#Heisenbeans Genetics


I get too many emails, if there’s a way to only receive notifications from one sender, coming through the gmail app on iOS, I don’t know it and couldn’t figure it out. The best I could find is "high priority only" but then I get notifications for anything that has a filter created for it.
You can open another gmail account....then write a filter in the original account which will forward the GPS mail there.


@yougrowyourway - Did you read the description I left on the latest BBC I posted. I edited it when I saw I just put pics only. Very banana, spice and berry. It checked all the boxes...................oh wait thats what H always says....right :alien::sleep:

You guys have shit tons of seeds. I have 3 packs left from what H sent me and what I purchased later on. Space Gorilla in 2 weeks!
I picked up a good amount of h gear in the very very beginning. But I have many others beans and my own chucks to get back to here soon my next Heisen gear will be ecsd s1 but I probably won’t get around to it until spring maybe next fall even but by then who knows what might drop those plans could change. Most of this winter will have H gear going


Well shit man thank you for the response. With a answer like that I guess I can get behind it but did they need to add all those filters imho it makes them look fake like most here we just know weed doesn’t look like play dough
Another way to look at it is how are you going to have pix of the end result when the cross is just now being made? The exact same thing happened back in March and it was all fire. So people shouldnt worry about it.


Super Active Member
I could not wait on for Black Friday on these last 2 . Thankyou HB got the pmac1 and p dosi dos . I also really needed and enjoyed your mother strains video dude that was a HB growers epic . I notice the big salt stain from drops of micro while mixing the gh for seedling and took your info on the video of dyna gro clean nutrients saw the originator on YouTube ordered a home kit I hate salt ! 2019 sure ended with a big purple drop. I look forward to your much success with
Chucking the blue dream pollen.


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