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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I've posted joke stuff about it - but I'm retired and a hermit. If I lived near Travis AFB I still wouldn't be worried - because I am retired and a hermit...

If I had to go out and work or send kids to school, and lived in a place that was - problematic - I would be a lot more concerned. But I think the media is full of shit for the most part. It's the flu, that is more contagious, but less deadly. Got it.


Anonymous News: Anonymous Urges World Leaders To Tell The Truth About Coronavirus.


I've posted joke stuff about it - but I'm retired and a hermit. If I lived near Travis AFB I still wouldn't be worried - because I am retired and a hermit...

If I had to go out and work or send kids to school, and lived in a place that was - problematic - I would be a lot more concerned. But I think the media is full of shit for the most part. It's the flu, that is more contagious, but less deadly. Got it.
Less deadly? The flu only hospitalizes less than 1% while the Corona kills at least 1.5% if not 4%+


Hobby Farmer
What sucks about this is my kid has the awesome trip this year for school in June...What do you think the odds are that is going to happen?

16 million in quarantine in Italy.

Its getting real....3.4% mortality rate (WHO this morning). The problem is how many people we come into contact with in a day is quite a go to just the drug store...30 people go to the mall 1000 people go to dinner to the movies to costco..10000 is exponential.

And in other countries....quarantine...go outside and get the water cannon and bean bag guns or death. sick....better martyr up and hit the liquor store.

How can you fight that? In Canada it will be EVERYWHERE very soon. Hospitals will be overwhelmed with triage figuring out who actually has it...go home self quarantine (see liquor store reference above).

RIGHT NOW they should take some of those old schools that are not in use....get them ready for triage stations specifcally for this. Then check them in 1 facility and the hospital is for urgent care.

China got that right !

Maybe it was in the Corona Virus Manual....if the virus escapes turn to page quick hospital.


Anonymous News: Anonymous Urges World Leaders To Tell The Truth About Coronavirus.
Interesting read, albeit none too reassuring. We need a YIKES! emoji


Super Active Member
Thought I would chime in. If you are at all interested in alternative therapies I would recommend the following... echinacea, elderberry, and turmeric. There are other things that may help too, such as NAC. With this virus I'd suggest staying away from going too high of a dose of Vit. C. Vitamin C in high enough doses can cause diarrhea leading to dehydration. Dehydration thickens phlegm.

Now, onto the controversial subject of hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy. Reports are mixed, some say it's dangerous, other say it has saved their lives. I have personally tried it many years back and found it helpful. I'd suggest if you're interested to read some people's experiences with it. Earth clinic is a good site. There's a Facebook page dedicated to it as well. Just throwing it out there. Maybe it's peace of mind for some you. Just an option.


That’s what I’ve been saying people!!

By the time the government tells you to wear your masks it will be too late. If I was riding the train or frequenting public places I’d start wearing my mask now.

Fuck what people think, wear a bandana over top if you have to.


Bon~Fire Alberta now has 7 coronavirus cases, Alberta Health says.

"Almost 1,000 people in Alberta were tested for COVID-19 over the weekend, with 700 of those tests performed on Sunday alone, "

My household had the dubious honour of becoming the first recorded case of West Nile, transferred from mothers breast milk, to child.
I had a full-time job, and three kids under the age of 10.
The care and resources available were top notch.

Same thing in 2013. We were under mandatory evacuation for flooding. Married with five kids, the Salvation Army tracked us down and put a prepaid Mastercard for every member in our household in my hand. We never paid for any campsites. We were constantly getting discounts on food and groceries. The dude from the gas station even came and swapped out our propane for us.
Our home address was over a hundred and fifty kilometres away.
I will refrain from indulging in socialistic and political views.
Yet, I would be an ungrateful sod if I did not take the opportunity 2 convey how happy I am to live in this country. Everyone I meet is Canadian, just like me. Everyone I see is my brother.

Plague and pestilence is a different story. I want to help you ; but at what danger to myself?
Just remember anyone who is affected by this, will be human just like you.
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