Friends Chat!


Insanely Active Member
Grandkids are aged
4 5 6 7 8 9
My kids are 14 30 and 34
This week it is the 5 and 9 year old. Dont get caught in logic arguments with kids lol..I almost forgot the answer to everything is because i said so.

And whatever you do...remain non committal until you know you are going to the park.....we might go is like a cheque you take to the said.


They are fun and they always think the trees are very nice to look at....that is medical cannabis grandkids...:D strange times.

Cooler temps today so they wont be swimming...down to a high of 70 degrees today. Last night was 60 i think.
5 grandkids all under 10 hehehe I understand why you smoke weed now. My kids are 30, 27 and 21 but no gradys as yet. I’m grateful as my adult kids still give me enough of a challenge without having to explain why clouds form just yet. Ahhh gotta love em and as they say one day the crap you put your parents through will be bestowed upon you.
It’s all good mate. Time to roll another spliff .

Deleted member 60

My oldest would be 30 now. My youngest is 27. The oldest was a ladies man. He started sniffin that shit @13 and had a buncha cuties on his arm from then on. The youngest had a few GF's but after his bro left his grief fucked his wagon and he couldn't find anyone with enough depth to understand him/his pain. It's been a revolving door for him.....and with COVID he's just avoiding women altogether. Between the two... and the shit goin on out there these days....I'm not holding out a lot of hope for g-kids...but I've reckoned with the possibility of it not happening.

Hold em tight. There are no guarantees and shit happens.


Seed Aficionado
My oldest would be 30 now. My youngest is 27. The oldest was a ladies man. He started sniffin that shit @13 and had a buncha cuties on his arm from then on. The youngest had a few GF's but after his bro left his grief fucked his wagon and he couldn't find anyone with enough depth to understand him/his pain. It's been a revolving door for him.....and with COVID he's just avoiding women altogether. Between the two... and the shit goin on out there these days....I'm not holding out a lot of hope for g-kids...but I've reckoned with the possibility of it not happening.

Hold em tight. There are no guarantees and shit happens.
Well said man


Insanely Active Member
Yep your kids are a privilege not a right and they are the closest you are ever going to get to understanding the meaning of life . I had a good friend lose his only son in a car crash when his son was 11. He was the national BMX champion in his age group and was on track to representing his country and more than likely going to the Olympics in the future such was his talent . The strength that family displayed to make it through was nothing short of remarkable and made me profoundly aware of your comment Sticky . Your spot on . There are no guarantees .

Deleted member 60

Respect @Ozjet68. From (kinda) living through it....for us it wasn't "strength". It was simply the worst thing ever..... forced upon us with no fuckin choice...and you either bear the extreme weight...or you crumble under it. I didn't function beyond "autopilot" for 2 years...even though most people kept telling me how "strong" I was. I sure couldn't see it. Definitely the lowest , darkest place I've ever been. My heart goes out to your buddy/his family if they made it through and are still together. It changes everything in an instant and nothing is ever the same.

Onward, through the fog......


Respect @Ozjet68. From (kinda) living through it....for us it wasn't "strength". It was simply the worst thing ever..... forced upon us with no fuckin choice...and you either bear the extreme weight...or you crumble under it. I didn't function beyond "autopilot" for 2 years...even though most people kept telling me how "strong" I was. I sure couldn't see it. Definitely the lowest , darkest place I've ever been. My heart goes out to your buddy/his family if they made it through and are still together. It changes everything in an instant and nothing is ever the same.

Onward, through the fog......
Yep your kids are a privilege not a right and they are the closest you are ever going to get to understanding the meaning of life . I had a good friend lose his only son in a car crash when his son was 11. He was the national BMX champion in his age group and was on track to representing his country and more than likely going to the Olympics in the future such was his talent . The strength that family displayed to make it through was nothing short of remarkable and made me profoundly aware of your comment Sticky . Your spot on . There are no guarantees .
Best wishes to the both of you.


Insanely Active Member
Hust made comment the other day life is precious and he is right . Humanity confuses the shit out of me sometimes and is so contrary in so many ways . I think we struggle to find the balance of sustained harmony . We fight so hard to save a life on the operating table . We impose all these safety protocols and regulations in both work and home life to preserve life yet we willingly send our sons and daughters off to war to be sacrificial lambs to uphold our freedom in what’s deemed a necessary evil . No I’m not anti war and make no mistake their bravery and professionalism is unquestioned , I’m not a feel good love everyone hippy , I don’t associate with any groups , mindsets or political agendas . I’m probably just an observer of this world . I don’t have all the answers . I just call it as I see it if I understand it . The varying value on life I do not. We call ourselves modern man yet our means of resolution is the same as it has always been.


