Domestic Terrorism

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Dropping to the ground is saying I’m not going to listen to you and having to be pulled from the opposite side of the car is also not listening. If he didn’t do anything wrong he should of had no problem doing what the police is asking him to do. Again no need to kneel the guy to death
And why do you suppose that floyd got pulled from the other side of the car. My guess is he put his back against that door and was kicking at the door he went in. We know why he went in the car, a big question is why did he get pulled out?

Why haven't we seen the cops personal cams? My guess is that the "protesters" might not like what they see. If they were brutal..........they'd already have been aired.


nope.. All 4 of them.. I saw bunch of times where 4 dudes rob a bank,one stays in car as driver,somebody get's killed and all were tried for murder.
When I was kid my dream was living in USA,but now when I realized how distorted and f up place it is I would choose Canada,that is normal version of USA.
I'll bet Canada can't wait to have you..........Hahahashaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.what a maroon!

They are all like..... please don't come here........................:D


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Do you see your country dividing as a result of the polar differences in politics?
On this one I say no. It looks like a lot of people at those protests - most of the population doesn't play thins shit. Bitching about it on the interwebz is about as far as it'll go. If you look at this map, it shows you the areas of concern in blue all due to democrat leadership. They are all in debt, have politicians that vote themselves raises for their "pension for life" fund, stuff like that.
The people on CNN would have you believe that the red areas don't matter. Fuck 'em. Without the red areas they would not eat. How many ranches and farms do you think there are in NYC? (hint: they have central park - and bitch about the rest of us killing the environment)

So avoid CNN or you get this.
No matter the topic.

If you look at their viewership, or the number of people attending these riots, they are a small portion of the population, but they have the backing of the media because orange man bad. Also, nothing bad ever happened for 8 years while B.Hussein was pResident. They are a mouthpiece of the DNC.

Fox at least gives you the facts, before spinning it the other way. They also haven't had to submit retractions or on air apologies for getting the facts wrong frequently (or deceptively editing video, or using partial quotes out of context) like ALL the DNC controlled networks - and some of their "pundits" may be in prison soon. CIA people that were on air spreading lies about "evidence of Russian collusion" while testifying under oath (and penalty of perjury) that they knew of no evidence. They spied on Americans without cause - big nono.

So in a nutshell - that ain't us. That is the radical left, calling for aboloshing police forces and abandoning fossil fuels - shit like that.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@gwheels - as far as Canada goes, you guys are feeling the "oh shit a liberal is in charge" effect now. I hate it for you.
I am not LMEO.jpg. It's seriously going to take a few years to recover from the damage he does.

That said, you guys have good beer, and uhm… curling! Yeah! Curling!
SO do I think you guys can pull through this?

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Fox at least gives you the facts....,
Enjoy this truth teller while you can. He's target numero uno of the silencers.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Enjoy this truth teller while you can. He's target numero uno of the silencers.

They flat out said that "BLM means abolish the police". That's why that soy-boy mayor in Minneapolis could do nothing but fold when he tried to talk to them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And for the foot-washing bullshit they pulled in NC, it shows how much thought they put into it.

The Biblical reference there is that of Jesus washing the feet of a sinner. How can the protesters stand for that racial bullshit? :sneaky: :cool:


Hobby Farmer
What made it important biblicly is the son of God washing the feet of a prostitute.

There are no godly politicians....It's more like whores washing hookers feet.

In general.

And that's an old pic of trudeau he has long wavy hair and a dirty 3 musketeers beard going on.....meh oui.

At least they made it legal for me to smoke dog walkers. I always did it anyway but now it's funnier.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What made it important biblicly is the son of God washing the feet of a prostitute.
that's what I said LOL

there was a hint of sarcasm that these protesters might be on the wrong side of the scrub brush if they were trying to prove a righteous point.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the out of towners, (globally speaking) Martin Luther King was a Reverend, protested in peace for peace, was a conservative, voted republican, and was jailed for owning a firearm in violation of some democrat gun laws aimed at minorities. These people are destroying everything he fought for.
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