Greenpoint Seeds


Had a downpour on mine this morning.
I wanted to give them another week, weather will be in the 70's and drop into the 40's at night for the next
week or so. I had to twist the flowers opening up the bud sites. It's the only thing I found that actually works. I deal with this problem about every year.
We always get this type of weather at the worst possible time.
So far, mine are doing quite good this year and have had just a small amount of rot.
I started twisting the flowers a couple weeks ago.


I've found that strong wind and a decent dehumidifier will stop any mold before it starts indoors. Outdoors I shake the shit out the plants getting all of the moisture to fall off after a rainfall in the fall.
our humidity has been so high that mine couldn't keep up when the lights were on. I have them drying now and I have to have the window AC unit and the dehumidifier going to keep the humidity at 60%. Can't wait for that electric bill to come :rolleyes:


I wound up harvesting mine tonight because I didn’t want to risk having more mold growing. I found one more cola that had mold in it but the rest looks good.
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Probably the best thing. Cutting mine also. Wanted them to go another week, but I will lose more to mold if I do.
That downpour the other morning done a number on them. Turned all the hairs brown and almost washed them off the flowers.

Deleted member 60

Diiiizzzzaaaam....bummer about the rot guys. I can't even fathom growing back that way/in the humidity. I've only had mold once indoors...years ago...tried to span a week absence by watering real good...but it didn't turn out real good. LOL. Had some big colas go south. Live and learn. Glad you all caught it fairly early.

@NoWaistedSpace I won't clog up this thread with a buncha personal info/etc....but thanks for asking. Wife is good. An ablation fixed the afib and the drugs keep shit in check. I got a prediabetes diagnosis recently so I'm adjusting diet and watching carbs/etc. and doing al i can to stop the train. All-in-all we're doing well...but as ya know...this gettin' old shit isn't for the meek....Heehee.

My outdoor is rockin' along well. Getting a rare rainy/cloudy day here today. We've had a fair amount of rain in the area but we watch the storms hit the mountains on the other side...come over...fizzle...then reform just to the East of us. Overall it's been a hot, dry Summer. We are in for some sunny/clear-75/45F days for a good week to 10 here...maybe a shot of rain but I don't count on it. Even tossing everyone into 15 gallon smart pots I've had to water everyday this Summer. I've been able to span 2 days @ times but they get light and then don't wanna suck it up I usually just give em a shot and try to keep em moist. Right now they are getting a good whap of 0-15-15. I've been hitting em with worm teas and put DR. Earth bud and Bloom in on transplant...and have also made the stuff into a tea a few times. Gave em the last hit of that shat 4 days ago....and decided to hit em with a boost...just cus. Will keep adding a bit in for the next week or so...then it's gonna be time (for most) to ride the ride to finish and just get plain water. They are at the point where you can see who will finish fast and who's gonna tempt the frost/freezes that are comin'. To touch on the topic of the of the slower ones is a GP Purple Dream....another is a GP PP S-1. With good weather I can harvest a bit slower. When it goes to shit and I have to pull em all in due to snow/etc... it's fuckin' nuts. This year is looking good...


Looks like alot of sativa in that plant, how is the smell?

Kinda smells citrus. My sniffer doesn't work too good right now as I had covid for a while and my smell went away. Still can't smell very good.
Nice looking buds, dense, sticky and some phenos are decent yielding and others about like the way girl scout cookies was. Just nugs on the plant. I think indoors I can get them to yield better and be frostier.

I know I'm going to battling worms before too long. Shit ton of moths flying around and they LOVE weed. Those buggers will eat the stems on the bud and the bud will fall off.

You can see that bastard flying right there.


We’re getting rain and winds today from the hurricane blowing by us off the coast so I brought the outdoor plants inside until is passes. She’s got nice structure but the buds are pretty small for this time of year. I saw some posts from outdoor growers in the northeastern US who have been saying the bud formation on their plants seems way behind schedule this year. They think it’s from the weird weather and wildfire smoke but I’m not sure if I buy that with how my veggie garden exploded this year.


Nerd Gone Vertical
We’re getting rain and winds today from the hurricane blowing by us off the coast so I brought the outdoor plants inside until is passes. She’s got nice structure but the buds are pretty small for this time of year. I saw some posts from outdoor growers in the northeastern US who have been saying the bud formation on their plants seems way behind schedule this year. They think it’s from the weird weather and wildfire smoke but I’m not sure if I buy that with how my veggie garden exploded this year.
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Honey, pay no attention to the green monster in the living room! LOL