Insanely Active Member
@Ozjet68 getting deep
I like it and agree and see myself in similar fashion
Yep i was a bit reluctant to air my thoughts in case I offended any ex servicemen or women as that wasn’t my intention . I attend our dawn services in honour of our fallen every year and hear the stories of the young that will never grow old . Just seems such a waste .


Yep i was a bit reluctant to air my thoughts in case I offended any ex servicemen or women as that wasn’t my intention . I attend our dawn services in honour of our fallen every year and hear the stories of the young that will never grow old . Just seems such a waste .
I'm a veteran and you didn't say anything that I would find offensive. People join the military in the US for various reasons. Some want to fight, some feel it's their duty to put some time in to show their appreciation for what they have, some join for the experience and to learn to be more disciplined, and some join because they come from families who are poor and just can't afford a decent education. I joined in the early 90's when the Gulf War was just starting, not because I wanted to fight, but because I couldn't afford college and I felt the country needed the extra people to fill positions for those who had been deployed. I also agree that it seems barbaric to send soldiers off to battle, but the alternative (missiles and drones) takes the human aspect out of war and I think it makes it too easy to just wipe people out and act like you just won a video game. I know they are necessary in many situations, but I think having boots on the ground also helps prevent major mistakes. In fact, boots on the ground (and aerial feeds) are necessary now to get the "go ahead" to attack by drone and missiles.


Insanely Active Member
I'm a veteran and you didn't say anything that I would find offensive. People join the military in the US for various reasons. Some want to fight, some feel it's their duty to put some time in to show their appreciation for what they have, some join for the experience and to learn to be more disciplined, and some join because they come from families who are poor and just can't afford a decent education. I joined in the early 90's when the Gulf War was just starting, not because I wanted to fight, but because I couldn't afford college and I felt the country needed the extra people to fill positions for those who had been deployed. I also agree that it seems barbaric to send soldiers off to battle, but the alternative (missiles and drones) takes the human aspect out of war and I think it makes it too easy to just wipe people out and act like you just won a video game. I know they are necessary in many situations, but I think having boots on the ground also helps prevent major mistakes. In fact, boots on the ground (and aerial feeds) are necessary now to get the "go ahead" to attack by drone and missiles.
Yep agreed it does offer a lot to all walks of life . Weather it be a trade, career or any of all you mentioned . Make no mistake without the forces we wouldn’t be tucked in at night with that sense of security and well being. I guess to sum up my thoughts since the beginning of mankind we still use killing fields to resolve our disputes . Across the animal kingdom it’s a common theme so perhaps it’s just meant to be although we claim to harbour the superior intelligence. The only thing that’s changed in thousands of years is our technology and hence our efficiency at execution .


Hobby Farmer
My son thought the smell of weed was what cars smelled like when you worked on them....legalzation came the year before he had to take the DARE against drugs program...and now weed is not listed as a drug under that program. Now it’s like I am the OG of ganja. Dodged a bullet with that one

the grandkids are used to grandpa smoking a blunt. They call them medical cigarettes


Seed Aficionado
My son thought the smell of weed was what cars smelled like when you worked on them....legalzation came the year before he had to take the DARE against drugs program...and now weed is not listed as a drug under that program. Now it’s like I am the OG of ganja. Dodged a bullet with that one

the grandkids are used to grandpa smoking a blunt. They call them medical cigarettes
That's how it should be man . 🤙

Deleted member 60

LOL..."medical cigarettes". That works on the little ones. I remember when Thai sticks were around in the 70's. Friends had a small girl about 3. She called pot "nunya"...short for what they always told her..which was "none of your business". When we busted out a bunch sticks from their bundles on the table one night...she looked at it...held one up....and said "rolled up nunya". :ROFLMAO: Ah.....out of the mouths of babes.

I got pulled over in Utah on a family vacation in 2006 and detained roadside by the Pigglies for almost 2 hours when the cop got wind of my stash. They brought the dogs in and everything. That was how my kids (13/16 at the time) formally found out I was a carded Med patient. LOL.


Insanely Active Member
I can only dream
Yeah same . The authorities can kiss my ass though. Its ok to have alcohol ,tobacco , gambling , processed sugar and the rest at our disposal causing all sorts of social issues and they are still deeming some of us criminals . The biggest joke I’ve ever heard. Like I said with my earlier view . Contradiction at its best 👎🏻