Domestic Terrorism

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Super Active Member
I can agree on the collusion and impeachment being a total waste of time and resources, especially knowing from the very beginning they weren't gonna have the votes in the senate. but how in the world is the handling of this pandemic their fault?


Mediocre grower
I can agree on the collusion and impeachment being a total waste of time and resources, especially knowing from the very beginning they weren't gonna have the votes in the senate. but how in the world is the handling of this pandemic their fault?
I feel like this pandemic is the fault of the liberal mainstream media. Creating a narrative, and backing politicians into a corner, so the only choice they have is to cave and shut down their economy to avoid the intense criticism from the media. Never before has our country shut down like this because of a pandemic, and the media coverage is the craziest it's ever been...


Mediocre grower
I usually don't get involved with political debates, but maybe someone can help me understand this. How is it that 3/4 of our entire government system is republication led, but somehow it's the democrats fault we are in the position we are in? Don't like the way things are change them. Conservatives literally have the power to do just that. Decisions are being made by trump's cabinet appointments and republican senate and laws are being interpreted by a conservative Supreme Court. Yet its the dems fault. All I see is Bunch of the same ole same ole no matter who has the majority. But dems give their representatives passes and republicans do the same for theirs. How about we hold everyone accountable and stop turning a blind eye and blaming the other side.
Too many Republicans are all talk and don't have the balls to actually stand up to the democrats. That's why trump got elected, he stands up and fights against leftism. Like him or not, that's the truth.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Funny part is left right conservative liberal, democtats, Republicans these are all narrow channels your mind is forced down. We only accept the options given not realizing the spectrum of quality ideals in and outside of the spectrums you hold so dear. We cling to a government ideology that is outdated as it is exploited. Praise the name America when it has never been what it was sold as even before America sold out to the central banks. Be proud that your countrymen who have been given a label of the name Americam are not suffering like others worldwide. I will be ashamed and empathetic considering I could have just as easily been anyone of them. My fellow men come from many global points. They wear many colors of skin. However we are united by one idea. A better world without false leaders and the sheep that pace behind them.


They ask to please rise for the national anthem to show respect to the people that died for this country black and white united as one. If it weren’t for those that died they wouldn’t have the freedom to kneel. It’s very disrespectful to a lot of people to not show respect and stand when you have people around you that had family that died for our countries freedoms. Why do it when honoring the people that died for this country? Why take that time from them? Why not another time
First of all NFL games are last place to honoring dead soldiers.. In normal countries a National Anthem is dedicated to dead only at some annual meeting of History dates cinnected to it . And playing national anthem is to honor country and Every black pwrson in USA has his right to Dishonor it, same as it Dishonor them for centuries..
Dead would be offended?? wtf. they are dead, only offended ones are people like you..If I bonor the flag, Somebody who has really good reason to Dishonor it can't offend me..

After WW2 there want any war that you weren't agitators and aggressor, so wtf fckng freedom do you preach.. I didnt see anyone try to Invade you , like you are doing around the world..
WW2 Germans had been given false information and were lured to Nacizm,whats your excuse??

F series

Insanely Active Member
Pride? A quality of fools and the arrogant alike in my opinion. Are you proud of the actual state of America, or proud that we are not suffering the terrible conditions many worldwide are subject to daily? Dont confuse pride with nationalism. You'll be wearing a swastika before long. The problem is America is not unique in its dysfunctions. For open minded individuals who can see through the smoke this whole planet is a prison bound by the primitive nature and indecency of humans coupled with the weak survival instincts that keep the gears turning. Your mind accepts your disposition and justifies it to ensure its survival and relieve it of stresses that critical thinking would bring. Ever heard of depressive realism. Why do you think mental health is on a major decline? The ocean of hope I had as a child withered to a small puddle with the realization change has to come from everyone willingly. I imagine the world will burn before the populace wakes up from this dream of free doom. Honestly I just hope I'm around to light one and say goodbye to what could have been.
You think nationalism is a bad thing?
Do you even think for yourself....


