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Tegrity Greenthumb
I can't believe I'm jumping in this shitbowl.
It's nothing to say how people should be treated. I don't think people should be treated that way, but what can I do about it? Jump on the forums and spend hundreds of man hours (person hours) trying to make someone in a debate say, "you're right."?
Blow up what you just said, and replace the word profit with the words 'self interest'. Then spread that over a few continents. Rewind it back however far you want, or fast forward however far you want. That's just the way it is. You can piss in the wind all day, it changes my life none, js.
Side question:
Did they make Whale Wars remove the name of the ship, the Steve Erwin? If so, why?
Lmfao Perm. I mean relating that is borderline saying human trafficking is ok as their life is worth less then the sellers self interest. imagine a bit of it was lite trolling this I'm aware of. Never watched it but that's a hell of ship name! I do get what your saying and I'm mostly bored and sober. Usually when the thoughts come out when your out of fuck it meds. I've just grown tired of the world and the way we live. It's going no where good. I dont expect miracles or overnight changes but a small step forward in the right direction could give so many hope and be a spark to start a new era. If you study primates you will realize just how psychologically unevolved we really are. This saddens me as we are capable of so much more. I'll regress now! Much love to everyone be safe, and lay off the bat pussy low mein

Big Perm

Lmfao Perm. I mean relating that is borderline saying human trafficking is ok as their life is worth less then the sellers self interest. imagine a bit of it was lite trolling this I'm aware of. Never watched it but that's a hell of ship name! I do get what your saying and I'm mostly bored and sober. Usually when the thoughts come out when your out of fuck it meds. I've just grown tired of the world and the way we live. It's going no where good. I dont expect miracles or overnight changes but a small step forward in the right direction could give so many hope and be a spark to start a new era. If you study primates you will realize just how psychologically unevolved we really are. This saddens me as we are capable of so much more. I'll regress now! Much love to everyone be safe, and lay off the bat pussy low mein
Now you're just being racist.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
That's a dangerous game to play.
It's not a game. It's genuine commentary. Idealism is a wonderful thing, I suppose, but it doesn't feed people. Your 'would you choose your money over my life' bit is not only over the top, it stages a false set of 'this or that'.

Trash your money and credit cards, and disengage from any income. Millions of people suddenly live that reality. I suspect your perspective on life vs money would more resemble theirs soon enough.


Tegrity Greenthumb
It's not a game. It's genuine commentary. Idealism is a wonderful thing, I suppose, but it doesn't feed people. Your 'would you choose your money over my life' bit is not only over the top, it stages a false set of 'this or that'.

Trash your money and credit cards, and disengage from any income. Millions of people suddenly live that reality. I suspect your perspective on life vs money would more resemble theirs soon enough.
You ever tried eating money ?


Trump knew and did nothing.

"The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on US soil,"



Water boy
Had to go snag a mouse for the snake. He has to eat too. To do so requires a 45 min drive to a neighboring town. A Red town.

Saw a FEW folks in masks....but you could tell most of 'em weren't "being fooled" by the scamdemic and weren't social distancing/etc. We were pleased. We grabbed the mouse and gave the Pet store gal a $ change needed...and headed back to isolation ASAP. Such a huge difference from the more liberal/artsy town we grocery shop/visit regularly where 80% or more had masks on.

Colorado will supposedly start to slowly reopen April 27. Nobody I know has any plans to go out/return to "normal" (not gonna happen) anytime soon. No restaurants/bars concerts/gatherings....but smaller businesses that practice social distancing will be allowed to reopen. (meaning you carry a baseball bat and anyone who gets close enough to get hit...gets hit)

We're gonna give it 3 weeks after things open up to see if this spikes again and a buncha folks get to play "virus"....but it is unlikely we will return to going into town as frequently as we did in the past (every 4-5 days). More like once a month.

be safe out there. Stupid abounds.
I used to have a snake that I had to drive about 45mins to gets rats for him to eat. Crazy.

Another thing that’s crazy is how the “world”is roughly on the same timeline to recovery despite duration that country has had it and effect it’s had.

The dates u mentioned above are the same (or around abouts) as we’re getting here.


Hobby Farmer
I can't believe I'm jumping in this shitbowl.
It's nothing to say how people should be treated. I don't think people should be treated that way, but what can I do about it? Jump on the forums and spend hundreds of man hours (person hours) trying to make someone in a debate say, "you're right."?
Blow up what you just said, and replace the word profit with the words 'self interest'. Then spread that over a few continents. Rewind it back however far you want, or fast forward however far you want. That's just the way it is. You can piss in the wind all day, it changes my life none, js.
Side question:
Did they make Whale Wars remove the name of the ship, the Steve Erwin? If so, why?
That is the best point I have read yet...

What can you do...text shame people on a forum? It is ineffective.

And people who usually post on forums are entreanched in their idealism and will not sway their thinking because of rapier like wit...they are dim.

The older i get...the more i dig in. But apathy helps me to sleep at night.

I would rather see a some pics...and i mean plastic jug head at walmart kind of pics....

Something funnier than lettuce face...but its tough. it still gets me.

The plastic jug....why didnt they think of that for waterboarding...just put a hose in you get the hose

covid 3.0.jpgmask 2.0.jpg
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