Greenpoint Seeds


Insanely Active Member
Must have dropped the light too low on my hibernates after I pulled the deputy out of the tent. Didn't bleach the buds, but I did fry some fans. Oh well, could have been worse.

The deputy got trimmed up and jarred Monday, but I couldn't wait for a tester nug lol.

The cold snap we had through the beginning/middle of flower fucked my yield on those I think. Its a lot more prissy than my hibernate.

Deleted member 60

Dang! I go over to reverse auction hit Space Gorilla 31.03.
Sorry! We ain't got enough for the likes of you!
Thanks Gu!
And I was just bragging on you earlier too. lol
So you snagged em but they weren't in stock? Or Gu~ said "Fuck's that NoWaistedSpace guy again...?" and cut you off? Heehee....

I went there last night for the first time since the "S-1" fiasco. "Space Gorilla" for $20.36? Did someone really snag that pack for so little coin...or is it one of those deals where when you click switch-o-change-o's to something else or says "Out Of Stock" after it lets you get all excited and shit that yer killing it?

"Batteries Not Included" and shit?