West Coast Chronicles


I like the way you think! I have one of those elevated tray stands with light hanger and extensions, it is quite an addiction but rewarding at the same time.
I was actually looking at the tray stand for the 2x4. The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger yet is I need to take and compare some measurements so I know how much available grow space I'd have. I believe it said 18" from the bottom bar. So I also need to see if I can find an adequately large enough tote for the resevoir when I go to Home Depot. If I find a good tote, and the distance between the top tray and lights measure up, that's what I plan to run. The 2x4 is trickier since I'm only dealing with a 60" vertical. The main flower tent will be much easier to accommodate the changeover.


I was actually looking at the tray stand for the 2x4. The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger yet is I need to take and compare some measurements so I know how much available grow space I'd have. I believe it said 18" from the bottom bar. So I also need to see if I can find an adequately large enough tote for the resevoir when I go to Home Depot. If I find a good tote, and the distance between the top tray and lights measure up, that's what I plan to run. The 2x4 is trickier since I'm only dealing with a 60" vertical. The main flower tent will be much easier to accommodate the changeover.
That’s the one I have. It’s excellent and I’ve used it before but was when I dedicated a whole room for growing but have since downsized to a tent etc. hopefully I’ll be able to go a bit bigger again someday. It’s nice because it brings things up so you don’t have to hunch or kneel. Height restrictions are an issue with it though. It’s great for veg!


I was actually debating something somewhat similar but simpler for this dummy. I was thinking about a simple bulkhead connection connecting the two totes. Essentially just marrying them together to make one tote in essence. (Similar to RDWC) Then my meter could remain in the current tote. My thinking is the water would then me intermingled and should be the same. I just wonder if the readings would still be accurate for both totes. Or would I need to manually push water between them to get an accurate reading? Maybe I'm over thinking it.


I was actually debating something somewhat similar but simpler for this dummy. I was thinking about a simple bulkhead connection connecting the two totes. Essentially just marrying them together to make one tote in essence. (Similar to RDWC) Then my meter could remain in the current tote. My thinking is the water would then me intermingled and should be the same. I just wonder if the readings would still be accurate for both totes. Or would I need to manually push water between them to get an accurate reading? Maybe I'm over thinking it.
In my RDWC if I make adjustments in the epi bucket it takes at least 5 min to get a decent read. If the pump is off it would take forever (if ever) for all buckets to be the same.
Without using a constant recirculating pump, I think you could hook up a drill pump on a teed off part to circulate all the water to get em mixed up. Use same drill pump to purge water for change outs.


I made an additional tote and split the plants up. They were already getting to crowded in one tote. There is also a lot of developing root mass in the tray. I wanted to protect them from the light so I added some Hydroton to the tray as well to cover them up. This will also give them more to anchor into.

God O War

Moontang Mystery

16 days in the F&D and their stalks are already bulking up nicely.



New roots just keep on coming


I miss-understood.
The drawing is perpertual oriented, it allows one monitor to service three different res's

You can start in one, boom in another and ripen and flush in the third. All with one metre.

Hell, go nuts and build 8 totes ( one for each week )
One falls off every week,,, a new one falls into place.
Managing res ppm would be a breeze,
Tattoo the week # and the recipie right on the bin.
Bin #4 would be week four, and pre-built stock solution could recharge the res.
To point -
This could all be run off one meter.

I am just rambling now, typing is much more convenient than plumbing.