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Hobby Farmer
Why is it so hard to get through to you that its effecting the WORLD

And other than the USA.....we might laugh but we really dont give a shit who you vote for.

Because Covid dont give a shit who your president is.

But keep banging that drum..OMG even your president is too chicken shit to vote in person and yet you still blither on.

I love the chalkboard facts....they probably used a sharpie..


Seed Aficionado
Why is it so hard to get through to you that its effecting the WORLD

And other than the USA.....we might laugh but we really dont give a shit who you vote for.

Because Covid dont give a shit who your president is.

But keep banging that drum..OMG even your president is too chicken shit to vote in person and yet you still blither on.

I love the chalkboard facts....they probably used a sharpie..
Breath of fresh are u are g.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Why is it so hard to get through to you that its effecting the WORLD
According to WHO over 38 million kids under the age of 5 were obese in 2019.

Annual world obesity related deaths surpass the embellished covid death numbers.

More than 1.9 BILLION cases of obese people in the world.

Why aren't you in the streets with a roll of duct tape and liposuction vacuum "helping people" ?

Don't you even care!!!?? Fat lives matter!!!


Why is it so hard to get through to you that its effecting the WORLD

And other than the USA.....we might laugh but we really dont give a shit who you vote for.

Because Covid dont give a shit who your president is.

But keep banging that drum..OMG even your president is too chicken shit to vote in person and yet you still blither on.

I love the chalkboard facts....they probably used a sharpie..
Nobody is denying the existence of it. The issue is with how it is being handled and blown out of proportion here. We are constantly hearing about false numbers (from both directions) and it has become such a political topic that everything said about it is said to sway the election rather than actually help people.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hard to vote in a state you don't live in... Suppose all those deployed service members that request an absentee ballot are a bunch of chicken shits too?
And that's how the commies are framing this "mail in voting" bullshit. Absentee ballots must be requested, there's an ID verification before the ballot is sent. It is NOT randomly mailing ballots to everyone.


For fucks sake the kids here are on their 3rd week of school. Hospital has no covid patience at all.

California is locked down and we’re going to school here. 🤷‍♂️
The town I live in isn’t even giving parents the option to send their kids to school full time. They have the option of home schooling half the week or home schooling the entire week. People have lost their jobs, are working lower paying part time jobs to put food on the table, and now they are being expected to teach their kids a minimum of half a week every week? I’m so glad we chose not to have kids right now because I’d be losing my mind.

Pistil Pete

Everybody Loves Lefty
Why is it so hard to get through to you that its effecting the WORLD

And other than the USA.....we might laugh but we really dont give a shit who you vote for.

Because Covid dont give a shit who your president is.

But keep banging that drum..OMG even your president is too chicken shit to vote in person and yet you still blither on.

I love the chalkboard facts....they probably used a sharpie..
It's like reasoning with a dirt clod or a semi dry pile of whaleshit, lol. If you believe in Trump you don't get Covid, riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt :)


Just some asshole
It's like reasoning with a dirt clod or a semi dry pile of whaleshit, lol. If you believe in Trump you don't get Covid, riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt :)
Think you’re mistaking everyone for a Trump supporter. Guys an idiot, I’d bet that’s a pretty common thought. Those same people also don’t support communism or socialism so they’re probably going to vote orange man bad....


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Many of us just don't support all the globalist bullshit - when our own country needs work.

We borrow from other countries, then loan it out as foreign aid? Who the fuck does that?

We need to get American business back. We already have energy independence.

Lowering taxes does that. If you raise taxes, businesses leave - to where taxes are lower. These fucks don't love America, they love their shareholders.

If you let them manufacture in another country - then ship it here with no tariff - there is no downside to leaving and taking the jobs with them.

If you allow countries to sell their products in the USA, but they refuse to sell your products in their country, fuck them. Tax them, tariff them, or have free trade. Fucking simple really.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
It's like reasoning with a dirt clod or a semi dry pile of whaleshit, lol. If you believe in Trump you don't get Covid, riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt :)
Getting covid and dying from it are two different things though. You have a greater chance of being abducted by bigfoot and catching a fatal venereal disease from him than dying from covid.

Trump is a bozo, so's the other guy, the old senile gropey one who picked the drug warrior lady.

This isn't a "tastes great / less filling thing. Covid's a giant nothing burger being used to control people, now go outside and count all those invisible Biden signs and feel the energy building for Joe. It's amazing huh !!!


Getting covid and dying from it are two different things though. You have a greater chance of being abducted by bigfoot and catching a fatal venereal disease from him than dying from covid.

Trump is a bozo, so's the other guy, the old senile gropey one who picked the drug warrior lady.

This isn't a "tastes great / less filling thing. Covid's a giant nothing burger being used to control people, now go outside and count all those invisible Biden signs and feel the energy building for Joe. It's amazing huh !!!
I honestly don't understand how those who are on the left truly believe Biden has a chance based on his politics or his personality. While I will admit I didn't watch the DNC event last night, the local news showed clips from it this morning, and it appeared to be a big event that was entirely about why people need to vote Trump out of office while not even touching on why Biden would be any better. I really do understand why those on the left hate Trump, and I do understand why they support the left, even though I don't agree with it. What I don't understand is why so many on the left are blindly following their politicians and are more focused on getting Trump out rather than finding an actual candidate who can do better. If the left can't find an actual candidate who can do better then what makes people who support the left actually have any faith in them anymore?
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