Domestic Terrorism

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Tegrity Greenthumb
They ask to please rise for the national anthem to show respect to the people that died for this country black and white united as one. If it weren’t for those that died they wouldn’t have the freedom to kneel. It’s very disrespectful to a lot of people to not show respect and stand when you have people around you that had family that died for our countries freedoms. Why do it when honoring the people that died for this country? Why take that time from them? Why not another time
Using the whole people who died argument is one of the biggest pieces of propaganda around. To be ashamed of a flag is no disrespect. The disrespect is the flag not representing what some of the men died for to begin with. The freedom to disagree and seek something better. A kid who joined solely for the purpose of pay and college money gets killed in Iraq. This is not a freedom fighter. This is a mercenary. The disrespect lies in glorifying his death for a political agenda that caused his death to begin with. I have no problem with someone not standing for the flag. As I have no problem with having no flags. I dont need a banner of colors to hold pride in and give a false sense of security and superiority. I am a human. I live on earth. I would like do the best I can to limit suffering and preserve the planet's resources and purity for future generations to live with. That's that. Fuck America. Fuck white people, black people, latinos, asians. Fuck labels. We need to get back to the basics and really decide where we want to go and make sure its our hands on the wheel.


Active Member
I is he, and he am I, though Amos is mostly MIA on this site, as are Lord Bowler and Weed [Seed] Legend.

View attachment 61378
who are these protesters anyway.......AOC type americans it appears

heffing terrorists! Back to gitmo!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you can't be proud of your country leave. We have the least racist society on earth. We fund half of the worlds countries for no reason, and they hate us for it. I'll give @JohnFonda one small concession. Fuck Hyphens. Have you heard anyone from any other country refer to themselves an African-Canadian? A Chinese-German? We are the first country to abolish slavery. Other countries still practice it today. We don't toss gays off buildings, Beat women for showing their face or being raped, the list goes on. We also don't lock people up for shit they say on twitter. You don't like America? Go find a country that suits you. You want to be an American, be an American without hyphens - THAT is unity. Not the divisive bullshit you see today on TV. The flag is a representation of that country. Get over yourself.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the leftist Americans - right now you are proposing abolishing cops - and that Biden is the answer to something other than a random VP Trivia question. You have no leg to stand on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
911 what is your emergency?

someone is breaking into my home!

Do you have a gun?

No! Send help!

Sorry, but we are just keeping track of the crime statistics now. Can we put you down for burglary or to you see this ending with violence?

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
We also don't lock people up for shit they say on twitter.
Just a matter of weeks. Conservative voices are being banned from social platforms at a record pace, even from comments on Yahoo, and those are the few that bother to speak up. The vast majority of elected republicans have initiated their cloaking devices and disappeared, while the left steamrolls civil society as we knew it. Remember those who took your vote, your money, then fled rather than confront.

Don't forget, it was just a few days ago that beauticians and elderly barbers were being tossed into jail, dads arrested in front of their kids in public parks. It's an extremely short leap to 'speech crimes', and that's exactly what lies dead ahead. Damm shame.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just a matter of weeks. Conservative voices are being banned from social platforms at a record pace, even from comments on Yahoo, and those are the few that bother to speak up. The vast majority of elected republicans have initiated their cloaking devices and disappeared, while the left steamrolls civil society as we knew it. Remember those who took your vote, your money, then fled rather than confront.
Twitter and facebook want to use censorship - and avail themselves of rights protected by the First Amendment. They no longer have that privilege and should be facing consequences soon.


Active Member
911 what is your emergency?

someone is breaking into my home!

Do you have a gun?

No! Send help!

Sorry, but we are just keeping track of the crime statistics now. Can we put you down for burglary or to you see this ending with violence?
Yeah, I am tired of those people expecting everything given free!
Free education, free healthcare, free everything! Fuck that Covid check too! The strongest will survive! That's how we will be great again!


Mediocre grower
Just a matter of weeks. Conservative voices are being banned from social platforms at a record pace, even from comments on Yahoo, and those are the few that bother to speak up. The vast majority of elected republicans have initiated their cloaking devices and disappeared, while the left steamrolls civil society as we knew it. Remember those who took your vote, your money, then fled rather than confront.

Don't forget, it was just a few days ago that beauticians and elderly barbers were being tossed into jail, dads arrested in front of their kids in public parks. It's an extremely short leap to 'speech crimes', and that's exactly what lies dead ahead. Damm shame.
I just read about an athlete who got cut from his team because of some shit his wife posted on social media. Apparently he doesn't control his wife well enough to please the woke SJW mob.


