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High kev

Yankee seeds
We psyched ourselves up and trekked into town to the store today. Surreal shit. Town was eerily quiet. 70-80% of folks had masks on. Most folks seemed very aware of where they were/how far they were away/etc. TP/Paper towels/eggs...all limited to one pack. We bought fresh veggies and other perishables (ahhhh)....and then backed things up so we can go a month...maybe more.... and we've decided we will keep stocking up and staying home as long as there's active virus out there/etc. What fun, huh?
It’s like walking on the moon out there

Deleted member 60

I'm seeing it start to hit the states that are full of the stupid who think Bejeeebusus is gonna save them. Ooops...guess who started it in the first place kids? Karma is starting to whap on the preacher ass as it should. fuckers are dropping like coins in the collection plate. Good fuckin deal. I just hope they didn't infect any good Atheists I know as they furthered the STUPID in this land.

Not a good time to be out of weed. Say what?


Hobby Farmer
@High kev put down the conspiracy sativa.

It must be an election year, when you shit the bed with taking care of business.....blame someone else... I was a boss. When shit went south it was always on me to figure out what went wrong and suggest remedial actions and fix it. Not say...oh it was joe that lazy fuck.

Pull the funding. What is ludicrous is that the USA pays 400 million to WHO and #2...China pays 44 million a year.
So fuck you WHO.

But lets be is all optics. Canada mishandled things and you have almost triple the problem per capita..

The point of social distancing and the measures is to slow the effect so that there may be a cure in place or immunization or whatever.
#2 which is even more important it allows us to build the supplies needed, train resources etc.

The problem we are running into...and i had a feeling this might happen.

We refuse the right to unsafe work...Labour law trumps your law. 2 girls told my wife if they get covid they are that really pissed her off. But this is going to happen.

And here if you lost your job you get 75% of your pay to stay home. So why should my wife work? They are fixing that today because health care workers in seniors homes are finally getting bumped so they have the incentive to stay.

Basically time and a half for the duration of covid. And they deserve it. They have to physically touch people...hold them, feed them etc. You cant keep any distance away. And 1 dude is going in that room whether you like it or not. etc.

Where Canada fucked up was a delayed response and the seniors homes should have had sweeping measures immediately. But it took them this long to listen.

Life will never be the same again. I stocked up on...happy frog, ocean forest and coco. I think i can make it until 2021 now :D


Master Grower
I'm seeing it start to hit the states that are full of the stupid who think Bejeeebusus is gonna save them. Ooops...guess who started it in the first place kids? Karma is starting to whap on the preacher ass as it should. fuckers are dropping like coins in the collection plate. Good fuckin deal. I just hope they didn't infect any good Atheists I know as they furthered the STUPID in this land.

Not a good time to be out of weed. Say what?
You think your cool and it’s a ‘good fuckin deal’ that people are dying from this?
And your cool because your an atheist that doesn’t believe in God? You will one day.


Just some asshole
2nd supermarket locally has closed. You want to order food for delivery, almost 2 week reservation slot to get it and you make your order 2 weeks ahead, but your prices are not guaranteed. There are lines going outside the building. Shit is fucked.
Ventured out today to the grocery, first time in probably a month. I had 2 lists. A list of stuff we "need" and a list of "if they have it ill restock". They had nothing and I went home empty handed.

Actually, they had everything, stopped 2 places, spent $325. Stores weren't crowded, I saw I guess a dozen people with masks, I had one on to look the part but its probably useless. None of the cashiers had masks or gloves. Honestly, I couldn't hardly tell anything was different from the norm. I completely forgot to check the tp isle at both stops. I didn't buy any meat but both places had plenty of beef chicken and pork. (I did buy some shrimp which is meat and I eat them like candy)

I don't believe much of what's on the news. Town of 80k ppl, 1 death from corona supposedly, and less than a 100 cases in the county I live in.

I don't need to go to the grocery for another month or more.


