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Tegrity Greenthumb
Dark humor is my jam but it's frustrating knowing people close to me and possibly me will probably die do to the way we live as a species. Really impossible to fathom a functioning society happening before mass death, upon mass death upon who knows what maybe evolution. We have everything we need to live nearly perfect lives and end human suffering. Psychopaths tend to occupy power positions.


Hobby Farmer
I wouldnt hurt a bunny....unless i run out of white meat. I will trap them in the back yard we have tons of them.

Coronovirus survival...its real.

They stopped the NHL and NBA...its no big deal. Geeze there are going to be a lot of Canadian kids born December...Happy Birthmas you filthy animals !


Gatherings of 250+ just got banned in Alberta. A couple big office buildings got evacuated downtown today and I’m hearing others are being sent home. I also heard that one apartment building is under strict quarantine no one in or out but not confirmed on that one.


Heathen Basterd
Gatherings of 250+ just got banned in Alberta. A couple big office buildings got evacuated downtown today and I’m hearing others are being sent home. I also heard that one apartment building is under strict quarantine no one in or out but not confirmed on that one.
So I shouldn't have conjured a huge lung biscuit in Your Bubble mailer with the seeds huh? Sure did make the packs slide in there easier . LMAO.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Carona virus all around me. Tons of cases reported everything g shutting down. Hundreds of people pending tests. Lady at my wife’s job 44 years old dropped was takin out in ambulance my wife was told to gather her shit she probabaly will be called to not go I. To work tommorow. The lady just got back from the Bahamas on a cruise ship. Other cases everywhere. Her job is asking for her or volunteers to drive two medical staff members from house to house around to peoples houses to test them for convid-19.


Heathen Basterd
Carona virus all around me. Tons of cases reported everything g shutting down. Hundreds of people pending tests. Lady at my wife’s job 44 years old dropped was takin out in ambulance my wife was told to gather her shit she probabaly will be called to not go I. To work tommorow. The lady just got back from the Bahamas on a cruise ship. Other cases everywhere. Her job is asking for her or volunteers to drive two medical staff members from house to house around to peoples houses to test them for convid-19.
Fucked up , These fucking mental midgets still taking vacations should be arrested for Felony reckless endangerment or at the very least be quarantined immediately once on US soil. Fucking idiots. Hope You and Yours stay healthy.

Skeet Kuhn Dough

5th-level Mage
The Coronavirus ain't shit. All these people buying out the TP and bottled water are sheep. This bug is less communicable than Sars and really only kills old people, though a paltry few exceptions exist. I thought potheads were supposed to be mellow :p

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