The Upward Spyral


The ET finger would work great. 😉
Here's what I look for. At the main stem nodes first is where they'll show up.
Little tiny mini cabbage looking spots. Rounded with a very short stem. When opening they kinda look like a little claw type shape. Those are the balls.
Girls will be tight to the stem and teardropped shaped. With a white hair that'll come out when farther along.
They do look similar when first arriving, but will show if you can see well enough, or get a good zoom.
I often use my camera to get a good focused shot, then zoom in to have a look.
Camera doesn't wanna focus very well unless I give it something bigger to focus in on. Like a fingertip next to the preflowers. Lol
Thanks Jesse. Not sure how I missed this post but very informative. Will check again tonight.


Opus Herba
Thank you guys. Very limited experience running regs amd we've had almost all females so it's been difficult to tell. Will keep looking, hopefully they're showing more now after a few days. Want to be for sure before culling. How late can you go before it can be detrimental to the tent?
You can let them run well into their flower cycle. Definitely long enough to clearly identify the sex. I don't know how long needed before separation if you're planning on fully developing the flowers. The only ones I've allowed to go that far were forced female pollen flowers and had no intent on separating.
Thank you guys. Very limited experience running regs amd we've had almost all females so it's been difficult to tell. Will keep looking, hopefully they're showing more now after a few days. Want to be for sure before culling. How late can you go before it can be detrimental to the tent?
You can let them run well into their flower cycle. Definitely long enough to clearly identify the sex. I don't know how long needed before separation if you're planning on fully developing the flowers. The only ones I've allowed to go that far were forced female pollen flowers and had no intent on separating.
I was going to say if you want to get can run well into flower, but after a certain point you’re playing with a loaded gun. You’ll have plenty of time to identify sex before needing to worry about seeding plants.


Thank you guys. Very limited experience running regs amd we've had almost all females so it's been difficult to tell. Will keep looking, hopefully they're showing more now after a few days. Want to be for sure before culling. How late can you go before it can be detrimental to the tent?
Yup, seems to have been covered. You’ll be good waiting for solid confirmation. 👍🏼


I’m hoping to get into my tent tonight and hopefully have time to scope them. Most should be able to come out and go into the dark room for a couple of days before chop. I only had time for one tray last night and they all got moved into the dark room. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I already have another six plants dried and ready to be shucked for more seeds.


I’m hoping to get into my tent tonight and hopefully have time to scope them. Most should be able to come out and go into the dark room for a couple of days before chop. I only had time for one tray last night and they all got moved into the dark room. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I already have another six plants dried and ready to be shucked for more seeds.
Do you use a green light? Which strains are you shucking again?


Looks like we found some dudes

Black Abyss #1



Black Abyss #4


Black Abyss #1 (first 3 pics) 75% sure. Black Abyss #4 (last 2 pics) 90% sure.

Didn't see anything on the other plants yet, but they appear to be female so far. Some have hairs.
This kinda puts the volcano seed theory in the questionable realm again. I did plant some that weren't nice round volcanoes, they were more angled and the opening wasn't as pronounced. Either way, I will still continue with going for volcanoes for a few more runs to see if my ratio of female to male is more favorable.


Damn! I been waiting on your update man. Sorry to see guy parts but it’s part of it. They sure look healthy! I got my phylex gear soaking as we speak so I can drop them in the totes this weekend after a quick cleaning and reset. Fingers crossed I get some ladies. Either way it’s all fun. When I tested for Red I had a couple sin city juice dampen off and one stunt and do nothing and the one that took off was a dude. Oh well, I got pollen off it because I want to dust something with it, just not sure what. Hope all is well🍻✌🏻


Damn! I been waiting on your update man. Sorry to see guy parts but it’s part of it. They sure look healthy! I got my phylex gear soaking as we speak so I can drop them in the totes this weekend after a quick cleaning and reset. Fingers crossed I get some ladies. Either way it’s all fun. When I tested for Red I had a couple sin city juice dampen off and one stunt and do nothing and the one that took off was a dude. Oh well, I got pollen off it because I want to dust something with it, just not sure what. Hope all is well🍻✌🏻
Awesome man can't wait to see em up and running. These plants are strong for sure. Both structure and smell. So you see guy parts for sure then too? At least the second set of pics. Sucks about not getting a fem on red's man.