5200 DEAD this week in NY from coronavirus. That's 5200 that are listed, "die at homes" are not included.

New York state will adjust its COVID-19 death toll reporting to include presumed or probable cases in accordance with new CDC guidelines, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Numbers will be going up.

The navy had to remove 116 staff from the boat in USNS Mercy due to 7 coronavirus infections. They were all staff. So far the Mercy has treated 20 patients but removed 116 staff. Granted, with 20 patients they weren't doing to much.

Thank god for the military!

62 people have been treated on the Comfort. That is non-covid except that the navy messed up their own protocols and let positive patients aboard. Meanwhile, The NYC hospitals are jammed with 21000.

Thank god for the military.

Somebody should tell the military it's only fake news, especially if they are sick.

Hey, they have treated 275 to date in. the Javits Center. I don't know if all at once but at least that's only 72% vacancy on the beds.

Smithfield Meats has closed.........3 to 4 hundred sick with Covid. Somebody should call them and say it's only their imagination..get back to work.
That's 5% of the meat processed in the country. THEY'RE SHUT!

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member

PODCAST - April 13, 2020 - In this podcast Savage reminds us of what he's been saying all along: The liberals have it utterly, completely, 180 degrees backwards. They give power to an entrenched academic elite in the person of Anthony Fauci, while ignoring the basics of public health policy: testing & selective quarantine. They adopt a one-size-fits-all cookie cutter approach, locking everyone down in their homes, instead of addressing vulnerable groups like nursing homes and the low-income populations who work there. It is "the greatest public health blunder in world history!" He reminds us that Fauci got it wrong (telling us not to worry, "Sure go to your baseball games") before he got it wrong again ("Lockdown will last as long as the virus does"). Fauci's been there over 40 years, he's dead wood. Time to put in someone with common sense, an eagle eye for truth, and steel-trap logic. MIght Dr. Savage be convinced to take the job?



5200 DEAD this week in NY from coronavirus. That's 5200 that are listed, "die at homes" are not included.

New York state will adjust its COVID-19 death toll reporting to include presumed or probable cases in accordance with new CDC guidelines, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday. Numbers will be going up.

The navy had to remove 116 staff from the boat in USNS Mercy due to 7 coronavirus infections. They were all staff. So far the Mercy has treated 20 patients but removed 116 staff. Granted, with 20 patients they weren't doing to much.

Thank god for the military!

62 people have been treated on the Comfort. That is non-covid except that the navy messed up their own protocols and let positive patients aboard. Meanwhile, The NYC hospitals are jammed with 21000.

Thank god for the military.

Somebody should tell the military it's only fake news, especially if they are sick.

Hey, they have treated 275 to date in. the Javits Center. I don't know if all at once but at least that's only 72% vacancy on the beds.

Smithfield Meats has closed.........3 to 4 hundred sick with Covid. Somebody should call them and say it's only their imagination..get back to work.
That's 5% of the meat processed in the country. THEY'RE SHUT!
Brother is in OSU hospital in Columbus Ohio. there is "zero" cases in that hospital.


Aside from a few “hot spots” the rest of the nation is fine and cruising along fairly normally.

Certainly something to be said for not living where people live on top of each other.
I'm wondering more about why they are letting it out that the navy is "virus" stricken". On a lot of social media platforms now
. And the navy and China are "dick spinning' in the South China Sea.
That's a little disturbing, but I know they do this and not uncommon.


Brother is in OSU hospital in Columbus Ohio. there is "zero" cases in that hospital.

define zero


Just some asshole
I'm wondering more about why they are letting it out that the navy is "virus" stricken". On a lot of social media platforms now
. And the navy and China are "dick spinning' in the South China Sea.
That's a little disturbing, but I know they do this and not uncommon.
I’ve only seen 2-3 vessels that said they had issues. There’s plenty more vessels out there, hell maybe it’s bait. Haha.


Just some asshole

define zero
You can find anything in the news. If those are true, ones dead and the other recovered, no active cases possibly? I didn’t read the links. Just the headline.

I believe the American statistics about as much as I believe China’s stats...
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