@High kev put down the conspiracy sativa.
It must be an election year, when you shit the bed with taking care of business.....blame someone else... I was a boss. When shit went south it was always on me to figure out what went wrong and suggest remedial actions and fix it. Not say...oh it was joe that lazy fuck.
Pull the funding. What is ludicrous is that the USA pays 400 million to WHO and #2...China pays 44 million a year.
So fuck you WHO.
But lets be real...it is all optics. Canada mishandled things and you have almost triple the problem per capita..
The point of social distancing and the measures is to slow the effect so that there may be a cure in place or immunization or whatever.
#2 which is even more important it allows us to build the supplies needed, train resources etc.
The problem we are running into...and i had a feeling this might happen.
We refuse the right to unsafe work...Labour law trumps your law. 2 girls told my wife if they get covid they are walking...now that really pissed her off. But this is going to happen.
And here if you lost your job you get 75% of your pay to stay home. So why should my wife work? They are fixing that today because health care workers in seniors homes are finally getting bumped so they have the incentive to stay.
Basically time and a half for the duration of covid. And they deserve it. They have to physically touch people...hold them, feed them etc. You cant keep any distance away. And 1 dude is going in that room whether you like it or not. etc.
Where Canada fucked up was a delayed response and the seniors homes should have had sweeping measures immediately. But it took them this long to listen.
Life will never be the same again. I stocked up on...happy frog, ocean forest and coco. I think i can make it until 2021 now