Greenpoint Seeds


Insanely Active Member
There are always coupon codes and reverse auctions so I wouldn’t be surprised if Gu raised his base price to make up for all the packs that sell for next to nothing. The last 6 packs I’ve bought through them averaged out to about $25 a pack. Hell, I got one pack for $12.
u could be like me still tryin' to get set up a
What's wrong with Gu today? He quitting? lol
He selling everything on reverse auctions.
me, i think there may be new additions ,to the stud farm, ready for new crosses ?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
To be clear, I wasn't bangin' on Greenpoint or anything. There are fems for $80, but also some for $30. Probably two different drops, and possibly two different levels of ease or success in producing feminized pollen or viable seeds. I believe the discount code applies to everything in the cart so the under twenty dollar packs are (were) there.


To be clear, I wasn't bangin' on Greenpoint or anything. There are fems for $80, but also some for $30. Probably two different drops, and possibly two different levels of ease or success in producing feminized pollen or viable seeds. I believe the discount code applies to everything in the cart so the under twenty dollar packs are (were) there.
I didn’t think you were bangin on them I was just adding onto what you were saying. His reverse auctions must spike sales for regular priced items, otherwise, he’d be doing a ton of work for little profit with all the reverse auctions he does.


Just ordered another pack of Jelly Pie, $22 to the door.
Finishing up on the last of F'n good!
I've enjoyed most all of GPS that I've grown, this one is right up there.
Still have a dozen various packs from 2018 stashed in the fridge to go thru.
And a handful of the newer green packs I've bought since the reemergence of the regs.
Some smokin deals when they come along!


I didn’t think you were bangin on them I was just adding onto what you were saying. His reverse auctions must spike sales for regular priced items, otherwise, he’d be doing a ton of work for little profit with all the reverse auctions he does.
I don't understand how the business end works, but after receiving his email,
I tried to help with those pics for a boost to sales.
I did my part. lol
Still should have bought beans at those prices whether you needed them or not.
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