor growers in the northeastern US who have been saying the bud formation on their plants seems way behind schedule this year. They think it’s from the weird weather and wildfire smoke but I’m not sure if I buy that with how my veggie garden exploded this year.
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Not sure , maybe reach out to customer support and find out.Wtf happened to Greenpoint seeds online shop? I went there today to order and my whole account seems to be deleted. I couldn't login or reset my password?
Good googly moogly that's a nice spread lol
Really nice job they are beautifulThis is the plant I like the most out of about 30 or so?? Not sure how many is in here.
Old school glue. Stacks well, very dense nugs. There is some other of these where it's not stacked. But this plant is pretty nice in its structure and has fairly decent frost for being outside
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