Domestic Terrorism

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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Personally, doesn't bother me when they take a knee. I think the NFL is stupid for not writing these things into the players' contracts like the NBA did. The NFL has been a publicity disaster for a long time.
I grew up in NOLA and was an avid Saints fan. Eventually I was into the fantasy football, I watched every game that was on and recorded ones I couldn't.

When this shit first started they should have told Kappernutz that protesting was not allowed while he was at work, on the clock. He had millions, did TV and radio spots, and had plenty of places to air his grievances. He chose not to care if his 'message' was lost because he pissed off half the country.

They tried to tell us they were not disrespecting the flag or my country. I quit watching any team but the Saints, because they didn't seem to have a part in it.

Then they traveled to the U.K. - and some knelt for our National Anthem. - Those same idiots then STOOD when they played God Save the Queen so they didn't OFFEND ANYONE. Never mind that they were in the country whose ass we kicked to give them their right to protest whatever...

Fool me once shame on you -


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And Drew Brees showed their true quality when he donated his last testicle to the mob. And they still berated him :ROFLMAO:
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything - and he fell hard.

The last NFL game I watched was whatever game was before that one 👆 because I flipped the shit off and haven't cared since.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What they fail to realize to this day, is that entertainment and politics don't mix. Except in actual comedy.
There are hundreds of media outlets to give you news and politics 24/7.
When you turn on sports you are obviously not wanting to watch political show - then they changed that. Fuck 'em.
I ditched MNF unless "my" team was on when Bob Costa decided that we gave a fuck what he thought about gun control.

Now they can do whatever they want - but they'll reach no one because they are just preaching to the choir now.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
And if you wonder why conservatives are speaking up, it is to try and un-brainwash some of you sheeple.
Please post links to these conservatives that are speaking out, and what they're saying. Outside of Trump, and occasionally Ted Cruz, I'm not seeing it.

Edit - then again, I've stopped paying attention to most everyone besides Tucker Carlson and Michael Savage..

"Savage wants more police and higher salaries."

PODCAST - Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, so inspiring to the young Savage. But today it seems more like wishful thinking. MLK would not approve of the fact that the civil rights movement has been hijacked by communists. Meanwhile Oprah Winfrey complains about systemic racism, despite being a billionaire. What, she'd be a trillionaire in a fair system? The myth of systemic racism: Savage goes through the compelling statistical data that prove it's a myth. White people are more likely (per population) to be killed by police than blacks, AND white police are no more likely to kill a black civiliian than are black and latino police. Savage wants more police and higher salaries. If you want to always be told you're the problem as a white person, vote Joe Biden; Trump losing support from people who care about the environment and animals.

Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner joins to discuss a new poll saying 80 percent of Americans want to see an increase in funding for police, running contrary to the left's push to defund and dismantle police departments.
Go to the Savage PODCAST playlist...


Mediocre grower
Please post links to these conservatives that are speaking out, and what they're saying. Outside of Trump, and occasionally Ted Cruz, I'm not seeing it.

Edit - then again, I've stopped paying attention to most everyone besides Tucker Carlson and Michael Savage..

"Savage wants more police and higher salaries."

PODCAST - Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, so inspiring to the young Savage. But today it seems more like wishful thinking. MLK would not approve of the fact that the civil rights movement has been hijacked by communists. Meanwhile Oprah Winfrey complains about systemic racism, despite being a billionaire. What, she'd be a trillionaire in a fair system? The myth of systemic racism: Savage goes through the compelling statistical data that prove it's a myth. White people are more likely (per population) to be killed by police than blacks, AND white police are no more likely to kill a black civiliian than are black and latino police. Savage wants more police and higher salaries. If you want to always be told you're the problem as a white person, vote Joe Biden; Trump losing support from people who care about the environment and animals.

Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner joins to discuss a new poll saying 80 percent of Americans want to see an increase in funding for police, running contrary to the left's push to defund and dismantle police departments.
Go to the Savage PODCAST playlist...
I like Buck Sexton, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder, Glenn Beck, and I'll even listen to Joe Rogan from time to time. There's a lot of conservative podcasters speaking out but not really any politicians...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
When it comes to the race issues I tend to listen to black conservatives. Ben Carson, Alan West, Thomas Sowell then toss in some of the younger generation like Candace Owens, The Hodgetwins and a few others they usually share on their sites.


Hobby Farmer
Oh, and showing respect for our country is not political. Tell me which party it supports. :unsure:
And if you are ready to admit that the democrats are not for our country we can talk.
The thing about kneeling before a game...its a job....there are rules...if you break the rules you get fired.

Seems pretty simple. Its not a race thing.

If I protested the clubbing of seals and the company said hey we dont care cut it out...after a while you get a warning...then go home a few days...then you are on a new job adventure.

It is not the place for protest...They have social media at their disposal.


And you afre a feckless moron. Ever read Uncle Tom's Cabin? Tom was actually the hero of the story that helped the other slaves. But you be you.
If it's coming from your brain-dead bigot mouth, then it's a compliment..
And your fck boi spins??
Like I was calling you gay, and you saying GAY was used to mean "carefree", "cheerful", or "bright and showy ..
You are sad sad sad little fck boi.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If I protested the clubbing of seals and the company said hey we dont care cut it out...after a while you get a warning...then go home a few days...then you are on a new job adventure.
Especially when your job was to make donuts, and had nothing at all to do with seals - i.e. the pertinence of a shitty second-string pro sports player injecting his opinion about police - or anything for that matter - from his place of privilege.


They’ve been asking people to please stand for the national anthem at football games for as long as I can remember. Again a lot of people feel the same when they stand for the anthem. Why disrespect them? Why not show respect to everyone? we also are honoring black people too during the anthem. There are many freedoms in America like being able to dishonor the American flag during the national anthem. Other “normal” countries don’t put up with it and they will punish you for being disrespectful to the country. Soldiers that died for our country sometimes have families. Those family members seeing some one be disrespectful towards their country during the anthem after their family member died fighting for it could be Offended. they also have the freedom to think and feel that way also. But just cause you have the right to do it doesn’t make it the right thing to do. We have the right to yell during moment of silence but why disrespect dead people. I think showing respect to everyone is the way to go but I’m just a little jerk though I guess. I don’t agree with invading but I don’t know much about it. I shouldn’t comment on that part cause I don’t know much about it. I Think aMercia is currently trying to bring troops and Americans back home but I don’t know much about all that. I just know that some take it as disrespectful to disrespect their own country.
Dishonoring flag is stepping on it, spitting on it or burning it... Sitting Or Kneeling is your damn Right..Didn't they fight for freedom and democracy?
Why would you honor something that treats you like animal?? YOu can be damn lucky that your Evil minded white Ruling Class did good job of separating them ,and putting division between black people or you would have uprising and race war long long time ago. And you are not dummy you are bright eloquent man compared to some racist fcks around here who likes your posts.. ...

And yes they have sanctioned Syria and Iran.. So much that people are Hungry..
YOur country's foreign politics is Modern ww2 nazi germany ..
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I knew it...
Real Southern pure blooded Racist!!
FYI - you know shit.
New Orleans is about 50/50 black/white in the 70's.
I grew up in a neighborhood that was the same population make-up. about 5% of those blacks were French-speaking/bilingual.

When you devolve any conversation into calling someone a racist - you have no argument. Ignored you ignorant fuck.
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