Eso's tester comp!


Shinobi of seeds
Also, to all the folks I sent out a row call to, you can give me your address in PM too if that is easier for you guys. I just figured email to keep things in one place but it don't matter.

Also, please include your username here on the site so I know who is who. Cheers and thanks.

I'll be releasing the names of the crosses this weekend, the big reveal!!


Shinobi of seeds
First thing first, all 5 oj#1 x gs popped and all 5 lvtk x gs popped. I put them in paper towels thursday night at like 10 pm pacific time. Some have tails but all hac=ve cracked open and would normally be headed for soil or coco. Unfortunately these seeds will be trashed, no time to run them right now. But July 29 12 more will hit the napkin to start my test run!
oj#1 x gs
Lvtk x gs, the two pales on the side were just to see how pale is too pale. I'd never include seeds like those in a pack but just wanted to see if they'd pop. They didn't so I cracked them manually and will see if they spring to life.

The the names of the strains you'll be running are... Welchie, orange berry smoothie and dyno berry bites!

The name welchie is a play on the lvtk (high lander cut), the nickname I gave my lvtk. Any true fan of Futurama knows exactly where I got the name idea from...


The orangeberry smoothie will be called ob smooth in most cases to be lazy mainly, lol. Cheers and I'll get those packs together for you cats and hopefully ship them out monday or tuesday!!!



First thing first, all 5 oj#1 x gs popped and all 5 lvtk x gs popped. I put them in paper towels thursday night at like 10 pm pacific time. Some have tails but all hac=ve cracked open and would normally be headed for soil or coco. Unfortunately these seeds will be trashed, no time to run them right now. But July 29 12 more will hit the napkin to start my test run!
oj#1 x gs
View attachment 13940
Lvtk x gs, the two pales on the side were just to see how pale is too pale. I'd never include seeds like those in a pack but just wanted to see if they'd pop. They didn't so I cracked them manually and will see if they spring to life.
View attachment 13941

The the names of the strains you'll be running are... Welchie, orange berry smoothie and dyno berry bites!
View attachment 13938

The name welchie is a play on the lvtk (high lander cut), the nickname I gave my lvtk. Any true fan of Futurama knows exactly where I got the name idea from...

View attachment 13939

The orangeberry smoothie will be called ob smooth in most cases to be lazy mainly, lol. Cheers and I'll get those packs together for you cats and hopefully ship them out monday or tuesday!!!

Them gold packs 🔥🔥🔥

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
First thing first, all 5 oj#1 x gs popped and all 5 lvtk x gs popped. I put them in paper towels thursday night at like 10 pm pacific time. Some have tails but all hac=ve cracked open and would normally be headed for soil or coco. Unfortunately these seeds will be trashed, no time to run them right now. But July 29 12 more will hit the napkin to start my test run!
oj#1 x gs
View attachment 13940
Lvtk x gs, the two pales on the side were just to see how pale is too pale. I'd never include seeds like those in a pack but just wanted to see if they'd pop. They didn't so I cracked them manually and will see if they spring to life.
View attachment 13941

The the names of the strains you'll be running are... Welchie, orange berry smoothie and dyno berry bites!
View attachment 13938

The name welchie is a play on the lvtk (high lander cut), the nickname I gave my lvtk. Any true fan of Futurama knows exactly where I got the name idea from...

View attachment 13939

The orangeberry smoothie will be called ob smooth in most cases to be lazy mainly, lol. Cheers and I'll get those packs together for you cats and hopefully ship them out monday or tuesday!!!

Love the gold packaging as well
There’s gonna be some fire to be found in those packs 🔥🔥🔥

Amos Otis


Shinobi of seeds
They're packed up and ready! I'll go get the appropriate stamps tomorrow and drop them in the post!!!

Folks in the States should get them later this week. The couple of folks north of the border it shouldn't be too much longer than that but you know how them borders work sometimes.

Cheers I'll let you guys know if I can't get to the post office tomorrow but should be all good.


Shinobi of seeds
***A heads up for folks receiving testers***

They'll come in corrugated plastic that has 3 qtips in each end. Those qtips are holding in the 5-6 beans of each strain.

So as this pic shows, I put all oj#1 (ob smooth) beans on the top, blkbry b dog (dyno berry bites) is in the middle, and welchie (lvtk) is on the bottom.

Just remove one qtip at a time so you don't mix up the beans. You will be able to see through the slots of the plastic to be sure all beans are out. Some of the lvtk beans were rather plump!
So basically, just pull one qtip on the row labeled bb (it's the black dog) and then dump out the beans (5-6) and then move on to the next row. Just make sure to separate them because it'll be easy to mix them up if you don't, trust me I know, lol.


Hobby Farmer
I am going to run the dyno berry bytes and orangeberry smoothie right off the hop. Veg and stabilze some roots for 2 weeks and right in the bloom room.
They will start under a 315 CMH and go wherever they fit !
I am really STOKED to run these. I love cultivating my favorite trees and grape and orange flavors is right up my alley.

But I wanted it to be Grorange Foolius but hey maybe next time :D