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High kev

Yankee seeds
i Just don’t like the fact that sleepy joe biden the puppet made a career using our political system to get him and his family rich and fuck over Americans and sell our country to China laughing all the way to the bank. People like biden are the reason trump is ourresident he made those cages to lock the kids in at the border flip flop joe will tell you one thing one year then do a complete 360 the next cause he’s a puppet and it’s his way of making money. It’s sickening that someone would still choose biden as their leader after 40 years of fucking us over I would roll the dice with anyone except the guy that keeps ramming our asses through our political system for the last 40 years. Pure corruption of our government. Somehow we are still dumb enough to keep voting corruption into our White House. This guy is as bad as they come and they will give him a pass and bash trump any chance they get. Again I don’t agree with everything trump is doing but he’s doing a far better job then the past five presidents put together as far as I’m aware of. I wish there was someone better but unfortunately all we got is joe biden somehow

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Nothing to "get out of" except the damn shut-downs.
It’s this type of thinking, this attitude, this arrogance, that is driving the proliferation of this virus.

"Quarantining" healthy people is just Martial Law. States imposing this need to have their citizens speak up.
This disease spreads so easily because infected people are spreading the virus BEFORE they even know they are sick. The only way to slow it down from spreading so quickly is to have everyone stay away from each other, which includes staying home even if you feel well.
i Just don’t like the fact that sleepy joe biden the puppet made a career using our political system to get him and his family rich and fuck over Americans and sell our country to China laughing all the way to the bank. People like biden are the reason trump is ourresident he made those cages to lock the kids in at the border flip flop joe will tell you one thing one year then do a complete 360 the next cause he’s a puppet and it’s his way of making money. It’s sickening that someone would still choose biden as their leader after 40 years of fucking us over I would roll the dice with anyone except the guy that keeps ramming our asses through our political system for the last 40 years. Pure corruption of our government. Somehow we are still dumb enough to keep voting corruption into our White House. This guy is as bad as they come and they will give him a pass and bash trump any chance they get. Again I don’t agree with everything trump is doing but he’s doing a far better job then the past five presidents put together as far as I’m aware of. I wish there was someone better but unfortunately all we got is joe biden somehow
You are talking about every damn politician on the planet but somehow Biden got stuck in your teeth. each his own. That's what I say. Enjoy the biggest asshole America has ever made president. Trump smart? WTF are you guys smoking? He's lost more $$$ than all of us on this site will ever see. Smart? I don't think he's done more than touch a that bible he holds from time to time. Smart? More bankruptcy's than any one of us would dream of being allowed to do in one lifetime.

Smart? The guy can't even speak correctly. He doesn't even know the definitions of words. He just spouts them out of his fat orange mouth. I'm sick of all of it but when you think that this fat orange fuck is SMART I'm going to call you on it.

I like you kev. I'm taking it real easy on you. Trying to open your eyes a bit instead of trolling if you catch my drift.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All the initial testing that was done - was in hospitals, for people already sick. Then for 'at risk' workers. The 'numbers' were unsurprisingly "scary-bad".
As testing is more prevalent, the numbers of those 'infected' that never got sick, or felt bad for a few days then moved on is growing - making the initial numbers less scary.

Most of these people advocating that there needs to be a vaccine before we reopen the country didn't get the most recent flu-shot, and if there was a vaccine would opt not to get it.

When the people you are taking your advice from spent the last 4 years contradicting every word the President says - and are proven wrong at every turn - think they know what is best, piss off. They think he is making this shit up, and want to blame him. PERIOD. He is being advised by people that are smart in each pertinent field.

I agree that some 'experts' were not the best pick and have been sold out for years to become regarded as 'experts". For example when you start off saying "masks don't work unless you are sick" - then out the other side of their face you are crying about a lack of masks for your healthcare workers who are not sick, I don't trust ANYTHING you say afterwards.

Toss in the fact that states get more money for people that die of the Wuhan. Stage 4 cancer with a week to live but you catch the China flu? You just made some $$ for your state by "dying while infected"! Good job! Think that won't pump up those numbers? It's been fact-checked by lefties and it's true.

And in some states you are probably still voting democrat as well.

FREEDOM means that we are informed, and make adult decisions. Also, Darwin has a job to do too.

