#Heisenbeans Genetics

Been awhile since I posted, been working 2 jobs so I barely have time to take care of the garden, much less post about it. Popped 2 GG4'S and 2 Adubs. 1 Adub was a mutant and ended up dying when I couldn't make it to the garden for a couple days.

Currently got the remaining 3 in flower at almost 5 weeks now. So far the one GG4 is the most vigorous plant I've grown yet, love the her structure and stem rub, very gassy with hint of chocolate/coffee in the background.

Forgive my shitty blurple, and not super impressive plants I'm a broke noob bastard haha. 20190714_204202.jpg

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Been awhile since I posted, been working 2 jobs so I barely have time to take care of the garden, much less post about it. Popped 2 GG4'S and 2 Adubs. 1 Adub was a mutant and ended up dying when I couldn't make it to the garden for a couple days.

Currently got the remaining 3 in flower at almost 5 weeks now. So far the one GG4 is the most vigorous plant I've grown yet, love the her structure and stem rub, very gassy with hint of chocolate/coffee in the background.

Forgive my shitty blurple, and not super impressive plants I'm a broke noob bastard haha. View attachment 14100
She’s looking good. 👍


Mediocre grower
I chopped bridezilla right around 8 weeks. Sooner than I wanted but it was necessary. And i already got another, SMALLER cut of it in flower now that I am gonna let go longer... I may need to expand😂

This is probably my highest yielding single plant yet. I borrowed a buddies scales the other day and realized I am yielding way more than I thought. I always thought a jar was about an ounce, it's definitely more!

Getting a strong grapefruit and paint thinner smell now, but it's changing a lot, so I'll let ya know after curing. Sorry i'm not that great at taking pics.


Insanely Active Member
Here's those pics I forgot last night. Got into the scissor hash after finishing up some trimming lol.

As you can see, the canopy is gonna end up too big for this light, but I'm gonna get some parts ordered tonight for another light and hopefully I get them by the weekend so I can flip next week.


Bridezilla #1. This one is a couple inches taller, with less vigorous side branching

Bridezilla #2. I think I like the structure on this one a bit more so far. A bit shorter than #1 with more vigorous side branching

Top view of both

GMO x adub

After I took these I pulled clones of everything, and topped the bridezillas. I'm gonna get everything all lollipoped later tonight, or tomorrow so I have less to do when it gets time to flip.


Really Active Member
Here's those pics I forgot last night. Got into the scissor hash after finishing up some trimming lol.

As you can see, the canopy is gonna end up too big for this light, but I'm gonna get some parts ordered tonight for another light and hopefully I get them by the weekend so I can flip next week.

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Bridezilla #1. This one is a couple inches taller, with less vigorous side branching
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Bridezilla #2. I think I like the structure on this one a bit more so far. A bit shorter than #1 with more vigorous side branching
View attachment 14185

Top view of both
View attachment 14186

GMO x adub
View attachment 14187
View attachment 14188

After I took these I pulled clones of everything, and topped the bridezillas. I'm gonna get everything all lollipoped later tonight, or tomorrow so I have less to do when it gets time to flip.
are you sure there is not enough room. looks like you have plenty of head space? great job, by the way. looking good.


I'm talking horizontal space. The light that's hanging really only covers a 2x4 for flower
if that is the 260 watt quantum boad kit it says 3x3 for flower. I have 2 kits in a 4x4 and it rocks it to no end. I have the v2 lights and am going to get the new boards that just came out with the far red in them now, but they are $79.00 each on sale and I need 4 of them.


Insanely Active Member
if that is the 260 watt quantum boad kit it says 3x3 for flower. I have 2 kits in a 4x4 and it rocks it to no end. I have the v2 lights and am going to get the new boards that just came out with the far red in them now, but they are $79.00 each on sale and I need 4 of them.
It's 4 qb132's on a hlg-240h-c1750a. Think I'm gonna grab a couple 288 boards and a driver from Atreum for the other side so I don't have to play the who's got what in stock game


Insanely Active Member
That's basically the same setup as mine but 2 heatsinks and drivers. But I have the v2 boards before the c
Rspec. I'm wanting to upgrade to the Rspec . I guess I'll just ket the other boards as a backup or build another light for someone.
I actually wanted 4 5k v2 boards but they were out of stock. Literally until 2 days after my build was complete. So rspec It is.


Super Active Member
Black Zafiro to the left and Bridezilla to the right. Pic is day 22 of 12/12.
Both have been a pleasure to grow. Black Zafiro was a beast in veg, and now since 12/12, Bridezilla is the beast.
Went through a heat wave at same time we flipped. I think it affected the Black Zafiro some, but the Bridezilla shrugged it off like a champ!
Did any of you guys who ran her take note when she slowed on her stretch?
Today is day 24 and no sign of slowing down. Starting to worry a smidge about head room. lol.
Good problem to have though.