Tegrity Greenthumb
If you can't be proud of your country leave. We have the least racist society on earth. We fund half of the worlds countries for no reason, and they hate us for it. I'll give @JohnFonda one small concession. Fuck Hyphens. Have you heard anyone from any other country refer to themselves an African-Canadian? A Chinese-German? We are the first country to abolish slavery. Other countries still practice it today. We don't toss gays off buildings, Beat women for showing their face or being raped, the list goes on. We also don't lock people up for shit they say on twitter. You don't like America? Go find a country that suits you. You want to be an American, be an American without hyphens - THAT is unity. Not the divisive bullshit you see today on TV. The flag is a representation of that country. Get over yourself.
Pride? A quality of fools and the arrogant alike in my opinion. Are you proud of the actual state of America, or proud that we are not suffering the terrible conditions many worldwide are subject to daily? Dont confuse pride with nationalism. You'll be wearing a swastika before long. The problem is America is not unique in its dysfunctions. For open minded individuals who can see through the smoke this whole planet is a prison bound by the primitive nature and indecency of humans coupled with the weak survival instincts that keep the gears turning. Your mind accepts your disposition and justifies it to ensure its survival and relieve it of stresses that critical thinking would bring. Ever heard of depressive realism. Why do you think mental health is on a major decline? The ocean of hope I had as a child withered to a small puddle with the realization change has to come from everyone willingly. I imagine the world will burn before the populace wakes up from this dream of free doom. Honestly I just hope I'm around to light one and say goodbye to what could have been.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Using the whole people who died argument is one of the biggest pieces of propaganda around. To be ashamed of a flag is no disrespect. The disrespect is the flag not representing what some of the men died for to begin with. The freedom to disagree and seek something better. A kid who joined solely for the purpose of pay and college money gets killed in Iraq. This is not a freedom fighter. This is a mercenary. The disrespect lies in glorifying his death for a political agenda that caused his death to begin with. I have no problem with someone not standing for the flag. As I have no problem with having no flags. I dont need a banner of colors to hold pride in and give a false sense of security and superiority. I am a human. I live on earth. I would like do the best I can to limit suffering and preserve the planet's resources and purity for future generations to live with. That's that. Fuck America. Fuck white people, black people, latinos, asians. Fuck labels. We need to get back to the basics and really decide where we want to go and make sure its our hands on the wheel.
I kinda look at it as if I’m in someone’s stadium, park, country, church or someone else’s home or chickens paradise. I try and show respect for where ever I may be. And hope for the same mutual respect back. If I enter a church and the rev says please stand I stand. He says kneel I kneel. He says eat the bread I eat it If I go and watch my kids baseball game and they ask me to stand before the game to show respect to our country that allows my kid to have fun playing sports I stand. If they ask me to throw the garbage in a garbage can I do it. IF I go to China Russia North Korea Mexico Canada. I try and respect all the rules that are laid out and if that country plays their national anthem show respect and do what they ask stand or whatever it may be. If I go into someone else’s house and they ask me to take off my shoes before entering I do so I don’t refuse. If they ask us to bow are heads to say a prayer before we eat. I do it out of respect. When the stop light turns red I stop. When we’re asked to pick up our own dogs poop I do it so no one else steps in it on the side walk. If I’m in checkers paradise and g wheels heisen big perm or anyone tells me they have rules I try and follow them. I just don’t post my dildos for sale in the for sale area I don’t try trading my underwear on the trading block (anymore at least) I try and show respect for everyone although I’m far from perfect. Not standing when asked to show respect for the place you are is kinda saying no I don’t respect you or your stuff but I’ll do what I want at your place. I can’t help but think of the people that fought for this country and laid their lives on the line just so those people can show disrespect and hate their own country that allows them to be so hateful towards their own countrywithout them being thrown in jail killed beat etc. I’m not perfect but I don’t try to push my imperfections off into other people’s faces just because I have the right to do so. Idk I could be wrong about a lot of things but that’s just the way I always try to look at the whole kneeling when asked to stand for a national anthem. No matter what country I’m in.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are you proud of the actual state of America, or proud that we are not suffering the terrible conditions many worldwide are subject to daily?
Am I proud that we have the one country on earth where my countrymen are not suffering like some third world shithole? Damn skippy! Am I proud that we donate billions to those shithole countries still to have them oppose us at every turn? Nope - fuck 'em. Not my country - not my problem. Have your own revolution, fix your own shit. We should start charging all these desert shitholes for the mercenary support we provide.

You are an idiot. Pride and Nationalism are the same damn thing. Libtards can try and change definitions and narratives as they go. Doesn't change facts.

My mind accepts facts. My mind despises hypothesis based solely on feelings that then become law with no chance of them succeeding. Did all the welfare programs stop poverty? Suck it - try jobs! If you do the same damn thing over and over and expect different results - you have a problem.

If you have a system that works and try to insert loopholes to support special interest groups of any kind it fails. Whether those special interest groups are big business, blacks, gays, the oil industry whatever. All inclusive - loopholes and subsidies are the problem. Supporting shit that should fail, and suppressing stuff that should succeed. This is government.

You are in the only country on EARTH where the pursuit of happiness is GUARANTEED!
Unfortunately liberals think that means we should all have an equal outcome. They want everyone to get a trophy, no one gets feelings hurt, winners get nothing, losers are celebrated. They never got the "pursuit" part and want the gubmint to hand them stuff.


Super Active Member
I usually don't get involved with political debates, but maybe someone can help me understand this. How is it that 3/4 of our entire government system is republication led, but somehow it's the democrats fault we are in the position we are in? Don't like the way things are change them. Conservatives literally have the power to do just that. Decisions are being made by trump's cabinet appointments and republican senate and laws are being interpreted by a conservative Supreme Court. Yet its the dems fault. All I see is Bunch of the same ole same ole no matter who has the majority. But dems give their representatives passes and republicans do the same for theirs. How about we hold everyone accountable and stop turning a blind eye and blaming the other side.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I usually don't get involved with political debates, but maybe someone can help me understand this. How is it that 3/4 of our entire government system is republication led, but somehow it's the democrats fault we are in the position we are in? Don't like the way things are change them. Conservatives literally have the power to do just that. Decisions are being made by trump's cabinet appointments and republican senate and laws are being interpreted by a conservative Supreme Court. Yet its the dems fault. All I see is Bunch of the same ole same ole no matter who has the majority. But dems give their representatives passes and republicans do the same for theirs. How about we hold everyone accountable and stop turning a blind eye and blaming the other side.
But the democrats that control the House are the road-block to any progress. They spent 3 years on the Russian Collusion hoax to cover their spy ring, followed by a failed impeachment that only brought to light more of Biden's corruption (Ukraine) followed by a Scamdemic, now this. The dems need chaos and destruction, so they can blame it on the other guy and get power. They have no policy that would work for anything that would actually make people vote for them.
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