High kev

Yankee seeds
somehow trump did what he did with the economy stock market jobs etc before this virus hit. I don’t agree with the way he reacted when the virus first came or some of the stuff he has done but he had the economy doing better that I can remember. and yes I speak of almost all politicians especially biden cause he’s been there the longest out of the bunch. that have sold us out for years and are career long politicians 99 % are puppets that are bought by the rich that keep changing their minds depending on witch way the wind blows. Trump was never a career lifer politician. Trump was never one of them. So I would roll the dice with him again over any one of the corrupt politics that have been plaguing this country for so long. Like you too hotwired I getwhat your saying. They are all crooks. I know but being part of our political system robbing us for 40+ years is worse than what trump did. If you have to pick the lesser of two evils. I’d have to go with trump all day. He didn’t abuse our system for 40 years. He didn’t flip flop policies year after year. Biden in his 40 years did nothing for us. Trump did something right by becoming a billionaire. I don’t know his whole story and yes his businesses flopped but he remained rich so does it really matter to him if he doesn’t have some of his business anymore? He’s also made A lot of money too. Just like biden. But not off our political system. His personality may come off as being an asshole but at least he don’t hide it like biden and company. I like u to hotwired you crack me up with some of the funny things you post on here. Just cause we disagree with who is better choice biden or trump shouldn’t make us hate each other. That’s exactly what they would want. And it shouldn’t be that way. I agree with what you previously posted we could find someone better but nobody has stepped up to that plate yet so I would have to roll with trump over the career long political corruption that dragged our country down for as long as I can remember


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the rub: The people on the left spouting all their theories/answers/solutions etc. are also trying to tell you that Joe Biden is the answer to anything other than some obscure Vice Presidential Trivia question.

Such as: "Which U.S. Vice President acted as the most effective 'bulletproof vest' for his President?"


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This disease spreads so easily because infected people are spreading the virus BEFORE they even know they are sick. The only way to slow it down from spreading so quickly is to have everyone stay away from each other, which includes staying home even if you feel well.
This is a theory which I don't subscribe to. Because the virus only has a high rate of death AFTER INFECTION in a few select groups of people - while the other 95% of the population builds a healthy immunity - you worry about keeping that 5% of the population safe, or at least informed. THEY are the ones likely to die from it and that has been made very clear.

If they open the country tomorrow (most of the US still is) do you think the 60yo with COPD is going to jump in the mosh pit and start licking doorknobs?

High kev

Yankee seeds
Good post kev. One thing you said stood out in my mind tho..............."He didn’t abuse our system for 40 years". Yes he has. But I will let you think about that on your own.
I didn’t think he ever ran for a political position and used that power to make money but I could be wrong. I know he donated money to politics but actually being in a political position I feel is a little bit more involved.


Hobby Farmer
This is a theory which I don't subscribe to. Because the virus only has a high rate of death AFTER INFECTION in a few select groups of people - while the other 95% of the population builds a healthy immunity - you worry about keeping that 5% of the population safe, or at least informed. THEY are the ones likely to die from it and that has been made very clear.

If they open the country tomorrow (most of the US still is) do you think the 60yo with COPD is going to jump in the mosh pit and start licking doorknobs?
So the old people in homes fuck them?

I'm glad I'm Canadian man. Truly
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So the old people in homes fuck them?

I'm glad I'm Canadian man. Truly
No - you take extra precautions for that low % of the population who is 'at risk" You qon't quarantine the kids and grandkids because grandma is sick. And you don't shut down a country with the vast acreage of the US or Canada for something mainly affecting a few super-populated epicenters.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have nothing against Canada. I have visited your major cities and they suck like our major cities - that is what major cities do. I don't happen to like our large cities either.

However, in the USA major emergencies and disasters are always handled at the state level. they declare a state of emergency to get federal assistance - which is usually in the form of support only - unless a state is so fucked up they can't handle it themselves. Natural disasters of any kind are the states responsibility because they know the local resources, population, etc. The fed sends in FEMA or some other agency to HELP. Other than closing our borders, this is still just about supporting states. There is NO national answer to any emergency of this kind in America. What works in Florida will not work in Maine - etc.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
However, in the USA major emergencies and disasters are always handled at the state level. they declare a state of emergency to get federal assistance - which is usually in the form of support only - unless a state is so fucked up they can't handle it themselves. Natural disasters of any kind are the states responsibility because they know the local resources, population, etc. The fed sends in FEMA or some other agency to HELP. Other than closing our borders, this is still just about supporting states. There is NO national answer to any emergency of this kind in America. What works in Florida will no work in Maine - etc.
👆- this is not conjecture. In my previous job I participated in 'events' such as these.

Also - someone's opinion does not supersede my freedom to make a decision, good or bad.

High kev

Yankee seeds
being a life long scumbag politician effects me so ya I take it more personal when they are making my laws that me my community and everyone around me have to go by. When they raise my taxes to pay for illegal immigrants or make me pay for a new license plate to pocket money and force me to pay for something just so they can put money in their family’s pocket while they get a free ride and I have to pay. a non politician wants to make money off a business then trash the business to the gutter while he does scumbag things that doesn’t effect me. I don’t take it that personal. But maybe it effects me more than I realize. but I think these politics effects my life directly
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