Yes, I see the guy parts on both. The second plant is more pronounced but the other is headed that way. I always let them go until I’m 100% but not dusting everything or even close. Yeah, no gals for me on the sin city run. I didn’t bust them all because I was just getting back in my groove so I have two more to try for a fine lady. Then I can dust it with sin city pollen and make f1 seeds. Red was kind enough to give his blessings if I end up lucky enough to get to that point. It’ll also be my first pollen chuck. It’s cool how it all started here!


Looks like we found some dudes

Black Abyss #1
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Black Abyss #4
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Black Abyss #1 (first 3 pics) 75% sure. Black Abyss #4 (last 2 pics) 90% sure.

Didn't see anything on the other plants yet, but they appear to be female so far. Some have hairs.
This kinda puts the volcano seed theory in the questionable realm again. I did plant some that weren't nice round volcanoes, they were more angled and the opening wasn't as pronounced. Either way, I will still continue with going for volcanoes for a few more runs to see if my ratio of female to male is more favorable.
They’re both male.
Are you noticing any distinct differences between the two? BA4’s balls intrigue me a bit in your pic. I keep zooming in on them. If it were here, I’d probably grow it out some more and continuing watching for other district expressions. Then decide if it was worth collecting pollen from. (Isolated of course)


They’re both male.
Are you noticing any distinct differences between the two? BA4’s balls intrigue me a bit in your pic. I keep zooming in on them. If it were here, I’d probably grow it out some more and continuing watching for other district expressions. Then decide if it was worth collecting pollen from. (Isolated of course)
Funny I never thought I'd be zooming in on balls 😄
Yes. I noticed a difference right away both in structure and balls. They look like heavy duty balls (lol) More developed than the other. Idk how I'm going to keep it isolated long enough to collect pollen. They're in the house right now catching stray 24 hr light from the clones. Maybe I can save it long enough to deliver to you. Heavy duty balls courier. Now I've heard it all.


Think we found some balls on Punch Buggy #3 🙁 (start week 3 of flower tomorrow)




How many is too many if deciding on whether to pick them off or yank the plant? There were at least 5 then we stopped looking. Not sure how long they've been there but there was a huge stretch of 4" or so overnight so not sure if they appeared then. Hope it hasn't already pollinated something 😬

It was turning out real nice too :confused:
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Think we found some balls on Punch Buggy #3 🙁 (start week 3 of flower tomorrow)
View attachment 25392

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View attachment 25395

How many is too many if deciding on whether to pick them off or yank the plant? There were at least 5 then we stopped looking. Not sure how long they've been there but there was a huge stretch of 4" or so overnight so not sure if they appeared then. Hope it hasn't already pollinated something 😬

View attachment 25396
It was turning out real nice too :confused:
That fucking sucks bro! Pluck them shits and see what happens maybe🤷🏼‍♂️ Either that or pluck the whole thing. Damn!


Think we found some balls on Punch Buggy #3 🙁 (start week 3 of flower tomorrow)
View attachment 25392

View attachment 25393

View attachment 25394

View attachment 25395

How many is too many if deciding on whether to pick them off or yank the plant? There were at least 5 then we stopped looking. Not sure how long they've been there but there was a huge stretch of 4" or so overnight so not sure if they appeared then. Hope it hasn't already pollinated something 😬

View attachment 25396
It was turning out real nice too :confused:
Those arent even close to pollenating anything so I wouldnt worry about that aspect. A couple balls in early flower isnt any reason to chop a plant down IMO. Pick em off and let er rip. Culling them may be a consideration if they continually keep coming back though.


Those arent even close to pollenating anything so I wouldnt worry about that aspect. A couple balls in early flower isnt any reason to chop a plant down IMO. Pick em off and let er rip. Culling them may be a consideration if they continually keep coming back though.
There are more than a couple though. At least 5 different spots so far. At what point do you draw the like?