#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
I have a cherry blossom seedling in the mothers hunt looks viable to survive but it’s not going in my rdwc or
Flowflex. Those are Christmas trees
Which require more than a 10th of a acre to grow outside with a license and full regulatory review it’s a AG product. I was gonna try to scrog
But let’s see if it gets to veg. 🤨☝


Tegrity Greenthumb
Also what precautions can i take?
Diatemecous earth help?View attachment 40757
How are you watering. ? Was something grown in that? Sometimes with heavy all at once watering the salts will leach out the sides and collect. That could be what your seeing there. Me and my roommate had our own 6 and he would just dump water with a jug and his pots looked horrible.


LED Recruiter


Hobby Farmer
I went through the seed hoard....pulling out my questionable sex seed bingo seeds.. Then i organized it like a baseball card collection...

The Wedding Dub i have shows Wedding Cake X A-Dub 60-70 days.

And this week i started i popped 2 purple punch...then 4 dub step...then 5 heathen hammers...6 nigerian grannies...

Whatever shows up a whole pack is going in.....i need a sack of rapid rooters STAT!

Its not a plant until i determine its a plant...I cant count past 20...take your pick.


Transcendental Humanist, AnCap & Weed Enthusiast
exactly. I'm still making beginner mistakes. Fml. I'll get this envorpment straightened out. I think the cold at night kwpt the plants I jave going now squatty and more susceptible to pm againnnnn. Anyway I dont wanna clog this thread but I need some traffic HMU @ http://chuckersparadise.com/threads/mid-flower-pm.1137/page-2
If you’re getting PM you have the right conditions for it — gotta be under 70F and above 65% for any real risk. Also means you don’t have enough air movement. Get a dehumidifier my dude.