If you can't be proud of your country leave. We have the least racist society on earth. We fund half of the worlds countries for no reason, and they hate us for it. I'll give @JohnFonda one small concession. Fuck Hyphens. Have you heard anyone from any other country refer to themselves an African-Canadian? A Chinese-German? We are the first country to abolish slavery. Other countries still practice it today. We don't toss gays off buildings, Beat women for showing their face or being raped, the list goes on. We also don't lock people up for shit they say on twitter. You don't like America? Go find a country that suits you. You want to be an American, be an American without hyphens - THAT is unity. Not the divisive bullshit you see today on TV. The flag is a representation of that country. Get over yourself.

oh my god..
what fckn master pro level of brainwashed individual. 39-44 German is piece of cake compared to you.. Few more milion braindead morons like you and deep state is safe forever.

you are white uncle tom..


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
oh my god..
what fckn master pro level of brainwashed individual. 39-44 German is piece of cake compared to you.. Few more milion braindead morons like you and deep state is safe forever.

you are white uncle tom..
And you afre a feckless moron. Ever read Uncle Tom's Cabin? Tom was actually the hero of the story that helped the other slaves. But you be you.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oh, and "walls are racist" - but the first thing the anarchy kids in Seattle did was put up walls and border security.

It ALL boils down to "orange man bad". If he is for it (America First) they are against it - period. Damn the results, damn the country.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And in the interest of "hurt feelings" Hollywood is about to cancel-culture itself out of the way.

If you ban every actor/actress that has portrayed a cop, held a gun, said racist things that were in the script, made off-color jokes etc. You are left with Dean Cain left doing Halmark movies.

High kev

Yankee seeds
First of all NFL games are last place to honoring dead soldiers.. In normal countries a National Anthem is dedicated to dead only at some annual meeting of History dates cinnected to it . And playing national anthem is to honor country and Every black pwrson in USA has his right to Dishonor it, same as it Dishonor them for centuries..
Dead would be offended?? wtf. they are dead, only offended ones are people like you..If I bonor the flag, Somebody who has really good reason to Dishonor it can't offend me..

After WW2 there want any war that you weren't agitators and aggressor, so wtf fckng freedom do you preach.. I didnt see anyone try to Invade you , like you are doing around the world..
WW2 Germans had been given false information and were lured to Nacizm,whats your excuse??
They’ve been asking people to please stand for the national anthem at football games for as long as I can remember. Again a lot of people feel the same when they stand for the anthem. Why disrespect them? Why not show respect to everyone? we also are honoring black people too during the anthem. There are many freedoms in America like being able to dishonor the American flag during the national anthem. Other “normal” countries don’t put up with it and they will punish you for being disrespectful to the country. Soldiers that died for our country sometimes have families. Those family members seeing some one be disrespectful towards their country during the anthem after their family member died fighting for it could be Offended. they also have the freedom to think and feel that way also. But just cause you have the right to do it doesn’t make it the right thing to do. We have the right to yell durning moment of silence but why disrespect dead people. I think showing respect to everyone is the way to go but I’m just a little jerk though I guess. I don’t agree with invading but I don’t know much about it. I shouldn’t comment on that part cause I don’t know much about it. I Think aMercia is currently trying to bring troops and Americans back home but I don’t know much about all that. I just know that some take it as disrespectful to disrespect their own country.


Super Active Member
I feel like this pandemic is the fault of the liberal mainstream media. Creating a narrative, and backing politicians into a corner, so the only choice they have is to cave and shut down their economy to avoid the intense criticism from the media. Never before has our country shut down like this because of a pandemic, and the media coverage is the craziest it's ever been...
If that was truly the case are these the Men you want making decisions for you and your family? Again you are giving passes instead of holding them accountable. They are there to make the hard choices and "tell it like it is" right? At the end of the day how are they any better if they aren't accomplishing anything? And just for the record I vote for the candidate not the party.


Super Active Member
Just like I see over and over again a thirty min rant condemning the criminal behavior of the civilian in these situations but 2 min condemning the criminal behavior of the cop. it's all about accountability to me. Damn right I hold a professional to a higher standard tan I do a non professional in any field. That's what makes you a professional. Now with that said I'm not anti-police. I believe that it's one of the hardest jobs to do. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be held accountable for not doing it right. Same with doctors, pilots, heavy equipment operators, or any other dangerous job. Right is right.


Blümen Meister
Personally, doesn't bother me when they take a knee. I think the NFL is stupid for not writing these things into the players' contracts like the NBA did. The NFL has been a publicity disaster for a long time.
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