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Hobby Farmer
Fever and shortness of breath and stay the fuck home for 2 weeks...

if they would just shut everything down for 2 to 3 weeks it would be over. Easy for me to say eh...I have the HOARD !!!

I am ready for armageddon !

I got shit i dont even need. And stuff for that shit.


Hobby Farmer
By the bear you mean russia? :D keep poking the eagle you fuckers !

Every nation is in too deep with cheep chinese goods. And what is so very stupid is it guts jobs in your backyard so its really cutting off your nose to spite your face..

And they to decry poor me.

I have all my chinese lights so its easy for me to say...

Primo bozo

Big veiny dick
What if "the pandemic" isn't supposed to be stopped and it's part of a plan to gain even more control over people, with a side dish of population reduction thrown in for a bonus?

In an emergency or catastrophe, trained sheep look to the shepherd for help, not realizing they're gonna get sheared eventually, by the shepherd.

But on the positive side, think of all the interesting people you'll meet at the "health camp" you'll be assigned to!
Mmmmmm, sheep.😛

Primo bozo

Big veiny dick
I've posted joke stuff about it - but I'm retired and a hermit. If I lived near Travis AFB I still wouldn't be worried - because I am retired and a hermit...

If I had to go out and work or send kids to school, and lived in a place that was - problematic - I would be a lot more concerned. But I think the media is full of shit for the most part. It's the flu, that is more contagious, but less deadly. Got it.
Right, that's me. I live in the woods and no one comes here, I think it's because I'm an asshole, but either way, I don't really worry about it.
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